
Suicide : The Cause And Effects Of Suicide

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Suicide is a death caused by self- directed injurious behavior with an intent to die as a result of the behavior (Violence Prevention, 2017). Suicide is often varied by different cultures, other religions, people of ethnic norms, and other issues that relate under suicide. Suicide has downfall in many aspects. Many people in society, see in suicide if it was an attempt to be a crime. Suicide and homicide relate in people. More people die though of suicide, than homicide.
Self- Mutation set as anybody damaging oneself without definition to see cause of one’s won death. Many reason of self- mutation deal with ruining any part of the human belongings
Societies say usually ruining the any part of the wrist is considered well known. Suicide can. also, be known as self-tattooing. Self-tattooing correlate onto many structures. Pinching, and scratching, beating your head against anything, and burning any part of human body. Suicide is one effect action that deals with other situations and issues occurring. According to studies, Suicide is the effect due to risk factors. Risk factors are the typical reasoning and problem that people face that makes them take their life. Risk factors are made of different sources and states. Risk factors make up the problem in suicide every day. Risk factors can also be resembled in being “associated with a complex array of factors that interact with each other and place individuals at risk” (American Psychology Association, 2005). Risk factors develop even more into different factors factor settings. Health Factors, Social or Environmental Factors, and Historical Factors. In Health factors they continue to deal with individuals “mental health conditions” (ASFP, 2017). Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and Schizophrenia compose as risk factors. Depression happens to be the main outcome of a risk factor in suicide. Others appear to be substance disorder, chronic pain, conduct disorder, alcohol abuse disorder, and sleeping difficulties. Sleep difficulties are at a high risk in suicide as well. On the outside of the human body, Environmental factors continue to deal with others outside living stages in impact. Environmental factors can be dealing with a lot of stressful events in

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