Summary: The growing diversity within organizations has made it crucial for managers to mentor their employees as a “tool to nurture and grow these individual” (Bailey & Cervero, 2002). The Successful mentoring of these individuals also translates into positive outcomes for organizational initiatives. Nonetheless, the cultural characteristics of this diverse population has also made it harder to understand how to properly mentor these employees. Mentoring across cultures boundaries is an “especially delicate dance that juxtaposes group norms and societal pressures and expectations with individual personality traits” (Bailey & Cervero, 2002). The following areas of focus are crucial building blocks for a successful cross-cultural mentoring …show more content…
The mentoring relationship also allows for both parties to acquire feedback from the opposing employee’s cultural group and should be performance or work related. This feedback is important in discovering deficiencies in reputation or credibility, and making adjustments for them, or reinforcing any positive actions that have built these two traits. Following is the use of mentoring in order for employees to build relationships and foster effective multicultural teams. Mentoring employees is an area that involves cultural characteristics, gender, sexual orientation, or social class. The differences or similarities in the preceding subgroups verify the need for employees to build on good relationships in order for the mentoring relationships to work. For example; if a manager is not sensitive to the characteristics of a LGBT employee, misunderstandings can arise both in and out of the organization that hinder or crumble the mentoring initiative. This also applies to the LGBT being insensitive to the cultural characteristics of his/her manger and the organization. Having “successful relationships with others allows employees to bring additional resources to their jobs” and the reason why relationships with others is “important to career success”. There are several benefits in for both the supervisor and mentor in attaining a successful relationship.
Mentoring involves a manager passing on his/her knowledge and expertise to an employee. Typically, the employee has a mentor who is at management level but not directly involved in his or her work area, so that issue s can be discussed in an impartial and confidential manner.
Mentoring involves the trainee being paired with more experienced employee. This is a good way to train employees as they are able to carry out the tasks that they would be performing if they were really doing the job. The mentor is there to assist the employee if they have any problems. William Hill can implement this type of training as a means for the employ that feel less confident within the workplace to gain a higher self esteem level. Having someone they feel comfortable with would make them work better and they can adapt interactive skills with that person, enabling them to use it on others.
An advantage of mentoring is that it helps to acclimatise less successful workers to the job and organisational requirements. By having a "go to" person to ask questions, discuss scenarios and generally learn the nuances of the company, the mentee can become a productive member much more quickly and never feel that he has nowhere to turn for help. The mentee can gain the sense of achievement that comes from the mentor's feedback and assessment of his progress. The mentee's quest to gain the mentor's approval can serve as a motivating force to continue to improve his performance. The mentor can gain satisfaction from knowing that she is helping an individual and can take a measure of pride in her accomplishments. For a mentor that has already achieved a great deal of success, she can look at the process as a way of "giving back”.
Mentors are influential, senior organizational members with advanced experience and knowledge committed to providing perception to a mentee’s career development. A mentor supports a mentee’s views of self within a work role as well as it supports the mentor’s sense of self for the valuable wisdom and experience they have to share.
"Mentoring is a special quality, skill set and attitude," she says. "The benefits are not only between the mentor and mentee, but the future generations."
The workplace of today involves interactions among people from four different generations often causing much conflict for leaders and organizations. Each generation represented has its own set of different values and beliefs. These differences can easily lead to conflicting barriers within the workplace. This can pose a significant problem for those in leadership. In order to combat this issue, leaders and organizations can effectively deal with these issues by offering different programs such as executive mentoring, town hall meetings, and leadership seminars for those in leadership.
Identify and evaluate the key factors which influence the effectiveness and strength of a mentoring relationship.
Over time, organizations have adapted and refined the way that mentoring is used in their companies. For example, mentors now help the person to solve problems, navigate through the culture at a company and even advance their career. This, in turn, will create a person that is ready to lead and manage.
Implementing a strong mentoring program that fosters individual and personal growth within the company is vital for the future of this firm. This includes setting up and maintaining a mentoring program. The mentoring program will be set up with individuals from all levels of achievement, that are willing to devote a portion of their time to the firm’s prosperity.
Mentoring for the mentor is about challenging himself to perform to greater capabilities while nurturing a mentee and stretching them to realise their full potential. Mentors counsel, tutor and guide their mentees in developing themselves.
In today’s society there are many culturally diverse people in the workforce. Most organizations can no longer make the assumption that every employee has similar beliefs or expectations. When entering into the global marketplace, people are considered one of the most valuable resources to an organization’s success. A well-managed culturally diverse workforce has the potential to thrive if managed correctly; or if mismanaged, there can be devastating negative attributes. With great expectations, culturally diverse employees can foster positive outcomes in the workplace. A company’s acknowledgement to embrace diversity and change, and implement the value of management techniques are
Mentorship is very important in the workplace especially in the area of training and development. The mentor-protégé relationship is a much needed relationship that begins in the early career stage and this relationship involves the current or new employees and the supervisor or other colleagues that provide work-related guidance. The relationship itself is comprehensive and involves “educational, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual development” (Greenhaus,, Callanan, & Godshalk, 2010, p 211). One of the initial task of the early career the establishment of the career field which involves the gaining of the workplace competence, learn what is needed to excel in the organization, and to gain acceptance in the workplace to be recognized as the valued employee. There are many ways of achieving the above mentioned advantages in the workplace which one main method is through the use of the mentorship program.
Mentoring and on-the-job training of less skilled workers through courses, assistant programs, and continuing education programs may even the gap between different employees. However, it is important to recognize potential and use the skills already at hand to create a more efficient team environment where each member’s contribution carries some value and contributes to the organization’s goals. Economic status is as important an issue as is education. Various employees come from different economic background. Their views and manners may differ, along with their expectations and motivations in daily routine and overall purpose. Nevertheless, they have to work together. There are potential problems and differences of conduct, motivation, and initiative. Managers have to get to know their people and develop ways of using their differences for the benefit of the organization. The focus should be on the positive aspects of individuals, and on merging the best qualities people have to form effective teams. Managing conflict is also very important. One thing managers should recognize is that there will always be a potential for conflict and their job is to intervene and resolve diversity issues early and quickly. Statistics show the extent of diversity in the workplace. “Eighty-five percent of those currently entering the American workforce are minorities and
With the development of the more organic and less formal organisational structures the role of mentors has shifted with these changes. Unlike previously where mentors where seen as formal trainers who taught newcomers the processes and got them acquainted with the cultures and the systems within the organisation. Which required good interpersonal skills and a good knowledge of the activity or tasks the mentee would have to undertake, and be able to effectively relay or demonstrate the tasks or activities to the mentee. As opposed to more recently where a mentor would have to be more of an emotional counselor and demonstrate more skills than were traditionally required from
In this chapter, it will provide an overview of the literature that has been included in this proposed study. The literature used in this chapter was developed and reviewed by various articles, books, magazines, website journals, and peer reviewed articles on management, mentoring, global leadership, global management, and millennial leadership.