
Suicide : Causes And Consequences Of Suicide

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Suicide is a “death caused by self- directed injurious behavior with an intent to die as a result of the behavior” (Violence Prevention, 2017). Suicide is often varied by different cultures, other people religions, people ethnic norms, and other issues that relate under suicide. Suicide has a downfall in many aspects. Many people in society, see suicide if it was an attempt to be a crime. Suicide is equal to homicide. More people die of today as a suicide attempt, than a homicide. Self- mutation is relative of suicidal behavior. Self- mutation is “deliberately hurting oneself without meaning to cause one’s own death” (Dryden-Edwards, 2017). Many examples of self- mutation, relative to suicide, can be cutting parts of the human belongings. Societies say usually cutting part of the wrist is well known. Suicide is also known as self- tattooing. Self- tattooing shows examples of “self-burning, head banging, pinching, and scratching.” (Dryden-Edwards, 2017). Suicide is due to an effect and action that deal with other situations beside the definition. According to studies, Suicide is an effect due to risk factors are “characteristics or conditions that increase the chance that a person may try to take their” (AFSP, 2017). Risk Factors consumes in suicide, by many ages, ethnic groups, and gender differences. Many people die from age 10-34 in suicide. Out of those ages, men end their life just about four times the speed of women. Risk factors can also be “associated with a complex array of factors that interact with each other and place individuals at risk” (American Association, 2005, pp.75-82).
Health factors, Environmental Factors, and Historical Factors develop in Risk Factors. Health Factors deal with your “mental health conditions” (ASFP, 2017). Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and Schizophrenia are examples that compound in mental health illness. Substance abuse disorder, and Chronic Pain also are conditions that lead into health factors. Environmental Factors, it can be “stressful life events, prolonged stress, access to means, financial difficulties, or exposure to suicide in the media or community” (Serani, 2017). In Historical Factors, it can deal with “previous suicide attempts, history of self-

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