Clinician facilitated a family therapeutic session between UC and his Father who is sponsoring UC. Clinician reviewed the Safety Plan and sponsor agreed to utilize the resources provided should the UC need such care. Sponsor indicates he was aware UC would travel to the USA and agreed to provide support and sponsor him. Sponsor indicated he wanted the UC to come live with him so that the UC can have a better education and economic opportunities. Sponsor states he and UC have been separated for many years, however, he has maintained ongoing contact with UC during this years. Sponsor expressed understanding of the responsibility of UC’s overall care and feels he can provide proper care for the UC. Sponsor indicates he will follow conditions
The Board office received a letter from Mary Fahey, MPHP via fax on 05/04/2015, advising that Dr. John Medley, M.D. a current “ILOD” status had informed her that he had relapsed over the weekend of April 25-26, 2015.
Worker went to the home of Lamyia Walters. When the worker arrived there is no black truck only the gold BMW at the residence. The worker knocked three times. While waiting for an answer at the door the work could hear persons speaking. Lamyia answered the door. Worker was invited inside. Worker followed Lamyia into the kitchen were the floor was wet and dirty dishes were all over the counter tops and the microwave was missing. Lamyia informed the worker that the microwave caught fire. Lamyia scrapped her left over food into the dog bowls. Lamyia has no money for dog food and is giving the dogs her left overs. Lamyia stated that she is slowly cleaning up the house. Worker and Lamyia sat down and spoke in the living room. The home has no
DOI: 11/24/2011. The patient is a 48-year-old female home health aide who sustained injury while turning a patient in bed to put a clean pad when the bed moved. Per OMNI, the patient is diagnosed with L4-5 disc herniation with annular tear and left knee radicular syndrome. She has undergone posterolateral and interbody fusion at L4-5 on 02/18/2013.
Patient S is a seventy-eight-year-old male who presented to the ED in Rushville on October 25th with signs and symptoms of a stroke. These symptoms were leaning to the left side, a left facial droop, weakness in the left arm, and ataxia. The patient has no history of stroke. Patient S was admitted to 4-G in Memorial for a right-sided ischemic stroke. The patient has a history of atrial fibrillation (A-Fib), hyperlipidemia, bleeding problems, hypertension, sleep apnea, and a pacemaker. Patient S lives at home with his wife. Patient S was independent before the stroke. On October 13th, the patient had surgery of lumbar stenosis on L3, L4, and L5. The patient and wife reported increased serosanguinous drainage that soaked the dressing. Patient denied fever or pain at incision site. The doctor decreased Warfarin from 5 milligrams (mg) to 2.5 mg and prescribed a full dose of aspirin.
On 07/09/17 I contacted Sergeant Starks by telephone at shift change in reference to the daily pass on. Sergeant Starks advised that he was en-route to Deputy Hollis who had been exposed to OC Spray while on a traffic stop. I obtained his location and proceeded to the area; I-440 @ Mile Marker 11.
On 15 October 2017, at 1757 hours, Deputy Tabor and Deputy Williams were dispatched to 135 South Penalosa Street in Penalosa, Kansas, Kingman County, in response to a disturbance. As Deputy Tabor was en route, he was advised by dispatch over the radio that there were young kids who had threatened to "off" the reporting party.
Northwest Medical Center follows Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(HIPAA) Privacy rule and a federal privacy law which provides all the guidelines for protecting the privacy of individual health information. It is mandatory for all the staff of the company to follow these protocols and enforce the use of best practices which will be provided to them as a training to keep them updated. We make sure that we provide the staff with regular training to keep them updated with the latest security measures. It is very important to refresh the staff with the guidelines because over the time they get to be very lenient in following the protocol which will result in the violation of the policy. Few of the top violations are that,
On 10/01/2017 at 0014 hours, FTO Roman #2373 and I responded to 1346 Vermont St. regarding fight between a female and an individual she had a restraining order against. Dispatch advised that the suspect was a Latin male adult, approximately 28 yrs, 5’10, wearing a black jacket and black pants. Officer Roman and I were in full police uniform and driving a marked patrol vehicle when we responded. Upon arrival, Officer Roman activated his (BWC1) body worn camera and the footage was later uploaded to
Lights of Zion will hire an experienced case manager/“reentry counselor,” to assist reentry experience from prison to sustained employment. The case management begins with a comprehensive individual assessment. From this assessment, a service plan is created that manages every aspect of the participant’s reentry program. The case manager monitors the plan, ensuring that all goals and objectives are being reached. Case manager Service will also participate in client recruitment, services, mentorship and job training and placement.
Patient is a 88 year old Hispanic female who lives alone in her home. Patient stated she was born in Arizona and moved to Phoneix shortly after, where she lived most of her life. Patient's mother passed away when she was 12 years old. Patinet's father passed away when she was 15 years old. Pt has worked as a housewife and varies types of jobs for about 25 years. Patient was married to her husband for 40 years till he passed away. Patient moved in with one of her older brothers till he passed away from a alochol related illness. Pt's brother, Rudy, stated she is independent with her personal needs, meals and housecleaning. Rudy said he and his wife check up on the patient everyday and assist her if needed. Rudy made it clear that the patient
As seen in this case study, TM was listed as a full code and no GOC conversation was had between the physicians and the patient until the day of his discharge to home. This led to an unnecessary swallowing study in which the patient needed to be uncomfortably scoped. Due to the lack of GOC conversation the patient also chose to go home with general nursing services instead of end-of-life (EOL) hospice support. In the inpatient medical oncology floors of a large teaching hospital like this one, most patients are covered by rotating interns and residents that are not comfortable having GOC conversations with patients and leave it up to the primary physician to come and discuss.
Why would a world-renowned organization, Mayo Clinic, already know for quality embark on a quality improvement journey?
Bennie has been experiencing many feelings of depression. One symptom that is listed with major depression disorder is Bennie’s feelings of depression for over the past two months. Bennie has been having these feelings of depression almost everyday. Another symptom Bennie is experiencing is insomnia every night and feelings of exhaustion the next day. Bennie is having trouble concentrating and diminish in pleasure in everyday tasks. Other symptoms of depression are low appetite and feelings of worthlessness. One major symptom that needs to be explored more is Bennie’s thoughts and feelings about suicide. There is definitely a correlation between Bennie’s depression and his substance abuse. Without more information about Bennie’s past it cannot be said whether Bennie’s feelings of depression came first or his substance abuse. However, it is quite clear that his substance abuse is not helping his feelings of depression. Bennie has been using alcohol to try to make his life manageable and ease his feelings of depression.
In this cross-sectional non-interventional study, we studied patients with BSCL treated at the outpatient endocrine clinic of the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes. Inclusion criteria were age older than five years, diagnosis of BSCL, absence of diseases or use of drugs that interfere in bone mineral density (BMD) or bone metabolism and having signed the informed consent form. First of all, for the diagnosis of BSCL, we consider clinical (acromegaloid facies, prognathism, absence of greasy ball Buchat, prominence of the umbilicus, muscle hypertrophy, phlebomegaly, acanthosis nigricans, etc.), and laboratory criteria (hypertriglyceridemia, very low serum leptin, hyperinsulinemia). Then, the very low percentage of total body fat detected by
This article researched patients with swallowing functions over the first six months after acute stroke. They identify the important clinical factors that associated with an increased risk of swallowing dysfunctions and complications. The studies relied on bedside clinical examinations to diagnose dysphagia and assessed swallowing function for two weeks after the patient’s stroke.