
Summary Of All It Takes Is Leadership

Decent Essays

All it takes is Leadership The third article that this student chose to review is “All it takes is Leadership,” which was written by Tom Papin and Treva Houck. Mr. Papin and Ms. Houck are respectively the Executive Director and the Director of the Department of Family and Children Services of the Mesa County Department of Human Services in Grand Junction, Colorado. The article discusses the importance of leadership in social services and how their community utilized leadership to create a collaborative approach to family services. Leaders from the Department of Human Services, the local mental health center, child placement agencies, human service agencies, the school district, and the court system have been able to come together to develop …show more content…

Popa. Dr. Popa is an Associate Professor at Gonzaga University. His education includes a MSW from California State University of Long Beach and a Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Utah. This article details a study completed by Dr. Popa which examined the perceived leadership within the Division of Child and Family Services (Popa, 2012). Specifically, the question proposed was “How are leadership practices in the Division of Child and Family Services in one State perceived by frontline and administrative staff?” (Popa, 2012, p. 641). Frontline caseworkers and administrators were chosen for the study, which required response to a 10-point Likert scale (Popa, 2012). The frontline participants were asked to provide ratings regarding the leadership behavior of upper level management, whereas the administrators provided ratings regarding their perception of their own leadership practices (Popa, 2012). Participants were asked to measure the leadership dimensions of: challenge, inspiration, enabling, modeling, and encouragement (Popa, 2012). Results of the study showed a significant difference between the administrator and frontline worker responses across all five leadership dimensions (Popa, 2012). Administrators consistently rated their leadership skills higher than their frontline staff rated them …show more content…

This student can also take a lesson from this study and not just assume that coworkers or supervisors perceive this student in a certain way, but to consistently encourage and ask for constructive feedback. This article also makes this student believe that as a worker, if this student is not feeling supported, then this student should discuss this with the supervisor, as they may not be perceiving things the same way, and if given the chance the situation may be able to be

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