Sugar is one of the leading factors in health problems. Sugar is a natural sweetener that everyone craves.Sugar can break down and cause problems to people's teeth,joints,your dopamine levels,skin,liver,heart,pancreas,kidney, and body weight. That is a long list of things in our body that we need to make sure are healthy. Humans can easily ruin our body with a sweet thing called sugar.
Humans should not consume a large amount of sugar, especially at one time. In the data of, ¨Americans average about 20 teaspoons of sugar daily compared to the 6 teaspoons women and 9 teaspoons for men, people are supposed to have.¨ Sugar can cause a build up of fat around the organs. ¨When your organs store fat around themselves, it can cause diseases like liver disease.¨ According to the text in When your body stores a large amount of sugar, it can cause an organ like your liver to get a fatty extra layer around it. As you can see, sugar is good to the taste, but bad for your health.
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Sugar is linked to obesity. Obesity is a cause of diabetes. Therefore some people believe sugar is not the cause of diabetes, obesity is. ¨However sugar primes the body for obesity which cause diabetes.¨according to A study in shows,¨One study found that for every extra 150 calories from sugar available per person each day, diabetes prevalence rises by 1.1%.¨ For example eating too much sugar can cause obesity, when obesity occurs, there is a large chance for diabetes. Sugar does not cause diabetes but it is a leading
Todays people are quick to blame dieting problems on sugar, saying "I cant avoid it!!" or "Theirs sugar in everything." Turns out dieting is not the greatest problem. Heart Disease is one most common problems with eating sugar. People who consume more than the average 30 grams (1.0 oz.) of sugar a day are more likely to contract this disease.
Unforgivably sugar is linked to multiple effects that cannot be reversed. Tooth decay diabetes along with many other forms of health problems. In addition, I agree with your comment “today's on-the-go life style, many food manufacturers are marketing to those who have neither the time, nor the patience, to either make their own meals, or go out of their way for healthier options”. This comment is unfortunately true concerning the average person within today’s society. People often do not obtain the time to prepare their own food. Therefore, pre-made food is there only choice. This becomes an issue since sugar additives is essential to products ingredients. However this may cause issue since sugar is linked to multiple health issues.
Studies have shown that eating too much sugar has a negative effect on our bodies. Sugar from regular sodas, cakes, cookies, and candy have been proven as risk factors for heart disease. In 2010 adults in the United States consumed about 300 calories a day, based on a 2,000 calorie diet from added sugars. The American Heart Association recommends that women don’t consume more than 100 calories a day from added sugars; and men don’t consume more than 150 calories a day. Other research has also tied a high intake of added sugars to many poor health conditions like; obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, risk factors for heart disease, and stroke (Hellmich). All of the research has proven that too much added sugars has a negative effect on our bodies.
When you pop open a can of Soda, or a bottle of Lemonade, or even a sports drink do you ever think of the amount of sugar you are drinking? The recommended added sugar intake per day for men is 38 grams and for women 25 grams. Sugar is known as empty calories because they have no essential nutrients in them. This means that there is literally nothing healthy about sugar. In fact Dr. Nancy Appleton came up with 146 reasons why sugar is bad for you. Some of these reasons include increase in risk for disease, depression, or addictiveness.
Children’s health and wellness expert Dr. Alan Greene discusses this likeness of sugar to a drug in-depth in his article Is Sugar an Addictive Drug. “Evidence is mounting that too much added sugar could lead to true addiction. Added sugar is not the sugar naturally found in foods, but the amped up levels added to many processed foods. Medical addiction changes brain chemistry to cause binging, craving, withdrawal symptoms, and sensitization. Excess added sugar can do just that, through changes in the same pathways as addiction to amphetamines or alcohol. Sugar addiction could be an even harder habit to break, according to recent evidence about how added sugar affects our stress hormones.” Though the quantity and variety of food avaliable to us today is for the most part a good thing, it is having and will continue to have dire consequences for the
The main argument to be made here is that the only kind of sugars we should consume are natural sugars. Too much food these days contain high fructose corn syrup and other additives that our bodies can't handle. Some good natural sugars include ripe fruit and raw honey. Our bodies need natural sugar in order to function properly because, "when our cells don't have enough glucose to do their job they find alternative means by which to get their energy, particularly through fat or even our own body tissue. Always remember to be careful, though, as too much of anything is still bad.
When you consume too much sugar, you are also likely to develop diabetes. Although diabetes is said to be hereditary, you can still experience this condition if you do not control your sugar intake. Diabetes is a very widespread health issue which can be dangerous if it reached a severe level.
Sugar does effect your health more than you think. “Sugar can travel up and into your brain and can make you not think straight.” (Zielke,2007) So if you eat a lot of sugar before a big test in school you will not do as well since your brain isn't thinking right. Sugar can also effect your weight too. “When your body does not eat all of the sugar that you take in it transfers that extra sugar into body fat.” (Nadeau,2001) So before you want to go onto a diet, you might want to come up with a chart that tells you how much sugar is in the popular items that you eat.
( I could go on forever about all the physical health effects sugar has on the body, but since we talked about the most important ones we will move on to mental and emotional health.)
Like drugs, sugar can become addicting and may have a negative effect on your body. For instance, "like abusive drugs, sugar causes a release of dopamine in the reward center of the brain" can lead to cancer as well as diabetes in some cases. The most common side effects of sugar is no other than obesity. Being overweight is an embarrassing trait that many humans deal with each day and are trying to overcome. Since sugar is found in a variety of foods that we eat each day, it is hard to fend off the material as well as becoming
The American heart institute states that consuming too much sugar on a daily basis can damage your liver and affects your insulin. Which can ultimately lead to type two diabetes. According
What effects does sugar have in the human body? People would prefer to eat a piece of cake than a broccoli salad because it is more delicious and it gives pleasure. But people should think about the harmful effects that sugar has in their body. The effects could be dangerous, it includes, health diseases, learning problems, or anxiety and stress. First, when people eat a lot of sugar, they could get health diseases like diabetes. This disease is one of the first reasons for deaths in the world. It includes, collateral illnesses such as hypertension, kidney’s insufficiency and problems on diabetic feet. So diabetic people must not eat sugar unless they had lower sugar levels after a long time exercising. In this case
The average human eats two to three pounds of sugar a week, and one hundred thirty-five pounds annually. In the late 1800 where the average person only ate five pound of sugar annually (Aubele, 2011). Sugar is addictive and unhealthy one of the highest reasons of death is heart failure and diabetes (Aubele, 2011). Heart failure kills millions every year. Every time we eat sugar it releases dopamine (Dovey, 2014). Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain's reward and pleasure centers. It makes the brain see a reward and move towards it. This shows addictiveness is bad for the human
The sugar addiction is the main root for causing diseases related to sugar. In the article( the source), they say that cutting sugar intake into 6 teaspoons daily need a big commitment in life. The neuroscientists found that when we eat the foods that contain lot of sugars, huge amount of dopamine will be released in the brain at the area known as “Nucleus Accumbens”. This same brain region implicated in response to dopamine and cocaine. So, sugar consumption is rush of pleasure that causes by endogenous opioids in the brain, similar as injecting heroin.
With 60 calories per tablespoon, sugar is high in calories and has no nutrients. Sometimes people eat too much sugar and get sugar high, which is definitely bad for your health and can lead to many diseases I don’t even know the names for. You may have heard from people that brown sugar is better than white sugar. Because of molasses in brown sugar, it has more essential nutrients, such as potassium and small amounts of calcium, magnesium and B vitamins, which technically makes brown sugar healthier than white sugar. But remember that the amount of nutrients you are getting in brown sugar is in very small quantities.