To the shareholders of Eclipse Cameras & Drones we want to thank you for all your support over the past year in which myself as well as my colleagues have taken over as the leaders of your company. Before I introduce my partners I would like to discuss the state of the company from the last financial year. Over the past year our company sold 840,000 action-capture cameras and 140,000 UAV drones. With that being said the company's prior-year revenues were $334.1 million and net earnings were $15 million, which translates into $0.75 per share of common stock. Based off those numbers Eclipse Cameras & Drones is in sound financial condition and is performing well in the world wide market. The cameras and drones that we produce are liked by many
Our strategic goals of being the clear leader in market shares for entry-level cameras and maintaining higher growth market shares for our multi-featured cameras summed up Digital Allusion’s year eight balance sheets. We were able to create growth opportunities by anticipating competitive initiative from rival companies as well as establish growth in new regions globally. We earned this by meeting many of our goals like improving our credit score to an A rating, slightly increased over last year, we increase our earnings per share and increase our revenues as well as improving stock prices. Our price points were especially better in the multi-feature cameras, while we continue to shape the standard
There was a price competition between the five different industries for entry-level cameras. Instead, we focused on using multi-featured cameras to make the most of revenue. Multi-level Strategy Our multi-level strategy was defined by providing the top-end cameras for mid-tier prices. This was reflected by our dedication to consistently advance in all product design fields, market . An initial focus on developing R&D and brand-specific components (in years 7 and 8) and later a transition to core-component improvement (years 9-11) outlined the product design approach. From years 7-8, dedication to new product R&D reached its highest peak. In each of the 2 years, $9 million was dedicated to
Our competitive intelligence reports indicate that during Year 6 our company was offering the highest quality AC Cameras as well as UAV Drones, however our products were also the highest priced across the market. These reports also show that during the first year only one of our competitors (Group G) invested a great deal into sales promotions and advertising for the AC Camera segment. In retrospect this could very likely be one of the reasons why or how our competitors gained so much of the market share so quickly. As for the UAV Drone segment, all of the team's invested approximately around the same amount in search engine advertising and retailer discounts.
We evaluated our company’s position in the industry, and found ourselves in an excellent starting position to further develop our products and match them to the industry’s needs. Our market share is adequate and we can advance further with our strategy improve and reposition our products in the coming years. We have underutilized capacity, which we intend to improve, while increasing automation to reduce costs. We have plans to improve our promotion to improve product awareness and with the appropriate product lines we will increase price to improve margins and better align our high-end product image. Our current financial position is optimistic, showing our leverage (Assets/Equity) at 2.0, when our goal is to maintain 1.5-2.0 overall. By utilizing the analysis tools we are learning what elements are driving demand, how to effectively tailor our products through R&D, how best to adjust our marketing and pricing, while lowering input costs, in order to improve margins and to ensure our stakeholders are all satisfied.
We aimed to win market share by appealing to cost-conscious or price-sensitive customers, which we felt that the majority of consumers consisted of. This would be achieved by having the lowest prices in the target market segment, or at least the lowest price to value ratio (price compared to what customers receive). To succeed at offering the lowest price while still achieving profitability and a high return on investment, it was evident that we had to be able to operate at a lower cost than our rivals. We aimed to achieve this goal though a combination of two methods, the first being achieving a high asset turnover. In the manufacturing of our cameras, we wanted to achieve the production of high volumes of output. In theory this approach meant fixed costs would be spread over a larger number of units of the product or service, resulting in a lower unit cost. We hoped to take advantage of economies of scale and experience curve effects[3]. We hoped and realised that higher levels of output both required and resulted in a higher market share, and created an entry barrier to potential competitors, who may be unable to achieve the scale necessary to match our low costs and prices.
There are many safety features built into your Shooting Star drones, and the FAA has issued a special waiver for drones to be used at Disney. The average person might not know that this means the FAA has completed a study on drone operation and procedures and approved the procedures for the safe operations of drones at Disney Parks, with that being said a fraction of the public and media are still uninformed and skeptical of UAS operations. What can you say about that, and will the Shooting Star drones fly directly over
The company ended in the last place, and we know that there are areas of opportunities. In spite of this, out of the five performance areas, our weighted average scores were above the investor expected standards for Y2015. On the other hand, we never meet the image rating score of 70, and our EPS fell
In 2002, Leitax had suffered through poor planning of 3 camera models: the launch of one camera delayed (cost: $19.5 million), another outsold its inventory (costs: $4.5million) and a third model reported sluggish sales ($2.5million). To compensate, Leitax extended the life of an existing model and made a mad scramble to find product and customers but the most costumers preferred to wait for the delayed camera. These
This battle ship can shoot torpedoes at the speed of a tremendous 350 miles per hour. It also has an electromagnetic rail gun, which has the range of most cruise missiles. They have also built a copter that is a quad copter and if that was not enough the copter fires lasers. They also have a 3D printer on the ship so they can print drones and they have a holographic control room which means that everything is in a hologram. This is only some of the things that the great youngest and brightest of Britain’s scientists and engineers came up with when the Defense Ministry challenged them to come up with when he told them to make the warship of the future. The Defense Ministry and the Royal Navy brought all of their ideas together which made up the Dreadnought 2050 the sequel
1.) Methane is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming and inherently dangerous to human health. It can also be a potent energy source and a potential indicator of life or life-like activity. NASA uses the Open Path Laser Spectrometer with the drones to detect methane gas leaks large and small (Atherton, 2016).
Our choices led to a constant increase in net income over the three years. Short term debt increase by approximately 100% percent but steadily reduced over the next three years. We were happy with the positive growth of the company and the fact that we were able to pay off most of the initial short term funding required by the increase in working capital requirement. Overall the current situation of the company in 2018 is good, although the total value created is less than 20% of that created in phase 1. From this we learned that the value of the firm can be significantly increased more through a reduction in working capital requirement than through increasing the firm’s sales and net income.
We perhaps erred on the product design providing far too many features in the entry-level camera resulting in an increased cost of manufacturing. We did fairly well in terms of global prices but fared badly in P / Q ratings. The average Price for an entry-level camera in the global market is ranging from 150 - 175
The incorporation of drones into film making is a relatively simple concept, but it actually harder than one might think. For a professional to get the proper licenses to fly a drone they have to go through extensive training and paper work. Then the production has to map out specifically where they intend to fly the drone, to get an exemption from the FAA. That is the hard part, but flying the UAS to get the shots you want can be harder than you might think. Once you get up in the air you have to try to keep your drone from moving a lot, which can be difficult depending on the environment you fly the drone in. EX: Wind and other obstacles. You also have to consider what shots you need to use a drone for, just because you have a drone doesn't
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), most widely known as drones, were at first mainly used for military reconnaissance, but in recent years, drones have become available for consumer use. This has allowed innovators and entrepreneurs to find new ways to use drone technology, which led to the mass producing of consumer UAVs. As a result, the federal government is faced with many questions about privacy and security because of the use of drones. I believe the federal government should restrict the sale and use of drones on the basis of privacy and security.
Lifted Imagery is UAV-based aerial media provider targeting the needs of the real estate marketplace. Starting the business will require capital to purchase the UAV itself and further accessories such as batteries and other equipment. There will also be expenses for a camera and then future upgrades as the technology changes rapidly. There will also be further business operation expenses, but the initial capital required is for the development of the UAV itself. There are various methods that Lifted Imagery can employ to gather the funding necessary to get the Lifted Imagery off the ground.