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Thesis: Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among American citizens, landing in at number 10 in the United States, and only climbing. This problem is an uncomfortable epidemic that needs to be talked about in a more open and realistic fashion. Perhaps suicide rates would fall if more people knew the warning signs and felt safe talking about suicide and mental health everywhere instead only feeling comfortable talking about it in a “safe space”. With this current ideology of suicide, the main focus of prevention is targeted on teens, but when looking at the statistics this clearly needs rerouting to include the middle-aged and elderly people of America. Knowing what to say when a suicidal person comes for help is great
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The question of a century has been why do men commit suicide so much more than women. There are a lot of answers to this question, one of them is the argument that men are more impulsive, and in the moment with the decision. This contrasts to women who are thought to be plan more, and think about family and friends, this also generally affects their method of choice. This is considered an older method of thought though, more of today’s research is that suicide prevention isn’t directed or built for men. It is focused more on women because society thinks they need more emotional support when in truth men and women need equality. From studies, men also seem to be much more stubborn, and wait longer, if ever to seek help from friends, family, or medical professionals. It seems that men have an unrealistic standard put upon them to uphold, and this puts a significant hardship on them when it comes to them seeking out help when they need it. Then there is also a team of researchers in the US that have been studying a set of specific traits. The traits are a lack of fear of death, a high pain tolerance, being very emotionally closed off, and adrenaline/feeling seeking. These traits tend to be found more often in men than women, and are thought to be linked to a greater risk of suicide. Overall both genders face great difficulty, and strife …show more content…
Humanity may never be able to understand what drives a person to take their own life, a leave the ones they love behind, but with the changes mentioned above, and by further educating itself, maybe the number of those people will go down. There needs to be a better understanding about which groups are at greater risk of committing suicide, and how to narrow these people down before they become victims. There also needs to be a better understanding about the danger of guns in the hands of suicidal individuals, and how the impulsive brain works. People make rash decisions, and guns don’t give those people the time to process those decisions, especially when that decision is to end a life. Finally, there needs to be a greater level of equality and caring in the world towards both men and women, both groups are at risk of committing suicide, and it is not fair to treat one group lesser than the other, or to expect more of them. No one should have to ask for help, and certainly, no one should every be turned
Similarly, when the statists for Suicide rates are compared between men and women, it shows men are more likely to commit Suicide compared to women. This could be because women are more likely to cope with stress and anxiety. They are much more comfortable with sharing their problems with others than men. Where as men are likely to feel stressed because they might feel scared to be cast as feminist because they share their worries with others.
Aaron Kheriaty, director of the Medical Ethics Program at Cal-Irvine, wrote in his article First Things, that the “suicide crisis in America has reached epidemic proportions.” Suicide rates have continued to grow coast-to-coast in both urban and rural areas, and have affected the old and young alike. Amazingly, suicide rates have climbed so high that for the first time since the 1930s, the life expectancy of Americans has declined. When you think
Suicide has historically been and continues to be a significant issue in the United States, for civilians as well as active duty military service members and veterans. While statistics surrounding suicide appear to be just numbers on a page, I personally implore the reader of the following paper to never lose sight of the fact that those numbers represent real people. Each one of those people, be they civilian or military, represent a loss of a father or a mother, a brother or a sister, a son or a daughter, a best friend, a comrade, …a person whose life, and that life’s potential, is now forever lost. The following statistics on suicide rates in the United States do not differentiate if the individual was a civilian, an active duty
Mental illnesses are the primary problems for committing suicide. White men who are middle aged (45-64) are currently since 2015, are the targeted ethnicity, gender, and the age range for the highest percentage to commit suicide. Statistics show that suicide is the tenth leading cause of death, each year 44,193 Americans die by suicide, for every suicide 25 attempt, and suicide has cost the United States 44 billion dollars annual. (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) Men tend to use more violent suicide methods for “The most frequent suicide method in 2014 for males involved the use of firearms 55.4%, while poisoning was the most frequent method for females 34.1%” (Curtin). Which is the reason why women are less successful in
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. There are approximately 121 successful suicides a day, and 44,193 a year. Almost 50% of suicides are committed with a firearm. Seven out of ten suicides are committed by white middle aged men. It is proven that men die from suicide 3.5 times more than women; however, it is documented that women try three times more. Over the past 17 years’ suicide rates have increased steadily. Suicide rates are higher in people who are 34 and older. Whites currently hold the highest suicide rate. The most popular form of suicide is with a firearm it accounts for 49.8%. Second is suffocation at 26.8%, then poisoning at 15.4%, and other at 7.9%. No count is kept for people who attempted
Suicide was seen as a just way to die if one was faced with unendurable suffering - be it physical or emotional”. Throughout time, suicide has been viewed and dealt with in countless ways. Recently in America, the problem has grown increasingly. In the past decade, suicide rates have been on the incline; especially among men. According to the New York Times (2013), “From 1999 to 2010, the suicide rate among Americans ages 35 to 64 rose by nearly 30 percent… The suicide rate for middle-aged men was 27.3 deaths per 100,000, while for women it was 8.1 deaths per 100,000”. A 30 percent increase with an average of 19 more male suicides than female suicides is certainly an issue for both genders, and an epidemic for men. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (n.d.), found that in 2010, 38,364 suicides were reported, with 78.9% being men. The economic recession, unemployment, and various other factors are speculated to be responsible for this incline in male suicide. As of 2010, an estimated 30,308 men ended their own lives, and it seems as if there is a great risk of that number increasing each year.
In a recent study a group wanted to figure out “which gender was more successful in committing suicide and which had more attempts.” The group believed that males would be more likely to commit suicide and women would attempt more without success. In order to collect data that was specifically dealing with suicide rates and attempts, the group decided that a survey would be the best form from a wide variety of audiences. The group would also be able to tap into people’s experience and way of thinking about suicide. The Group surveyed both males and females from the Morgan County area. Nine questions were given to the individuals; questions were kept short, simple, and at an appropriate manner in which the individual wouldn’t feel
I found two important facts about suicide that I consider the most significant. The first fact was that middle aged and older adults have a higher suicide rate compared to young adults. This fact is particularly interesting because I would expect this statistic to be the other way around. Moreover, this is important for students to know because the middle aged and older adults in a students' life would be their patents and grandparents. Being aware of this fact can remind students to be involved and interested in the lives of their parents and grandparents and recognize the warning signs if a loved one is feeling depressed or battling a mental illness. The second fact that I thought was important to know was that men have a
This particularly highlights the importance of asking about relationship strife and dissolution, which are not consistently monitored across healthcare systems in which military personnel and veterans use. Better understanding both gender differences and risk factors uniquely associated with suicide has critical prevention and public health implications as we work to better understand preventable mortality in our youngest generation of service
Spreading awareness about elderly suicide is important because society should not turn a blind eye on the issue just because they are old. There is a huge disparity between what people feel towards suicides in relation to age. First of all, people believe that being old is a negative aspect so suicide can be a rational thought. On the other hand, people are disheartened when younger people end their lives because they feel that they have more to lose As a matter of fact, rational suicide is a term that is especially popular with older people. In a way, it works as a final exit for the elderly (Humphry, 1992). Rational or assisted suicide is usually associated with patients who have unbearable constant pain because of their sickness. In fact, about two-thirds of Americans are in favor of assisted suicide because they think it is the best option for those who are old (Moody & Sasser, 2010). This has a lot of moral implications because it shows a lazy society who just encourages depression rather than finding a way to fix the problem.
Teen suicide is something that is endless, it will never stop but if everyone was educated on it, it could help prevent deaths. I think with people provided with statistics and further information can help avoid adolescent suicide attempts. I think most teen suicide cases could be prevent if we knew the signs to look for and the ways to stop it. I believe parents would feel safer if they knew knowledge on the issue and how to handle it. The intended audiences for this essay is parents or friends of suicidal teens. This essay is important because, as mentioned earlier, we need to be educated on suicide to end tons of tragedies. It is also important to be aware of the warning signs to help prevent. This essay is relevant because teen suicide is a war that happens daily, and will continue to happen, until we take control of the situation and do something to stop it. If family members were informed of the cause and symptoms leading up to the attempt of suicide, then there is less likely that teenagers would try and commit
My dissertation investigates the factors effecting the increase in male suicide rates. The aim of this research was to develop an understanding of why men are seemingly so content on committing suicide even though women are most commonly known to develop mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression. I have considered the types of suicidal techniques as well as the biological and chemical factors that may have been an influential factor in this paradox. Through my research and further evaluation I have concluded that although the SKA2 gene seems a largely influential factor there is not enough evidence surrounding the research to fully support the case. I feel at this stage in scientific research and understanding the main cause of heightened
I did not know that Depression cost the United States about $66 billion a year and that 14 percent of the total are veterans who are diagnosed with depression. It was interesting to find out that younger veterans are more at risk of suicide than older veterans. Most of the time the risk of depression increasing with age but in this case it was the opposite. I also learned that males are three times likely to commit suicide than females. I like that one of the ways to treat depression is by group support because it is better to learn from someone who has experienced the same things. It is sad to think that every 15 minutes someone commits suicide. There needs to be something done to change this statistic. I have never heard of the term moral
According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, older adults make up 12% of the United States population, but account for 18% of all suicide deaths. In 2002, the annual suicide rate for people over the age of 65, was over 15 per 100,000 individuals; this number increases for those age 75 to 84, with over 17 suicide deaths per every 100,000 (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2016). The rates of late-life suicide rises even higher for those over age 85. Although the statistics stated above are troubling, these numbers do not account for all suicides committed among this population. Late-life suicide is greatly under reported. Not counted are the “silent suicides” which includes death by overdose, self-starvation or dehydration, refusing medication or medical advice, and “accidents”. These deaths are not labelled as suicide even when the older adult’s intent was to die. Suicide among older Americans is an important public health problem, made all the more alarming because it can be prevented. There are ways of successfully treating or otherwise addressing the risk factors, like depression, that may be associated with this problem.
Mental health issues such depression, anxiety is a health burden that negatively affects many people’s quality of life, especially older adults. In this Literature review we will use the terms older adults, elderly, baby boomer when referring to people ages 65 and older. “The rate of suicide in those aged 65 years and over has been increasing over the past three decades in most industrialized countries, with marked increases in both attempted suicides and death by suicide in the late 1980s” (Deuter, 2016). Older adults in the United States and many countries around the world die by suicide at elevated rates compared with younger adults (Conwell, and Van Orden, 2016). In addition to the age different, suicide seem to affect man and women differently with the baby boomer population. Men die more from suicide compare to women, even though females suicide attempt rate is higher (Heisel, 2006). Deuter reports that, in 2013, 7215 people aged 65 years and over died by suicide the USA, which accounts for 17.5% of the national total of suicide deaths (2016). The elevation of suicide in the elder is not only limited to the United States. According to Conwell (2013), the number of adults 65 year and older who died in the US is 6000 and 20,000 died worldwide, in 2010. The elderly population have become increasing prone to committing suicide and considered to be a population at risk. We will focus on the cause, challenges/controversy, and solutions that were used to address the issue of