On Thursday January 14, 2016. I was invited into a Counseling session by Ms. Sonya Hunt with one of her clients. The client’s name was Justice Mullins. Justice attends Central State University as an undergraduate student. The session was about an introduction of opportunities to have weekly sessions with Justice Mullins. The discussion of scheduling and purpose of counseling was
Robbie J. is a 19 year old African American male and at this time he is currently a freshman at Henderson County University. The client has been referred to this office by his school residential advisor and family doctor. The reason behind this is that the client has not been attending his college classes and has been caught drinking on campus by campus security three times in the past two months. His parents have been advised by the school that if the client doesn’t attend counseling sessions he will be asked to leave and not return back for the following academic school year. The client must attend five sessions and also join an A.A. group.
SPC Yancey this is your June monthly counseling, you have been doing an excellent job taking over for SPC (p) Wehle, and you have taken ownership of each task. Good job working on responsibility as well as being there for the section. I appreciate your willingness to take charge of situations in my absence. You have a good leadership ability, the Soldiers like you and want to work for you. This is a part of your leadership that you need to nurture. While you do take ownership of tasks and missions there is a weakness in your follow through on a given a task. I suggest that you trust but validate every tasks you give the troops. This confirms follow through and appropriate completion. Do not be afraid to make them redo a task if mot completed
In the scenario of Taneka who is 17-year old African American female, who is in high school. She lives in a single parent home with two other siblings, 14-year old brother's name Derrick, and 12-year old sister name Kenya. She has been working part time positions to help her mother with bills and recently she started working in a retail shop in the mall, where she realized that she likes people and they respond to her well, that made her start thinking about the possibility of going to college.
This theory focuses on the integration of Biblical principles by combining several aspects of major theories to provide the best treatment for clients. This theory also discusses the nature and need of man as well as the most important factors in determining the health and/or dysfunction of man. This theory provides a detailed process of intervention based on several major theories, while using Scripture as a basis for each method. Overall, this theory focuses on the importance of the client’s role in therapy. Ultimately, through the combined theories and integration of Scripture, it is up to the client to apply these methods. As a result of that application, with guidance from
Team met per parents request to review service hours regarding counseling. Initially Mrs. Ruedemann requested that all counseling hours be removed. Due to Connor's inconsistent behaviors within the school setting the team suggested that Connor’s service hours be reduced rather than eliminated. Mrs. Ruedemann agreed with the team’s decision to have Connor meet with a counselor for 30 min every other week. In addition, to service hours Mrs. Ruedemann expressed concerns with Connors accountability within the classroom setting. She requested two changes be made to the accommodations and modifications page of the IEP. These changes include a five day time limit added to accepted late work, and that modified homework/projects/tests, be changed
As with any other client the best way to discover Mario’s concerns and issues is to utilize the Basic Listening Sequence and the Five Stages of a Counseling Session as described in the microskills hierarchy from our textbook (Ivey, Ivey, & Zalaquett, 2014, pp. 10-11). The anticipated result from using these microskills is to further draw out Mario’s story so that I may view his concerns from his frame of reference. Another anticipated result is building the level of trust and rapport necessary to ensure compliance with any suggestions or instructions provided by myself or from insights gained by the client (p. 318). Once an empathic relationship is formed the Mario and I can collaboratively move forward searching for resolution of the his concerns.
In what way did the counselor demonstrate potential issues and learning experiences in terminating with clients?
Counseling Description of Counseling Counseling helps that saving the evidence. Counseling should be able to provide to the victim and the cyberbully. Counseling should help the victim cope with the trauma of cyberbullying and rehabilitate the cyberbullying. It is important the cyberbully be regarding the serious consequence of cyberbullying.
According to Wubbolding( 2000, 2008b, 2011), the choice theory states that when human beings are born with five needs: belonging or love, power (inner control, competence, or achievement), fun or enjoyment, freedom or independence ( autonomy), and survival or self- preservation). In saying this, the most general and universal human needs is that they have a place of belonging. A person that don't feels abandon or left out if they don't have a loved one to show that they care for you.
A Client’s Background: The Effect of the Counseling Session A career counselor should be willing to work with individuals from different walks of life. The counselor should always take into consideration the different characteristics that one has. These characteristics can influence the counselor’s relationship with the client.
When a client attends therapy there are various elements to this process. All of them are required in order for the client to gain the most out of this experience. In doing so, this kind of song and dance is created and maintained by the client and therapist. The nature of this dance is imperative to the clients’ condition and most often their life, so the therapist must decide which concepts are appropriate for the issues the client presented with for treatment. How do we decide what the first and the last move will be? It all begins with an initial counseling session, the client and therapist get to know each other and learn what is necessary in order for therapy to be beneficial and effective.
When Dr. Reynolds first introduced that we would have to complete eight counseling sessions throughout the semester I was not very excited. Freaking out was an understatement. Wasn’t sure as to how many sessions could be successfully completed without me wanting to quit. Speaking to a stranger about my problems was completely terrifying because my closest friends don’t know my personal life. My anxiety started to become a lot worse so my doctor advised me to go to the clinic on campus. Bringing up past events caused me to overthink and lose a ton of sleep. Keeping things inside and not speaking about them was sort of my specialty. I learned that I needed to tell someone about my problems so that they wouldn’t affect my life anymore. Once sessions
Counselling sessions can help us work through a range of personal issues from everyday hardships to potentially life threatening situations. In this reflective essay I propose to put theory to practice by analysing and reflecting upon a one hour session with a professional counsellor. The session is to be recorded so I can refer to particular instances during the session.
What were your personal goals for this session? (Focus on your skill development rather than what your goals for the client were) My personal goals were to incorporate reflecting feelings into my role as a counselor. To be able to inspect the emotions my client is feeling at the moment during our counseling session. Also, to continue encouraging my client to further express her feelings and continuing telling her story.
Counselling session can facilitate the process of overcoming or working through personal issues from everyday hardship as well as potentially life threatening situations. This reflective essay will analyse a counselling session that I have attended with a professional counsellor. Her name was Hend. The session was to be recorded so I can refer to particular examples during the session. In this reflective essay I will give an overview of the counselling session as well as a discussion of my feelings before, during and after the session. Key skills used by the counsellor such as active listening, reflective skills and empathy will be explained, supported with verbatim examples from the session. Furthermore, the overall experiences and