
Sugar Informative Speech

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Sugar is one of the leading factors in health problems. Sugar is a natural sweetener that everyone craves.Sugar can break down and cause problems to people's teeth,joints,your dopamine levels,skin,liver,heart,pancreas,kidney, and body weight. That is a long list of things in our body that we need to make sure are healthy. Humans can easily ruin our body with a sweet thing called sugar.

Humans should not consume a large amount of sugar, especially at one time. In the data of, ¨Americans average about 20 teaspoons of sugar daily compared to the 6 teaspoons women and 9 teaspoons for men, people are supposed to have.¨ Sugar can cause a build up of fat around the organs. ¨When your organs store fat around themselves, it can cause diseases like liver disease.¨ According to the text in When your body stores a large amount of sugar, it can cause an organ like your liver to get a fatty extra layer around it. As you can see, sugar is good to the taste, but bad for your health. …show more content…

Sugar is linked to obesity. Obesity is a cause of diabetes. Therefore some people believe sugar is not the cause of diabetes, obesity is. ¨However sugar primes the body for obesity which cause diabetes.¨according to A study in shows,¨One study found that for every extra 150 calories from sugar available per person each day, diabetes prevalence rises by 1.1%.¨ For example eating too much sugar can cause obesity, when obesity occurs, there is a large chance for diabetes. Sugar does not cause diabetes but it is a leading

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