
Summary Of Aunt Hill's Short Story: The Haunted House

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The bitter winter night wrapped his fingers around the trembling, humble home. (characterization)Every window and door shook from the weight of his chilling breath. As he banged at the seasoned wood, looking for away into the dimly lit living room. Suddenly the door was open as three undistinguished blobs piled in; one big blob holding two little. With agitated excitement he charged in only to be conquered by a crackling voice from the fire. “Leave.” Cried the blazing tongues as the frozen air melted into silence. “Meredith!” Exclaimed a graying women escaping her needlework and arm chair to help the stumbling lady and the two six year olds. “ My dear you are chilled to the bone. Come, children, take off those wet clothes, …show more content…

There were a few moments where she felt she could work forever. At holidays when Jacob and Sarah supplied her with presents and thanks for her hard work. With each day Meredith disappeared and Miss Hill became more and more present. Once, Jacob called her mom as a joke, she felt as if she could have slaved for the rest of her life. It wasn’t long till Miss Hill turned into Aunt Hill. Even so, she was still human. Rent money slowly disappeared. Aunt Hill’s stamina seemed to vanish with the rent money like babies in bathwater. (Simile) It was through Aunt Hill complaining these ideas to a sympathizing friend that eavesdropping Sarah made her decision. She would find a job and there was no time to waste about it. Dark stormy clouds threatened the night sky as she snuck through the lit city. Meredith would not miss her, as she was asleep. Nothing but pure stubbornness drove Sarah into the biting windy storm. Pelting relentlessly, snow clouded her vision relentlessly as the blizzard began. Fear crept into her little heart as she realized she really was alone. Darkness surrounded her, no friend appeared in the snowy surroundings. “Jacob! Aunt Hill! Mommy!” Tears streaming freely the girl searched desperately for a wagon or some form of protection from the storm. Instead, she felt herself lifted from the storm and dragged to safety inside a

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