
Successfully Mentoring of Empolyees on the Growth of Diversity

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Summary: The growing diversity within organizations has made it crucial for managers to mentor their employees as a “tool to nurture and grow these individual” (Bailey & Cervero, 2002). The Successful mentoring of these individuals also translates into positive outcomes for organizational initiatives. Nonetheless, the cultural characteristics of this diverse population has also made it harder to understand how to properly mentor these employees. Mentoring across cultures boundaries is an “especially delicate dance that juxtaposes group norms and societal pressures and expectations with individual personality traits” (Bailey & Cervero, 2002). The following areas of focus are crucial building blocks for a successful cross-cultural mentoring …show more content…

The mentoring relationship also allows for both parties to acquire feedback from the opposing employee’s cultural group and should be performance or work related. This feedback is important in discovering deficiencies in reputation or credibility, and making adjustments for them, or reinforcing any positive actions that have built these two traits. Following is the use of mentoring in order for employees to build relationships and foster effective multicultural teams. Mentoring employees is an area that involves cultural characteristics, gender, sexual orientation, or social class. The differences or similarities in the preceding subgroups verify the need for employees to build on good relationships in order for the mentoring relationships to work. For example; if a manager is not sensitive to the characteristics of a LGBT employee, misunderstandings can arise both in and out of the organization that hinder or crumble the mentoring initiative. This also applies to the LGBT being insensitive to the cultural characteristics of his/her manger and the organization. Having “successful relationships with others allows employees to bring additional resources to their jobs” and the reason why relationships with others is “important to career success”. There are several benefits in for both the supervisor and mentor in attaining a successful relationship.

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