
Summary Of ' All Sound Dies '

Good Essays

All sound dies when my 8 month old daughter, Lisa, stops crying and sleeps. We sit in silence for a while, watching as the streetlights turn on past us. My wife, Mika is sitting to my right. She’s just begging someone, anyone to spark a conversation. The driver is probably exhausted from yuppie businessmen who insist on a better route and have the indecency to yell their business lingo into their phones. I know that feeling. My publisher is giving me grief for not having any good ideas. I’ve created a town, but not much else.

That I’m aware of.

The driver looks a tad too young for this job. His hair is dark, his skin is tanned, and judging by a several second glance at his rear view mirror, his eyes are dark brown, just like …show more content…

“Do you have a little one in your life?”
“Oh god no. People my age shouldn’t have little ones in our lives.”
Good. At least I know you can make good decisions.
“But I wish my father was like you, sir. ”
The driver goes on. He talks about a man. A drunk, but a quiet, complacent drunk. Someone who aspired for more. Someone who wanted to take his family somewhere and never look back. But it 's someone who couldn’t get his life together and has cursed his son to follow in his footsteps.
Poor bloke. Where could he possibly end up in this story?

Sounds good. I think I’ll write that down.

When we arrive, the meter says twenty seventy five. I hand Mika my wallet and I step out, walking to the other side of the car to open her door. She gives him twenty five and tells him to keep the change.
“Thanks for the lift. And don’t worry so much about your father. I’m sure he’ll be fine.”
The driver seems genuinely touched. But I think ‘daddy’ is lucky to be alive for this long.


Mika and I stroll through the park on the main street of town. While Mika is pushing Lisa in the stroller, I’m enjoying a pleasant single cone strawberry ice cream and holding our lunch. Fish and chips for us, yoghurt and a banana for Lisa. Mika isn’t in the mood for ice cream and it’s a shame that Lisa can’t have any.

Mika spots a familiar face out in the distance. I look around and see a young man with an old, black dog, both enjoying ice

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