In act ii Othello becomes strict. Othello has to turn to commander side because, adult decisions have to be made. In act ii scene iii Cassio has taken too many drinks and walks out of the party room. When Cassio walks out he gets a rude greeting from Roderigo. Roderigo is calling him names and talking down on Cassio. Cassio does not tolerate the way he is spoken to, so he decides to fight Roderigo. Montano hears the loud noise and tries to break up the fight. While trying to break up the fight Montano is accidentally stabbed by Cassio. Othello is then woken by the brawl. Othello walks out of his room and sees Cassio fighting Montano and Roderigo. Othello does not know what's going, except the fact that Cassio has stabbed Montano. Othello quickly
Othello’s lieutenant, Cassio is a young and inexperienced soldier (we are told this in the beginning of the play when Cassio is first spoken of), whose high position is much resented by Iago. Truly devoted to Othello, Cassio is extremely ashamed after being implicated in a drunken brawl on Cyprus and losing his place as lieutenant. Iago uses Cassio’s youth, good looks, and friendship with Desdemona to play on Othello’s insecurities about Desdemona’s fidelity.
In Act 2, Iago is a deceptive person. He is able to effortlessly pretend that he loves Cassio, even though he is plotting to get him fired. There is a part of Act 2 of Scene 3, where a brawl has just taken place between Cassio and Roderigo. Cassio is made drunk by Iago; Roderigo takes advantage of this and picks a fight with him. (IC; IC) Montano is trying to stop the fight; he places himself between them and gets hurt instead. (General IC; Specific IC) The ruckus interrupts Othello’s honeymoon night. He asks Iago to reveal who started the fight. Iago feigns innocence at first, but eventually tells Othello “with reluctance” that it was Cassio: “I had rather have this tongue cut from my mouth / Than it should do offense to Michael Cassio” (Shakespeare 2.3.236-267). (IC: “Quote” (citation).) Iago claims that he does not want to say anything bad about Cassio because he cares for Cassio. The audience obviously knows that Iago set Cassio up to get into a fight and ultimately get fired. This is because Iago despises Cassio; for, he has a greater power and position than Iago. Iago is so easily able to lie in front of
Close Reading: Othello Act V, Scene II (lines 319-355) Throughout the passage, while Cassio and Lodovico attempt to detain Othello, he gives his final speech stating his accomplishments before ultimately committing suicide. The passage proves to be critical towards the development of the character of Othello, the reinforcement of key themes, and the advancement of the plot. The course of story is critically influenced by these aspects.
In Act II, scene iii, there is a celebration because the Turkish fleet was completely destroyed. Iago has come up with a plan already. In Act II, scene i, he plans to make Cassio get drunk to beat up Roderigo, who will be saying things to Cassio to make him upset and angry. Iago’s goal is to make Cassio look bad infront of the whole town of Cyprus and for him to lose his position. Iago is jealous of Cassio’s position and he wants it because it is a high position to have and Iago didn’t get it in the first place. Iago’s goal was achieved. In Act II, scene iii, lines 108-114, Cassio is drunk while fighting Roderigo. Then, Cassio and Montano fight. Roderigo spreads rumors around the whole town and eventually Othello finds out all of this. Cassio loses his position as lieutenant. He knew he could get Cassio fired all
To sneak his way closer to his lord’s position Iago acts sincere and helpful around Othello, and this helps him achieve Othello’s trust. This trust that Othello has in him is exhibited in many instances but most importantly after the brawl between Cassio and Montano. After Othello arrives at the scene he asks Iago to speak the truth who responds: “I had rather have this tongue cut from my mouth than it should do offense to Michael Cassio”(2.3.235-40). After saying this he explains how Cassio started the fight with Montano however, even men sometimes forget to behave appropriately when angered in certain situations. In return Othello replies: “I know, Iago, thy honesty and love doth mince this matter, making it light to Cassio(2.3.260-65). From Othello’s reaction to the incident Iago has recognized the confidence and friendship that has grown between him and his general, and also how he can use this to alter Othello’s perspective on others in the future. Relative to this, Iago later uses the trust Othello has in him to manipulate his relationship and overall perspective of Cassio. Prior to doing so Cassio had been a friend of Othello’s as well as Desdemona, but ever since his brawl with Montano their relationship has waned. For instance while Iago and Othello are conversing about Cassio’s honesty
“The Duke does greet you, general, And he requires your haste-post-haste appearance, Even on the instant.” (1.2.37). Michael Cassio first enters Othello when delivering a message to the general, Othello. He is a young, highly educated lieutenant. Though he is inexperienced in battle, he is truly devoted to his governor. Unfortunately, his gullible and blind ways unintentionally lead to Othello’s death. Since he arrives to Cyprus before Othello and his wife Desdemona, he is there to greet Desdemona who arrives a bit before Othello. She has a conversation with Iago, Othello’s ensign. It consists of him speaking poorly of women and Cassio speaking up by saying Iago is more of a soldier than a scholar. Othello’s ship makes land and they celebrate that night. Iago knows that if Cassio has too much to drink, he will be intolerable. This is true, and Cassio picks a fight with Roderigo and Montano, a former governor of Cyprus. This leads to Othello’s firing of Cassio, “. . . Cassio I love thee but never more be officer of mine” (2.3.211-212).
Roderigo taunts Michael Cassio into a drunken brawl. Montano and other men try to hold Cassio back; knowing Michael has no clue what he is doing due to be intoxicated. The fight quickly turns dangerous when Michael Cassio turns against Montano and stabs him! Othello get word of the brawl outbreak and arrives with armed men to assess the situation. Iago is pleased with the brawl; he knows that the arrival of Othello will bring punishment to Michael Cassio. Othello demands to know what has happened to bring him away from his wife. Montano is in excruciating pain and unable to tell the whole story; Iago speaks for him. Telling Othello that he does not know how the fight had broken out. Michael Cassio, thinking Iago is being a friend and covering for him, goes along with Iago’s story. Othello immediately demotes Michael Cassio from his position as lieutenant. This is another achievement for Iago; he has gained trust from Michael Cassio and has the victory of Michael Cassio not being Othello’s lieutenant.
He, despite his place and power does not like Othello. One of the main reasons is that Othello appointed Cassio as Lieutenant instead of him, who had been with Othello for many years. His main goal through the entire play is to watch Othello fall. He has a very fixed mindset on the matter and stay with it. No real amount of convincing could convince him that his plan was incorrect.
Othello still really cares for Cassio, but he knows that he can not give him his job back because Montano is a very popular figure. This makes it nearly impossible for Cassio to get his job back since he injured Montano.
When Othello first enters the room at the start of Act III Scene III, Cassio hurriedly leaves the room after speaking with Desdemona. Cassio does this completely innocently: he leaves because he doesn´t want to enhance Othello's rage any more than he has already. Iago succesfully twist this situation- ""That he would steal away so guilty like- seeing you coming.
Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American novelist and short story writer.He was born in Masasschusetts in 1804 , whose father was a sea captain.He was descedant as a Puritan family known for their attacks on Quakers , Indians and ‘’witches ‘’.Therefore when he was 20 years old , he added a ‘’w’’ to his original name “”Hathorne’’ as a distance to his family past . Hawthorne ‘s characterists were described as a shy ,solitary ,idle student at school , who prefered reading as a lifestyle.He was graduated from Bowdoin College , where he met Franklin Pierce , whom soon became a president, this friendship later would result political appointments sustained him in lean times. In his work, the first novel titled ‘’Twice Told Tales’’ was published in 1837. He commited for pacifist and wrote against the Civil War. He continued writing until his death in 1864 , leaving 8 novels , 9 short stories and 4 unfinished manuscripts.
The scene that I chose to illustrate and direct was act 4 scene 1, when Othello slapped Desdemona. Here you can really grasp Othello’s controlling attitude as he insists on Desdemona lying, even though she didn’t know what she was necessarily lying about. We really witness the manipulative portion of Othello’s personality, and that’s why I'm focusing on this scene.
Othello is one of the greatest plays due to its variety of character and themes. The immorality seen in Iago, the gullibility in Othello, and the desperation of Desdemona make the story. The theme of social status plays a huge role in the story. In addition, the theme of appearance versus reality also plays a huge role in how each tragedy happens. In the critical essay “Othello” it discusses the idea that the characters are cast as outsiders due to false interpretation of what is happening or what is being said. On the other hand, the piece “Othello Character Analysis” emphasizes how characterization reflects the greatness of the piece.
It is clear through years of observation that an untold number of beginning teachers do not persevere in the field of education. However, the number of teachers walking through the revolving door appears much fewer in schools with teams. In a school without teams, the feelings of isolation make teaching a difficult and lonely existence. Persistence and unwillingness to admit defeat are likely the reasons for overcoming the adversities inherent in the first years of teaching. Administrative support such as trust, a mentor program, and collaboration of teaming in schools helps stop the hemorrhage of teachers to other careers. Therefore, how does teaming impact teacher job satisfaction and retention? Research states teaming
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