It’s my pleasure to be your partner and write this letter to have a review for your essay. I wish I could give you some useful advice that help you review and revise the essay.
After reading your essay, the thesis of the article might be a divergence and disagree of Buckley’s idea, which is people should complaint their dissatisfied experience. Your thesis stated that Buckley’s idea has lack of persuasion, which it is solely based on the specific anecdote that could support his view, and the counter-anecdotes would be very easy to find. You also used quotes to show how Buckley defined the idea of other people in the theater by using “bystander effect” and tried to politicize a trivial situation using grandiose statements out of nowhere. At the end of the essay, you did a reasonable analysis for the visiting of the leader of Soviet Union. I do agree with your opinion that every silence and no complaints has the meaning of its existence. At the same time, your thesis is also arguable. Even though Buckley’s quotes and his solutions are not efficacy at now, it is still excusable under
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However, I may not find a clear, conclusive summary part to connect with the opening. I was still enjoying the quote and analysis for the leader of the Soviet Union visited United States, and the article just suddenly ended with no symptom. Besides, the cited work might be a little informal, which you should add the author’s name and the paragraph mark after the quotation marks as well. In my opinion, your thesis is really strong and I like it more than the original one by Buckley. Every quote was showed at the most needed place and gave the most suitable example to support your thesis. The quotes perfectly answered the “why” and “so what”. They were also successfully become part of the
Due to this circumstance, I hope that you will generously grant me an extension of one week for submitting the essay. I have already begun writing the essay. I guarantee that I will have enough time to complete it
Another strong piece of evidence that Buckley uses is when Premier Khrushchev of Russia visited the United States in 1959. The Cold War had taken many American lives in Korea and had cost billions of dollars in taxes, which the Americans were not happy about. Buckley uses this evidence to further persuade his audience that even in a time of war, they should be expected to protest against the cruelty of such executions.
The Soviet Union was trying to spread communism throughout he world, and this feared many Americans because it would create social issues. Document A states that the people of America fear the men in Kremlin and what they will do to us, the fear of unwise investigators and what they will do to us, and depression (loss of jobs). They all fear the spread of communistic ideals spreading around the United States and they hysteria could cause possible
Hey, you, dearest reader, searching for an essay to write. I'd just like some love, just some respect, you know nothing big, other than a thank you, that's all. So when you finish writing, just remember thanks mysterious keyboard writer, you saved my ass. With out further a due, my essay:
Nitze worked with Truman on NCS-68 which stated how the threat of communism was growing exponentially due to the “clever, consistent, determined propaganda” that the Communists issued to the public, and how this requires the United States to prepare for a potential war and build up an arsenal against the Soviets in the case that more people see communism as a better form of government that democracy. This was extremely true during this time because as we see in modern times, political propaganda can persuade anyone to support someone if they say that we need to “Make America Great Again”. Kennan was equally as knowledgeable on this subject yet, as an eloquent writer, he voiced his opinions on what is known as “The Longest Telegram”. In this document, Kennan strongly warns that due to Russia’s long history of insecurity, they have been overcompensating for this in terms of military preparedness and control over their society. Along with Russia’s abundant nationalism the insecurities they dated centuries before World War I and World War II their growing contempt towards the United States’ belief in capitalism and democracy proved to be the sole problem that U.S. foreign policy makers and government officials needed to address.
The purpose of this essay is to review the
organize your thoughts. Then you may begin writing your essay. You may feel free to add additional
Publically, the author, Daniel himself, is actively protesting the government through his writing of This is Moscow Speaking. He is doing exactly what the government disagrees with: he is speaking out to the public through his morality of what he believes is right. Daniel was a dissident or as Vail and Genis like to call him, “the otherwise-minded” (Vail and Genis 9). Daniel, along with other dissidents of his time, had a fear that society would continue to conform to the always changing policies of the soviet regime: “for many the road toward ‘otherwise-mindedness’ came out of fear of the appearance of a new cult of personality: ‘We saw that once again one name flashes from newspapers and the posters, again the most banal and rude pronouncements of this person are presented as a revelation and quintessence of wisdom…’” (Vail and Genis 10). By writing this story, he showed the nation that this compliance with the government needed to stop
“The Communist threat inside the country has been magnified and exalted far beyond its realities”(273). Accusations have been made, irresponsible citizens are spreading fears. Multiples of suspicions had been made. Innocents are being considered as disloyalty. “Suspicion grows until only the person who loudly proclaims the orthodox view, or who, once having been a Communist, has been converted, is trustworthy” (273). Suspects are those who are unorthodox, who does not followed military policymakers. The fear has driven citizens to the folds of the orthodox. The fear was to be investigated, to lose one’s job, etc. These fears have driven many people to sorrow. These fears have effected younger generations. “This pattern of orthodoxy that is shaping our thinking has dangerous implications” (274). Douglas believes the great danger if we become victims of the orthodox school. They can limit our ability to change or alter. Douglas believes a man’s mind must be free.
The Cold War changed American society by introducing both foreign and domestic fear into the lives of Americans. It brought neighbor against neighbor, and a trembling thoughts to all Americans. It gave an upper-hand to the men in the branches of Federal Government, and especially to the HUAC; moreover it
Reflection: The hardest thing on this essay was finding good examples that could really illustrate the examples above. For working in this essay I did a short brainstorm for getting good ideas. Then, I made an outline and started doing the draft version. Then I got the feedback from my teacher and wrote down the final version. For getting advice, I showed every step for my teacher and also for my friends, for getting a good peer review and good advices. The best advice I got was one of my teacher, when I was making the outline, when he told me to change the
Hi Nora! I really enjoyed your essay. Being a lifeguard seems like it would be difficult. I had absolutely no idea how people go about becoming lifeguards so this was very informative. One sign that shows how great of a writer someone is is by paying attention to their use of transitional phrases and their sentence starters. Without them, essays often seem disorganized. Your essay was very easy to read and you did a great job with transitional phrases and even your sentence starters. The vocabulary used was also impressive. I didn't find many mistakes so there are just a couple setences that I recommend changing which I rewrote below.
This semester I learned a lot about writing in English 151. It has been a roller coaster ride with these essays for me this semester. I learned step by step how to write a good essay and how to have your readers be engaged in what you’re trying to tell them. Each essay I did has taught me something valuable I can take to the next level of English. I feel as if as the semester went by I did not take my writing that seriously and that reflected in my grades I received in each essay. It made me a better student and writer and it will reflect next semester. In this essay, I will reflect on what I learned throughout this semester that you should apply in your writing when you begin English 151.
The Sources of Soviet Conduct, a highly influential article written by George Keenan in 1946, states that the US must pursue afirm and consistent opposition to the Soviet Union. In Keenan's argument for this, he explores the two factors of ideology and circumstance which shaped the Soviet Union. This is used in order to explain the behaviour of the Soviet Union. Thus, the most effective method for the US to counteract this behaviour is then explained.
Prior to submitting your FINAL DRAFT assignment, you are to complete a reflection of your work. Please do the following: