
Summary: Hiding In Plain Sight

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Hiding in Plain Sight Page 3 from Ed Brubaker (words) and Sean Phillips' Criminal: Volume 2, Bad Night (Marvel, 2009), speaks on creating an identity for one's self. How much of themselves an artist puts into their work is something that is often discussed. This page could be viewed as a prime example of this, or a commentary on it. The elements of this page lead the reader to an exploration of how much of the person creating a work is included in it, and how much of their own lives a reader can see in said work. The opening panels of this page show an artist working on a comic strip. In this comic we find the P.I., Frank Kafka, questioning the whereabouts of Remy D . He is told no one knows how long he was missing, that he lost his job and …show more content…

The message being left for our comic artist character, Jacob, finds him being searched for, much as the person the P.I. was searching for. This person is calling about a deadline, for we assume a job, most likely pertaining to the comic Jacob is currently working on. This ties into the comic being drawn, as not only is Jacob's main character, Frank, searching for someone but Jacob himself is being searched for. This leads to speculation about how much of Jacob is in Remy D, the character he is drawing Frank searching for, even if it is him just wishing he could …show more content…

The clock is in fact in a panel all on it's own, making it impossible to avoid and therefore making us feel like time is of the utmost importance. This leads to questioning is it just work or something more keeping him burning the candle at both ends. If it is something more than just his work, and his deadlines, that is keeping him there what is it. Could it be something as simple as insomnia? Or maybe it is just avoidance, but if that's the case it brings forth the question of 'what is he avoiding?' and how bad it really is. Will there be someone like his P.I., Frank, searching for him or could Frank be representing other things that are after our comic

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