
Summary Of Anna Deavere Smith's Twilight: Los Angeles 1992

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The ideas of slavery have resonated throughout American society, allowing many individuals of color to experience systemic forces of racism that hinder their abilities to obtain success. Anna Deavere Smith’s Twilight: Los Angeles 1992 accentuates that these Racist ideas have continued to plague marginalized groups and have led to the development of societal hatred. Institutionalized racism remains a major issue within American society, as thousands of individuals of color continue to endure poverty, police brutality, and lack of educational resources that have created a racial and class divide between white individuals and individuals of color. In Twilight: Los Angeles 1992, Anna Deavere Smith illuminates these racist barriers constructed by …show more content…

During the section of the book entitled, Application of Laws Bill Bradley Senator, D-New Jersey, Smith scorns and resents police force by, providing a personal story given by Senator Bill Bradley’s about his friend who was racially profiled and harassed by police officers. As the police officers wrongfully arrest the African-American man with insufficient evidence, one of the officers states “You’re being held against your will, aren’t you, being held against your will” to the young man’s white passenger. Cather exposes the racialized mentality that is ingrained into the officer’s minds. Not only did they wrongful detain the black man, they accused him of kidnapping a white woman. This personal story told by a prominent political figure elucidates and strengthens Smith’s critique of the police brutality sprouted by institutionalized racism within American society. Not only are ordinary citizens aware of the misconduct of the police, but Smith uses this personal account emphasizing that prominent political figures also are aware of police corruption. She places the audience into the victim’s positions, compelling individuals who identify with the white-dominated hegemony to comprehend the racist ideals that continue to plague the country. Another detail that criticizes American law enforcement is when the white passenger provides her thoughts of the altercations by

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