I'm finished. Every other student is still deep in concentration on his or her work, but none of them appear anywhere near done. I glance down at my watch; eighteen minutes remain to finish the worksheet.
As I wait for time to pass, my eyes slip closed and my imagination wanders. My mind knows no boundaries and every thought that passes through it is given plenty of consideration. With all the time I have in class to myself, I have created in my mind a fantasy that never fails to amuse me. I begin a journey through my mind, searching for a trace of the fantasy so I can resume its creation....
“Would you like your Sudoku book?” Startled, I open my eyes to see my teacher hovering beside me. Subconsciously, my hand reaches out for the book; my teacher places it in my hand and walks away. I stare blankly at the book and feel myself wishing that I hadn't finished the worksheet yet. Then I wouldn't have to do Sudoku for the millionth time this year. Or maybe my teacher could start giving me harder work like my second-grade teacher always gave me.
“Are you okay?” I look up from the Sudoku book, which I suddenly realize is still closed, to see the girl sitting next to me peering at me questioningly. I nod at her and she resumes working. Settingthe Sudoku book aside, I decide to storm up to my teacher; I can't do
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Maybe I could start reading books regularly. I had always been told that I was a strong reader. Regaining some faith in my teacher, I let her guide me over to the bookshelves and listened to her talk about how there were so many great books to read. Once we reach the bookshelves, I stand there in awe. I have never once glanced over here before. The shelves are packed with books, each one looking a little different that another. I pick a few up, looking them over to discern what each one is about. Before I finish reading over the fourth book's summary, I make myself a promise: I will read every one of these
The Spanish Conquer The conquer of the Aztec Empire is viewed as a bloody battle. The Aztec Empire had placed trust in the Spaniards, but were overthrown by their allies. The thought of greed and disbelief created the distrust. The three ways of success that contributed to the Spanish conquest of Aztec Empire in the early 1500s began with the trustworthy relationship between the two leaders Moctezuma and Cortez, the trust began to falter with the Spanish due to the thought of losing everything if the alliance diminishes, and then the defeat of the Aztec Empire was very brutal and savage.
Athens was Democraticless Democracy can be defined as the power of the people. For example, America is a democracy. Athens claimed to be a democracy. Based on recorded speeches and the Athenian Constitution they did not favor the people. In some ways they did, but there is credible evidence showing Athens was not a democracy. There are statistics, facts, and examples. For instance, in a speech by Aristotle, he states, the citizens had to vote a new citizen. Voting is unjust based on citizens unfair judgments. If the potential citizen is declined citizenship, he must have a trail. If the citizen loses, he is then sold as an Athenian slave. Both of those laws do not favor the people. It is very easy for current citizens to mistreat the system.
My mind can never be quieted. I am constantly thinking of moments or ideas or fantasies. What is all this dreaming worth if I cannot share it with the world? That is why I have gone on a quest to find an outlet for my thoughts. It has not been a process that has been traversed with ease, but through this journey, I have found many pastimes that have helped form my thoughts and beliefs.
Most people go about their business, especially in a classroom. Some students have their faces buried in paperwork, some have their headphones on, some dozing off, or chatting with a friend. Most times it’s just a quiet room with blank stares waiting for the teacher to arrive. Usually when people’s eyes meet, especially
I knew there was no way I could finish my homework because I simply did not understand it. Nevertheless, my dad did not care if it was confusing to me; he would not allow me to leave the house until I had finished all my work. I slumped in my seat thinking of what I would be missing, but then I came up with a plan. I thought I had to choose between one or the other, but I realized that I could use my friends’ help since they were in the same class as me. Surely, they could help me finish my homework.
For some reason, I start the conversation every day, even though I know how it will end, maybe it’s because he is easy on the eyes. Unfortunately almost as often as my conversation, I am disgraced at for making small talk. I like all people do not like being impressed, and having happen in front of you know who, only makes it worse. As the teacher remarks on my “unfortunate” behavior, I can't help but notice my head lowers. Upon the completion of her speech I fight back tears. I sit, sloughing, ankles crossed, with my hands in my lap for what feels like hours, really only five minutes. Then, just as I begin the work, I hear “Fifteen more minutes!” I think to myself how did a hour long class come to only fifteen minutes, time fly when you're having fun, and this is not my kinda fun, then I think to myself I have no time for math problems I have thirteen more minutes. I rush to complete the assignment, unable to move on after I make a mistake, did I mention I also have OCD. To my amaze I complete the worksheet. As I leave the class I promise myself next class would be different. I told you how I have that conversation everyday, so we know how that works
Carleigh Bergeman Professor Nicolas Veroli Philosophical Perspectives 10 May 2015 (Imagination) Essay 1 Imagination associates our thoughts with our minds. Imagination can take us places and we can create scenarios that are often incorrect. An imagination can create a picture of something that you have not been able to experience. We imagine what it is like to experience some places and the sights we would see if we were there.
Many students in this day just try to finish an assignment quickly and move on to the next thing. They might partially finish a worksheet and say, “Well, that’s good enough.” If one of my “good enough” peers were to step into my head, they wouldn’t see their homework the same as I do. Instead, they would see an F, or start to feel the tears swell up in their eyes from frustration when a question is left unanswered. Living with a mindset like mine has often made situations difficult and confusing, not only for myself, but also for my peers and teachers.
When N got into class, she followed her other classmates to her seat. She sat in the middle of the carpet and stared sideways for the first part of the class. The teacher wrote the word ‘respect’ on the board and asked the class to spell it with her, but N continued to stare off to the side of the classroom (where the piano was). The class also sang a couple of songs, one that just introduced them to
I trudge into my house after school lugging a seemingly fifty pound bag of books on my back and an enormous coffee cup crammed under my arm. I walk into an uproar. The dog is chewing on the remote, the baby is crying, and the kids have glitter glue. In the midst of trying to walk through the door and get a head start on homework, I am informed that I am the designated babysitter while my mom rushes my sister to youth group. My mom pulls out of the driveway. I find myself juggling babysitting, a plethora of calculus homework, and a lab report over gravimetric analysis that is due tomorrow. Through the chaos of bouncing around from babysitting to studying, I manage to defeat my work in its entirety before eleven.
I rubbed my eyes trying to awaking myself. I looked around and the room that was once empty was now filled with desks and pencils just like a normal classroom looks. I looked over to Jenny.
I finish my homework for classes like science, language arts, social studies and more, as I try to be patient to wait for my math homework to come. Math is something I enjoyed ever since I was a little child, when I’m bored I turn to math right away.
Suddenly, there was a hush in the room. The teacher had asked someone a question! I tried to seem casual as I glanced up to see if I was the unlucky person who had been called upon. My heart jumped and then I realized that the teacher was looking at the person to my right, waiting expectantly for an answer. I stared at the girl also, as if I was truly interested in whatever ramblings might come out of her mouth about the dead general and his battle. I felt my face grow warm with a slight blush as I became embarrassed for her and her inability to answer the question. She must have been paying as much attention to the lecture as I had been. Finally, she was able to formulate a less than mediocre answer that satisfied the monotone voice at the front of the room and the lecture resumed. Another glance back at the girl and I saw the cell phone palmed in her left hand down by her side. She had been text-messaging someone instead of paying attention!
“I had a fourth grade teacher who played favorites all the time, and I could’ve danced on top of the desk and she still would’ve ignored me. I would have the right answer, but she never noticed me,” Northrip said.
The students will each get a new book, once they finish their books and show they are able to