
Successful American Education

Good Essays

Success is everyone’s ultimate goal. In today’s day and age, every country wants in the fight to become the best of the best. This mindset of becoming the superlative holds a lot of value to a country’s leaders, as they believe it will lead them and their people to be the front-runners of the world. Education has long been an area in which countries feel indicates how successful they are and will be. As a result, educators continue to use a variety of methods to ensure that their country’s children are receiving a superior education. While many are aware of the educational system in Japan or the United States, France continues its fight to offer the best schooling in the world. In hopes to achieve this objective, French educators have …show more content…

Even though France’s education system may not have the reputation of Japan’s or South Korea’s, it is on the right track of helping prepare children for a successful adult life. My favorite feature of the French education system is the fact that every child has access to a free pre-school education. Pre-school is essential for our children, as it sets them up for success in primary school and it helps them adapt to what schooling is like before it becomes more “serious”. Additionally, aside from the educational aspect, it is great for parents as it ensures that their children have a place to go while they are at work. Another aspect that I liked was how students are given a specific path of study to focus on while still in secondary school. I think this can help students determine at a younger age, where they see their lives going as they merge into adulthood. However, I feel that students should choose their own path of study, in order to better motivate them and have them better value their education. Additionally, I thought the process of selecting and paying teachers is very reasonable and beneficial to students. By enforcing such strict policies to become a teacher and awarding teachers an above-average salary, we can ensure that only the most-qualified people are around our children. Finally, I feel that the five-day school week would be of better benefit to students. Not only would a five-day school week better prepare students for the real world, but it will better balance out the curriculum and their co-curricular activities. However, I believe that it is what students are learning that will make a difference in their lives as opposed to how or when they learn it. As the debate continues on the “proper” way to educate the children of the world, educators will continue to apply

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