All it takes is Leadership The third article that this student chose to review is “All it takes is Leadership,” which was written by Tom Papin and Treva Houck. Mr. Papin and Ms. Houck are respectively the Executive Director and the Director of the Department of Family and Children Services of the Mesa County Department of Human Services in Grand Junction, Colorado. The article discusses the importance of leadership in social services and how their community utilized leadership to create a collaborative approach to family services. Leaders from the Department of Human Services, the local mental health center, child placement agencies, human service agencies, the school district, and the court system have been able to come together to develop …show more content…
Popa. Dr. Popa is an Associate Professor at Gonzaga University. His education includes a MSW from California State University of Long Beach and a Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Utah. This article details a study completed by Dr. Popa which examined the perceived leadership within the Division of Child and Family Services (Popa, 2012). Specifically, the question proposed was “How are leadership practices in the Division of Child and Family Services in one State perceived by frontline and administrative staff?” (Popa, 2012, p. 641). Frontline caseworkers and administrators were chosen for the study, which required response to a 10-point Likert scale (Popa, 2012). The frontline participants were asked to provide ratings regarding the leadership behavior of upper level management, whereas the administrators provided ratings regarding their perception of their own leadership practices (Popa, 2012). Participants were asked to measure the leadership dimensions of: challenge, inspiration, enabling, modeling, and encouragement (Popa, 2012). Results of the study showed a significant difference between the administrator and frontline worker responses across all five leadership dimensions (Popa, 2012). Administrators consistently rated their leadership skills higher than their frontline staff rated them …show more content…
This student can also take a lesson from this study and not just assume that coworkers or supervisors perceive this student in a certain way, but to consistently encourage and ask for constructive feedback. This article also makes this student believe that as a worker, if this student is not feeling supported, then this student should discuss this with the supervisor, as they may not be perceiving things the same way, and if given the chance the situation may be able to be
In a study conducted by S.M. Johnson on the complexity of the superintendent’s role in school district leadership, she identified three types of leadership evident in the practice of successful superintendents: “educational leadership (focus on pedagogy and learning), political leadership (securing resources, building coalitions), and managerial leadership (using structures for participation, supervision, support, and planning)” (as cited in Fullan, 2006, p. 210). For the RTI change initiative, the superintendent showed these three types of
This paper summarizes the article written by Cam Caldwell, Rolf D. Dixon, Larry A. Floyd, Joe Chaudoin, Johnathan Post, and Gaynor Cheokas regarding the need for a new type of leadership in today’s social work environment, defined as Transformative leadership. The article itself varies in the definition, however in a broad sense Transformative leadership is maintaining good moral standing and sound business ethics among employees and individuals inside and outside the workplace. However, in order to reach this theoretical level of business related moral and ethical leadership known as
I chose to interview Regina Geis, who holds the administrative role as acting supervisor for the County Mental Health adult day program, which provides services for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Ms. Geis has held this position for 15 months. This is her first managerial position within a human service agency. Her style of management has changed over this short period of time. She feels that she is now more direct with her direction with staff. She stated, “Maybe now I come across as a little bit cold. But I have learned that I now have to use the least amount of words to get my point across.”
Literature states that leadership is displayed as a persistent and positive activity (Fitzgerald and Gunter, 2008 cited in Siraj-Blachford and Hallet, 2014, pg.9). According to Rodd (2006), early childhood practitioners need to be effective leaders to make sure their roles and responsibilities are carried out effectively. Although leadership can be learned or developed, it is important that all individual gains access to professional training and opportunities to practice, refined and broadened (Rodd, 2006). Therefore, the importance of leadership and implementation to the setting is recognized by all Early Years Leaders. Leadership can be displayed as a process in which one person, usually it is the leaders role and responsibility to set the purpose or direction for one or more other persons. Then later on gets them to move along together with him or her and with each other in that direction with competence and fill commitment. (Jacques and Clement, 1994, cited in Briggs and Briggs, 2009). Siraj-Blatchford and Hallet (2014) adds that leadership is also known as a process for personal and professional learning and development; organizational change and improvement. Rodd (2013) defines leaders working in early childhood sector as people who are able to influence the behaviours of others to achieve a certain goal or planned outcome. Similarly, leadership in the early childhood sector appears to be more of a result to groups of people who work together to influence and inspire
A plan for leadership, or, an analysis of leadership, were the two options available for the final portfolio project of class ORG 561, Examination of Modern Leadership. I selected option number 2, a plan for leadership, in which a new organizational leadership plan will be presented and developed in an effort to provide guidance to upper management to address a number of organizational concerns. The portfolio will entail an evaluation of an overflowing pediatric emergency department facing the challenges of meeting capacity needs as well as the needs of staff members. Specific issues to be addressed include high staff turnover, ineffective continuing education opportunities, poor communication channels between staff and
The book, “Remarkable Leadership”, is significant in our leadership discussion because its main focus is on bringing out the leader quality in all of us. The book’s premises rest on the belief that leaders maybe born but they can also be developed, thus leadership is learnt. The author draws reference on the fact that we are all born with some sort of talent/gift or we may have an interest in something that needs to be developed through training. The critical concepts in the books discuss the qualities and roles that leader should possess, which include being; an advocate for change, an effective communicator, a teacher/mentor, develop necessary relationship, being an innovator, know the importance of teamwork, and one who values learning continuously.
City Youth Ministries is a family, even though they have social responsibility and a code of ethics. As soon as you watch the way Director Denise Snider interacts with the children, it is evident that this is an “organization family” treated like a “nuclear family.” (DeSensi & Rosenberg, 2010) I have also learned the value in the way we communicate with others. This opportunity showed me that a successful organization, or team, begins with enthusiastic leadership. The book presents motivation “as the basis of the function of leading” (DeSensi & Rosenberg, 2010). One day, I might find myself leading a group, and I aspire to act like Mrs. Snider. The acquisition or loss of social roles affects the psychological effects of both men and women (Wilson & Musick, 2000). Adding this “social role”, gave me a place where I felt appreciated. There was always something that needed to be done, and someone that needed to be loved. Whenever I finished an afternoon of volunteering, I was not tired or drained. On the contrary, I left with a sense of contentment and thankfulness. The children, faculty, and staff cared for each other in more than a typical organization, and I was lucky enough to be a part of
The concept of effective leadership is a topic that has been widely debated by individuals and professional leaders in many societies. In Kevin Cashman’s book, Leadership from the Inside Out: Becoming a Leader for life, the author reveals that leadership is defined through a person’s understanding of their internal nature, rather than the values, beliefs, and morals a society claims that a leader should possess. Even though Cashman does acknowledge the importance of the societal view of leadership, he argues that true leadership is defined by an individual’s understanding of their internal essence. In each chapter Cashman strongly debates that leaders lead by virtue of who they are. He defines this outlook on leadership as the Inside-Out Leadership Method. This is a method that allows an authoritative figure to develop a strong understanding of their physical, mental, and spiritual essence to lead others towards a mutual goal.
Leadership, defined as “a process through which an individual attempts to intentionally influence people to accomplish a goal” (Olden, 2015, p. 165). There are many types of leadership methods and theories to use in a health care organization. At Southern Regional Health Systems Tim Hank has not found the method that works best for his organization. Figuring out the best method for Tim Hank’s organization may not be simple, but good leadership results in a successful organization. I will prove that using various leadership methods will improve Southern Regional Health System and Tim Hank’s productivity.
In consideration of effective leadership styles in organizations of today, I am convinced that transformational leadership will have the greatest impact on my desired career goal as a social worker. Organizations related to social services have made dramatic changes over the years and with those changes, the roles of leadership have gone through a transformation. Social workers are on the front lines working through challenges and barriers advocating for changes to better the lives of those in need.
This document summarizes the attached records on the abundance of training courses offered throughout the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS). There are currently over 30 courses that are facilitated by members of the Center for Learning and Organizational Excellence (CLOE) for the purposes of leadership certification. Of these courses there are three required courses by the Legislature. As a governmental agency, there is a matrix for the each program’s required courses to gain the certification as a supervisor. Each program has specific training requirements that have commonalities in subjects but not titles. This approach does not resemble the commercial “for profit” nor other government leadership training
Achieving a school district’s mission and vision requires the commitment of its stakeholders. In order to involve them in the process, it is necessary for educational leaders to “motivate staff, parents, students, board and community members” (Educational Leadership Constituencies Council, 2002, p. 4). The transformational leadership theory emphasizes the importance of educational leaders acting as role-models in order to motivate and inspire the school community. This approach has the potential to involve all stakeholders, leading to increased student success (Bush, 2007). The Assistant Director of Special Education in Northwest ISD directly supervised the school district’s assessment staff. Her education, experience, and passion set an example for her subordinates, stimulating them to achieve more, leading to her promotion to Executive Director of Student Services.
“While change in community is never easy, it has been my pleasure working with United Way to continue to make Topeka a great place to live and work,” as Miriam Krehbiel stated when she visited Leadership 300. Miriam Krehbiel not only revealed her successes as a leader she revealed her whole experience as a leader including the vulnerability of her leadership experiences. When Miriam came to speak to our class it was as though she could share her story and impact each student in a different way. Miriam’s story can be displayed through what it takes to be a good-to-great leader, concepts that were discussed in Jim Collin’s book, Good to Great. The concepts were embodied within Miriam’s story and leadership styles begin with the transformation of getting the right people on the bus that is described as “First Who.. Then What” and her “Level 5 Leadership” from Collin’s book. Through Miriam’s leadership journey now being the President and CEO of United Way she experienced many challenges and evaluations of her leadership capabilities in regards to the traditional change agent that she had to become, the adaptive leadership concept displayed, and learning to be a leader within a complex system.
Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal. The article “Leadership That Gets Results” by Daniel Goleman is an article that helps readers understand that there is not only one way of becoming a successful leader. Research indicates that leaders with best results do not rely on only one leadership style. Goleman, describes leaderships styles as array of clubs in a golf pro’s bag. Over the course of the game, the pro picks clubs based on the demands of the shot. Thinking is involved during the selection, but usually it is automatic. The pro is aware of the challenge ahead, quickly utilizes the right tool, and puts it to work. It has also been found that emotional intelligence
Based on these findings, after examining parent’s participation on a Parent Leadership Council (PLC), through secondary data, we offer strategies for child welfare agencies, educators, health providers and others to promote parental engagement and empowerment, while suggesting a multi-pronged approach of increasing active parent membership in programs that encourage parents to reach their leadership capacity.