Analyze the first Americans. It has recently been discovered that the first people to arrive in America had migrated in small groups over the Bering Strait via the land bridge that once connected Asia to North America. However, it has not been discovered exactly when this occurred. The most widely accepted theory is that these migrations took place approximately 15,000 years ago. By 11,000 B.C.E., these people had spread across the North and South American continents. They were nomadic hunter-gatherers that organized into small communities near food supplies. Agriculture may have begun about 10,000 years ago starting with the cultivation of squash and beans. Maize, possibly along with other crops, began to be cultivated in 5,000 B.C.E. by
In Edward L. Hudgins article, What is an American?, Hudgins defines an American in ways I had not thought of before. Hudgins stated all these ideas about Americans being driven to do their best and meeting challenges head-on. I would like to think that being an American means everything Hudgins stated, however I think Hudgins is giving the optimistic answer of what being an American means. What Hudgins explains as being an American is what I believe most Americans were like when the country was first founded. The idea of taking risks and working until the risks paid off is one that most Americans do not believe because the possibility of actually achieve one’s dream is extremely less likely today than it was when the country was first established.
In the documentary Ancient Voices “Tracking the First Americans” the argument made is Who were the first Americans? They came up with the conclusion that the first Americans were descendants of Australian Aborigines. The evidence provided are prehistoric skulls one being named Lucia she is known as being the first American and what was so special about her was the facial features she possessed which matched closely to the people of Australians and Melanesia. Also images of Armadillos that died out way before the last Ice
i) Corn reached American Southwest by about 1200 B.C. and the Pueblo people in Rio Grande valley constructed irrigation systems, while other places were less developed.
The first Europeans arrived in North America in the fifteenth century CE. Native cultures included the Olmec, the Maya, the Aztecs, the Incas, the Mound Builders of the Mississippi region, and the Anasazi of the American Southwest. The first metropolis in Mesoamerica, was the city of Teotihuacan, capital of an early state about thirty miles northeast of Mexico City that arose around the third century B.C.E. and flourished for nearly a millennium until it collapsed under mysterious circumstances. Among the groups moving into the Valley of Mexico after the fall of Teotihuacan were the Mexica. Folk legend held that their original homeland was the island in the lake called Aztlan, from that is why today they are known as the Aztecs. The Aztecs were excellent warriors. They set out to bring the entire region under their domination. For the remainder of the fifteenth century, the Aztecs took control over much of which is known as modern Mexico, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and as far south as the Guatemalan border. The Chimor kingdom was eventually succeeded in the late fifteenth century by an invading force from the mountains far to the south. The Inka were a small community in the area of Cuzco, a city located at an altitude of ten thousand feet in the mountains of southern Peru. In the 1440s, under the leadership of their powerful ruler Pachakuti, the Inka launched a campaign of conquest that eventually brought the entire region under their authority. Under his
In early 19th century America, there was a shared feeling of exceptionalism, often leading to egocentrism and prejudice towards foreigners. This egocentrism and prejudice belief system has been passed down, and ignorance towards reforming these beliefs is evident throughout history. Many Americans believe that the colonies of Jamestown and Plymouth were the first settlements in America, thus that the Europeans who traveled across the Atlantic were the first to inhabit the New World. In fact, St. Augustine was a Spanish settlement in Florida established in 1565, 42 years prior to the Jamestown settlement and 55 years prior to the Plymouth settlement. Historical accounts of the American nation tend to neglect this information, resulting in American citizens believing that people of Spanish and Mexican descent do not belong, when in reality, they settled America first. Furthermore, American history tends to neglect mentioning the resistance which Anglo-Americans met as they expanded westward into lands which Native Americans and Mexicans lived in. Accordingly, people of Mexican descent occupied present-day Texas when Anglo-Americans first arrived. Through brutal, immoral, and unjust conquering, Texas became a state separate from Mexico, disregarding the Tejanos of Mexican descent and forcing them to migrate elsewhere.
-The Indian Tribes like the Aztecs and the Incas were very infamous for working the fields, like taking care of corn and crops, which later reached the Southwest first and later on North America. This led to the cultivation of beans and maize in the southwest which inevitably started farming in America.
In 1860s, due to the fact that southern states desired to maintain the slavery while the North wanted to ban the slavery, then the Union which was leaded by Abraham Lincoln fought with the Confederacy which was conducted by Jefferson Davis, and the Union hoped to achieve a goal that preserved the unity. However,because the South owned a large number of troops, controlled wide geographic extent, and had a powerful government, it was difficult for the Union to defeat the Confederacy thoroughly.Furthermore, the Confederacy`s strategy was that it just needed to defense, fought with the North in its own lands, and waited for northern opposition of the war growing up, then it could convince the Union to stop the Civil War (Goldfield,ed.,The American Journey: A History of the United State, P402).
Unity within colonies was extremely strong because it was assembled in a primal urge for survival. The colonists were in this entirely new land, so it was natural they would stick together to the familiar, and therefore build strong bonds and loyalty to their colony. Exclusion also excellently describes early America because of the way colonies expelled their own people if they did not follow the colony's strict rules' of life. The primary source documents; "City upon a Hill", "Ann Hutchinson's Trial", "Founding Of The Iroquois League", and "The Mayflower Compact" are all brilliant examples of this contradictory yet surprisingly honest view of early American history. Early American History should be remembered as
Prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) the Americas were already a home to millions of natives that had already been there for thousands of years. The original natives of America before the arrival of Europeans were descendants of groups of hunters and fishers that crossed the Bering Strait between 15,000-60,000 years ago. Over time these natives developed their own techniques for farming, hunting and fishing. In addition, they had also developed their own religious beliefs, political structures, trading networks and hundreds of different languages. The natives, mostly lived on corn, squash, beans, and some fish, deer and turkey. They lived in 3 different kinds of societies. The three different kinds of societies were nomadic, semi-nomadic and
In the first slide, it reveals that the Paleo-Indians were the first humans in America. The Paleo-Indians came to America in about ten thousand B.C. B.C means that it happened before Christ. They followed the game of crossing Beringia. Beringia was a land mass that took about a thousand years to cross. We will cover all about Beringia in a later lesson.
Battle between European kingdoms incited to an eagerness for states and trading posts that may sustain the rising nations. This expansionism familiar Europeans with African and American social requests that had created over several years, and the social correspondence that took in the wake of starting contacts between these human headways fundamentally affected western history. American Societies first there was Paleo (Indians) Paleo Indians arrived some place in the scope of 12,000 to 14,000 years earlier and made due by pursuing sweeping preoccupation. As the distinctive items, and wherever cultivating ruled the economy, complex human progressions flourished. Horticulture was an essential key as of now fundamentally that is the place most the cash and nourishment supply originated from. Mesoamerican Civilizations Early municipal foundations created in what is by and
It was during the Paleo-Indian period when early nomads crossed into the Americas over 15,000 years ago. These were the "First People" to inhabit the Americas. They 'd first crossed into North America until eventually splitting off from other groups and eventually migrating south through Mexico into the Yucatán Peninsula of Mesoamerica.
The first Americans came from Asia, beginning as early as thirty thousand years ago, over a land bridge that formed at the Bering Strait during the Ice Age. The new immigrants were hunters and gatherers, and over a period of fifteen thousand years various groups spread over the American continents. By the time of the European “discovery” of the New World, there were perhaps as many as 100 million native Americans, the vast majority living in Central and South America.
As I write this paper, I reflect on my experience in Early American History and how my group’s final project went. Overall, the class was significantly more difficult than I first thought it would be. Going into the class I originally assumed this would be a pretty simple GEP with minimal effort required to get an A in the class. Those assumptions were dispelled fairly quickly when I arrived at the first class. The teacher was going over the syllabus for the class and explaining the weekly assignments we would have. We were required to cover certain sections of a chapter based on the topic we chose to cover throughout the entirety of the course. We were to complete this every week and discuss what we had discovered in class. We would also have to write two essays and complete several mandatory readings and podcasts. To top all of this off, we would have to complete a final project that includes another essay. But the one thing that turned out to be the hardest task of the class was not any of these assignments, but was the participation grade.
Today America is one of the wealthiest, strongest, and hardworking countries in the world. It has population of over three hundred million and growth rate of 0.97% annually. America as a nation is known to have done many great contributions to the world such as: the idea of presidency, inventing telephone, discovering electricity, inventing planes, the first nation to put a man on moon, and many more. America has grown and multiplied over time and it is still increasing. Even though today America stands out apart from other countries, it was built from nothing but scrap.