
Suddenly I Became Me Research Paper

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Suddenly I Became Me

When I was younger, I went through a series of odd phases. Odd in the sense that even I fail to see the connection between them and I’m the one that experiencedthem. One moment, I wanted to be the world’s fastest baseball player and in the next I wanted to be a “radical” or “mad gnarly” skateboarder. But I rarely decided these things on my own; it was usually someone else who started me on my different paths to greatness. When I was about six or seven, I had troubles sleeping and my dad believed he had the perfect remedy, the panacea for what ailed me; a terrifying science book about deep sea life complete with 3D glasses and imagery. Pops didn’t expect me to enjoy the book as much as I did. In fact, he hadn’t planned on staying up an extra hour listing off the facts about the elusive and mysterious Goblin Shark to appease my appetite for knowledge. For years afterwards I wanted so desperately to explore the Earth’s oceans in its entirety and learn all I could possibly learn about the secrets lurking in their inky depths. That was, until I discovered the joys of baseball. …show more content…

Sports never interested me much but my dad wanted me to at least try baseball when I was about ten or eleven. I detested the idea but I agreed to attending one practice to see if I liked it. Surprise, I didn’t. I loved it! Nothing gave me as big a rush as stealing home or hitting that rubberand cork ball clear across the baseball field. I was fast, faster than anyone on the planet, I used to think. I was unstoppable. Baseball was all I ever wanted to do with my life, I even wanted to go to college for free with a baseball scholarship and study marine biology; grand plans for a ten year old. But even that changed one fateful

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