
Suicide: Men Vs. Women

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Thesis: Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among American citizens, landing in at number 10 in the United States, and only climbing. This problem is an uncomfortable epidemic that needs to be talked about in a more open and realistic fashion. Perhaps suicide rates would fall if more people knew the warning signs and felt safe talking about suicide and mental health everywhere instead only feeling comfortable talking about it in a “safe space”. With this current ideology of suicide, the main focus of prevention is targeted on teens, but when looking at the statistics this clearly needs rerouting to include the middle-aged and elderly people of America. Knowing what to say when a suicidal person comes for help is great …show more content…

The question of a century has been why do men commit suicide so much more than women. There are a lot of answers to this question, one of them is the argument that men are more impulsive, and in the moment with the decision. This contrasts to women who are thought to be plan more, and think about family and friends, this also generally affects their method of choice. This is considered an older method of thought though, more of today’s research is that suicide prevention isn’t directed or built for men. It is focused more on women because society thinks they need more emotional support when in truth men and women need equality. From studies, men also seem to be much more stubborn, and wait longer, if ever to seek help from friends, family, or medical professionals. It seems that men have an unrealistic standard put upon them to uphold, and this puts a significant hardship on them when it comes to them seeking out help when they need it. Then there is also a team of researchers in the US that have been studying a set of specific traits. The traits are a lack of fear of death, a high pain tolerance, being very emotionally closed off, and adrenaline/feeling seeking. These traits tend to be found more often in men than women, and are thought to be linked to a greater risk of suicide. Overall both genders face great difficulty, and strife …show more content…

Humanity may never be able to understand what drives a person to take their own life, a leave the ones they love behind, but with the changes mentioned above, and by further educating itself, maybe the number of those people will go down. There needs to be a better understanding about which groups are at greater risk of committing suicide, and how to narrow these people down before they become victims. There also needs to be a better understanding about the danger of guns in the hands of suicidal individuals, and how the impulsive brain works. People make rash decisions, and guns don’t give those people the time to process those decisions, especially when that decision is to end a life. Finally, there needs to be a greater level of equality and caring in the world towards both men and women, both groups are at risk of committing suicide, and it is not fair to treat one group lesser than the other, or to expect more of them. No one should have to ask for help, and certainly, no one should every be turned

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