
Summary Of An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge By Ambrose Bierce

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Many have debated the question if time is stopped or slowed down during death, in the short story by Ambrose Bierce “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”. The author uses lots of unique plot twists during the short story that manipulates the reader to lead towards another perspective. However, though out the story setting and plot is a huge factor in the story. Correspondingly, the viewpoint of, symbolism, and irony is used heavily throughout the story, translated in Peyton Farquhar mentality during his tragic death making it a true short story. Ambrose Bierce uses the time to manipulate the reader from understanding the plot making it impossible to foreshadow most of the short story. Time is viewed as an indefinite continued progress of life the reader cant identify the difference between time and the victims perspective anymore. Payton Farquhar should've been dead during his hanging correspondingly, he survives making his brain flash before his eyes as he’s dying. Surprisingly, Farquhar believes that he has survived the horrific ordeal, instead of dying making the order of time dysfunctional. After miraculous escaping from the soldiers he returns home to his wife ultimately he snaps back to reality and dies. Immediately, making the reader question the actual order of life. Consequently, the story might not have a solid order of time in Farquhar life. However, the author does distinguish the actual historical timeline of the event Bierce identifies Farquhar as a slave owner

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