In this article, Susan Nolen-Hoeksema proposes the hypothesis that people who engage in rumination over events and spend time worrying about the emotional factors will show signs of depression for a longer amount of time than the people who immediately focus on how to solve the problem. She argues that ruminating on problems allows negativity to cloud thoughts and does not lead to active problem-solving. Hoeksema aims to explain how actively looking for distractions/solutions to an issue rather than ruminating within the negative emotions of the problem will lead to lower levels of depression than spending excessive time thinking about the issues and dwelling in the negative emotions associated with the issues. The participants of the study …show more content…
This group was the distractive-passive group. It was ensured by independent raters that both groups spoke the statements in equally neutral tones in order to avoid error by the possible impact of emotional tones on the mood of the participants. The third group was labeled ruminative-active and subjects were given flashcards with adjectives ranging from “depressed” to “independent” and were asked to organize them based on which word described them best. The fourth and final group was the distractive-active group, in which subject were given flashcards with different countries based on the industrialization of the country. The study also included a control group of depressed persons who did not engage in any of the four activities listed above. The results did adhere closely with the hypotheses. The study found that the participants who engaged in the distractive activities showed less signs of depression than those who engaged in the ruminative activities. Furthermore, the participants who engaged in active-distractive activities showed even less signs of depression than those who engaged in distractive-passive activities. The two ruminative groups were still significantly more depressed than either of the distractive
Major depression is a commonly diagnosed psychological disorder affecting individuals’ ability to feel happiness and peace of mind. Those who suffer experience negative emotions, lack of motivation, changes in behaviour and dysfunctional cognitive symptoms. Depression is classified by the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5) as five of more of the listed symptoms present persistently over the same two weeks. One of these symptoms must be depressed mood or loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities. Depression causes disruption to typical daily life such as inability to maintain friendships and jobs. Other symptoms outlined by the DSM-5 include; insomnia, fatigue and recurrent thoughts of death. There is much debate over what exactly causes depression. Biological explanations question hereditary and neurotransmitter factors. While psychological theories include the cognitive ideas of Beck’s negative triad and hopelessness theory. This essay will focus on the ways in which psychological and biological explanations contrast and how their theories can overlap to better understand depression.
Information: Depression is much more than a momentary case of the blues. It is an ongoing problem that can considerably impair a person’s conduct, judgments, daily activities,
Do you think that depression has advantages to learn something, though it refers to feeling sad, feeling completely unmotivated and less vigorous? The essay "Depression's Upside", which caused to different questions and discussion, was written by Jonah Lehrer, and it was published in 2010, in New York Times Magazine. The listening passage casts doubt the information in the reading passage while three aspects that can be learned during depression period are given in the reading material.
I didn't want to eat. The idea of eating made me hurt more. I couldn't think of anything not one single solitary food item that I would be able to handle, except coffee yogurt, and I was sick of coffee yogurt.” (Vizzini 13). This evidence shows how depression an effect you, right when you wake up, It shows that having depression makes you exhausted of everything.
This paper will focus on depressive disorders, and it will describe what they are, how they manifest themselves, what causes them and/or what makes certain individuals susceptible to the disorder as compared to others. This piece will also describe the most common treatment practices, and the effectiveness of these treatments. It will conclude by offering some testimonials from individuals who suffer from depressive disorders as well as some additional commentary about depressive disorders and their implications/challenges.
Depression is a severe illness the makes a person feel insecure, worthless. and daily tasks become difficult. They are different types of depression because According to Medical News Today states “depression is likely to be caused by a complex combination of factors, genetic, environmental, and psychological”. The probability is significant with genetics. At times an individual may become substantially depressed that they believe their life achievements seem futile. Depression is a
When people become depressed, they experience a lack of motivation and energy, which can result in them cutting back on activities, neglecting daily responsibilities and leaving decision-making to others (CCI 2003). Avoiding activities gives the person short-term relief, because they haven’t had to face up to their responsibilities. Unfortunately, long-term, the list piles up and instead of completing the tasks; they think about everything they haven’t done (CCI 2003). They start to feel overwhelmed and guilty that they are inactive, which worsens the depression. Reduced activity levels and behaviours are detrimental to a person’s wellbeing because they become even less motivated, more lethargic and miss out on positive experiences (CCI 2003). Behavioural Activation aims to break this cycle of negative reinforcement,
The aim of the current study was to examine the applicability of resiliency models in explaining the prediction of depressive symptoms from rumination, and the role of agency and pathways as protective factors among Australian adults. The first hypothesis, based on the direct effects models, that high levels of rumination and that low levels of agency and pathways would be associated with high levels of depressive symptoms was supported for both men and women. The second hypothesis, based on the compensatory model, that rumination would be positively associated with depressive symptoms, while each protective factor would be negatively associated with the level of depressive symptoms, was supported for agency for both men and women, and
Another research study by Riebe, Fan, Unützer, & Vannoy (2012), demonstrated an association between activity scheduling and a decrease in depression; it also showed that individuals who engaged in pleasure inducing activities were more likely to show a significant improvement in depression. Further research showed that activity monitoring alone can facilitate cognitive restructuring to decrease problematic behaviours such as ruminating (Kanter et al., 2010). In the video, the therapist identifies activities Mark finds enjoyable such as reading, and encourages him to engage in them more. This is further verified by Iqbal and Bassett (2008) as activity levels can increase in people with depression though the setting or scheduling of tasks which the client finds interesting and
There are certain activities used for making people free from the disease of depression like the engagement of the people in some work, the support provided from the others and many more. After the complete research on the topic of depression it has been found that many people feel to be out of control as well as they feel a loss of their own identity, and these are some of the common symptoms of depression.
People of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life have felt depressed and unhappy at some time in their lives. These periods of sadness usually pass after a short time, but for some people, this feeling can remain for weeks, months, and even years. (1) This prolonged state of unhappiness is called major (or clinical) depression and is characterized by a persistent sad or "empty" mood, loss of interest in favorite activities, difficulty concentrating, and many other symptoms. It is not simply a mental state but an illness that interferes with the way people feel, function, and think.(2)
Imagine for a second a place where color does not exist. Imagine a place where everyone lives in a house. Imagine a place where everyone one has a job and violence does not exist. Imagine a place where everything seems; familiar, homely, and secure. How far away do you think that place is from your communities today?
Back then, the all-mighty gods removed salt from ocean waters whenever humans needed to use it. In return, the humans would constantly pray and sacrifice their meals to the gods. It was a good system for a long time, but then, humans started to take advantage of the god’s kindness; they didn’t pray as much and stopped sacrificing their meals. The gods weren’t happy about that. Therefore, they stopped providing the fresh water to humans and left the ocean water salty. Sure the humans could boil the salt water, but it wasn’t nearly fast enough for the growing population. No matter how much the humans begged for freshwater, Zeus would not budge. The land stayed like that for a long time, until a young hero of the name
Psychological theories of depression focus on the way people think and behave. Some theories emphasize the role irrational though processes. It states that depresses people tend to view themselves, their environment, and the future in a negative light because of errors in thinking. These errors include focusing on the negative aspects of any situation misinterpreting facts in negative ways, and blaming themselves for any misfortune. In another view it is said that people with “depressive” personality traits appear to be more vulnerable than others to actual depression. Examples of depressive personality traits include gloominess, pessimism, introversion, self-criticism, deep feelings of inadequacy, and excessive brooding and worrying. People who regularly behave in dependent, hostile, and impulsive ways appear at greater risk for depression. Psychologists also believe that stressful experiences can trigger depression in people who are predisposed to the illness.
Ever wonder if generating alpha is a zero-sum game or if quotes like the below hold: