
Summary Of Anne Lamott's First Drafts

Decent Essays


A summary of this article is that a Book writer Anne Lamott is trying to argue or simple state that first drafts are not at all supposed to be perfect. They are to get better with time and perfection and bettering skills. She uses a lot of real life experiences she goes through as a writer writing about food for a magazine she did reviews and it was something that was natural for her. But sometimes the thoughts just don't come to your fingers to type anything that's worth sharing to anyone. overall lammot just tries to just share how she gets

through and makes sense of how writing works to be a learning process and can not just happen for everyone.

Are first drafts crappy?

The article that was read was Shitty First Drafts, the reason that it was chosen was that this paper because the tile spoke. Are first drafts really that bad? All of first papers are not that good anyways it is crazy that people are not alone. Lamott talks about how she has a hard time writing for her job as a journalist and sometimes just writes rubbish just to get rid of “writer's block”. She then starts to talk about how “the only way to get anything written at all is to write really,really shitty first drafts.” This made me really think about papers and how to go about writing them.Then coming to the realization that it was a very true statement that she had pointed out to me that had not been thought about before.

When anyone thinks about writing a essay or journal

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