
Summarise and Discuss the Presentations of Mental Health in the Two Newspaper Articles Given in Appendix 1. (1500 Words).

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TMA 01 Summarise and discuss the presentations of mental health in the two newspaper articles given in Appendix 1. (1500 words). 1. Summaries of cited media “Tackling Mental Health Problems in a Downturn” (Gill, Trevelyan, The Times, 30th September 2009) This article, written by the Head of Good Practice at ACAS, suggests that despite the difficulties in accurately diagnosing mental health problems, the government has calculated that mental health related sickness is costing the UK economy £26 Billion per year. This is increasing during the economic downturn, primarily due to the fear of loss of jobs. Consequently, government agencies are working with employers to help reduce the causes of mental health, including the …show more content…

Recent history of mental health highlights the Victorian perspective of a “mania and melancholia’ model, where mental disorders are separate, naturally occurring categories, often genetically determined (Kraepelin, 1883). This was a perspective based on eugenics – i.e. it was only the chronically poor who suffered mental health issues. This perspective was challenged when society was faced with officers returning from the trenches of World War I suffering from shellshock. Possibly from that moment there was an underlying wish in society to diagnose and categorise different forms of mental illness and to make them medical issues. Freud opposed this medical model in 1926 arguing for the right for ‘lay analysts’ to practice psychoanalysis rather than trained doctors. The categorisation of mental illness continues today with 2 main publications, the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) created by the World Health Organisation and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) published by American Psychiatric Association. This form of categorisation facilities the process of medical treatment of the patient, by standardising the referral process between medical practioners and the diagnostic labels are primarily used as a, “convenient shorthand” among professionals and not for lay use”. Possibly some of the increase of recorded mental health cases may be linked to the

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