
Summary Of Cory Doctorow: Writing In The Age Of Distraction

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I decided to write about the article Cory Doctorow: Writing in the Age of Distraction by Cory Doctorow. In this article, the author talks about how to avoid distraction, as well as describing some of the techniques he has personally used to overcome some of the difficulties surrounding staying focused while writing. Some of his tips for more productive work include writing for short amounts of time, setting a word goal that he desires to reach in each writing session, and stopping once the goal is met (2009). He also lists waiting until he has reached the end of what is being written to do research, among the things that has helped him. In today’s modern busy society, many students will experience distractions while writing assignments for school. Cory Doctorow: Writing in the Age of Distraction by Cory Doctorow discusses these distractions, as well as multiple techniques which can be used to overcome them; however these tips are not likely to work for everyone. I found it interesting that Mr. Doctorow said “When you hit your daily word-goal, stop” (2009). I am certain the he did not mean this literally, since it is unlikely that most people have the ability to simply stop midsentence and pick up where they left off. Speaking for myself, I find it very difficult to come back to something that I had been previously working on, and …show more content…

I am a single mother to a three year old, who is with me wherever I go. As I write this paper, my daughter is watching Disney’s “Moana” in my room while I am sitting next to her writing this assignment. As I have gotten older, I have learned to deal more effectively with the distractions. The only thing I find more distractive than a movie, my phone or even my daughter, is sitting in a quiet room. I find absolute silence to be extremely distracting and in fact, feel I need background noise in order to function more effectively and get my work

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