In the article Defending Animal Research, it starts off explaining how scientist who use animals for their research are becoming targets of many people who are against animal testing. There has been many incidents where people have placed car bombs on the scientists vehicles and sent these men and women blades in the male. These scientists that use animals in their research attempt to use rodents rather than companion type animals. It’s said that rodent brains are built like a human brain, so it works out just fine. The only downfall is that sometimes the rodent brain isn’t compatible enough for a certain medication. In that case, the scientist test the remedies on a monkey. Scientist do this to make sure the drug is safe and efficient before
Another question now comes to the surface is a continuity/discontinuity argument. What the continuity argument is, is that animals are closely related to humans, they still produce the same emotions. Using animals in psychological experiments poses a serious ethical dilemma in part. In response to the continuity argument would be the discontinuity argument. This argument states that humans are different to other species. What this means is that research on animals provides this limitation on findings in human behavior that are not generalizable. Scientist use their best efforts when conducting experiments to allow animals the safest and most beneficial actions. Scientist always put in the consideration that the animal may be harmed. The American Psychological Association in turn prevents any type of experiment/study that shows any possible distress or harm to the animal.
The major pro fo animals testing is that it aids researchers in finding drugs and treatments to improve health and medicine . Many medical treatments have been made posiible by animal testing . research involving laboratory animals at UCLA leads to many medical breakthoughts that improve peoples lives and hold promise fo additional improvements in treatments and cures . Example : Breast cancer : the UCLA studies utilizing mice were the basis for human clinical trials in patients with breast cancer . The first cancer fighting drug successfully target a specific genetis alteration, thereby limiting side effects such as hairloss and nause that often accompany conventional therapies . Mouse models
Everyone has benefited from the use of animal research in one way or another. My sister was diagnosed with asthma when born and without the help of animal research asthma would still be incurable. Experiencing this history with my sister I went into this research with a large bias for animal research. I found that research on animals is not a new discussion, “[h]umans have been using other vertebrate animal species…as models of their anatomy and physiology since the dawn of medicine.” (Franco 239) The ancient Greeks used animals for experiments with no question of morality ever being raised because of their “ranking in the scala naturae (the chain of being).” (Franco) Every major era came with a new dispute over how to handle animal
Ignorance is bliss. Animal research is one of those topics that, for most of us, we try not to think about. Most people recognize it as a necessity, but few accept it without hesitation. When asked about the subject of animal research people ponder the topic, and then want clarification. “What exactly is animal research?” “Is it animal testing?” “Where is the line between research/testing and cruelty?” The most common phrase I heard was “necessary evil.” We know that is goes on, but we aren’t completely comfortable knowing the details. Most people seemed to operate under the “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. But, once the questions are answered, and we stop skirting around the topic, and really ask ourselves how we feel about it. Where do we fall on the spectrum of acceptance?
Have you ever had a sick relative? If so, have they used medication to help with said illness? Well that medication had to have come from somewhere. Animal testing has help conduct products such as vaccines for smallpox, hypothermia, and other major diseases. Now take into consideration what might have happened to that relative without the medication. As you can tell, animal testing has a positive impact on society, despite what might be claimed to be unjust. I will be explaining why this is so, and how some of the arguments are irrelevant.
History has shown the tension between advocates and adversaries of animal research to be belligerent. Attitudes
“Lots of people talk to animals…Not very many listen, though…That’s the problem”(Ben Hoffman). The controversy of animal testing is phenomenal; it always has been. I remember dissecting animals throughout my years of school in the "name of science". It was only until recently that I started questioning the government 's methods to teach us. We dissected a dog shark in my oceanography class last year. There had to been at least 80 dead sharks in about four different buckets; that was when it crossed the line. I understood a lamb eye or something, but breeding sharks in captivity just so they can be killed? Animal testing is wrong in every way to me.
According to a result of pressures from animal support groups such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), a number of large corporations have ceased all animals testing in recent years. These corporations include Amway, Benetton, Revlon, General Motors, and L’Oreal were recently added to the list, which used to subject animals to shocking tests. In Against Animal Testing, a booklet published by The Body Shop, a well-known cosmetics and bath company, that uses natural ingredients, like bananas, almonds, aloe Vera, chamomile, and Basil nut oil, as well as others safe for human usage is encouraged instead of testing on animals. According to PETA, all companies included on their cruelty-free list have signed PETA’s statement of
Where would we be without antibiotics or vaccines? The medical advances made to overcome medical obstacles were a massive impact in improving public health and medical research. Though there are medical general practitioners that have concerns about reliability of the animal data,” it is good scientific practice to maintain a healthy degree of scepticism and avoid over-reliance on any one set of data or research method”(Festing, Wilkinson, 2007). Some of the most impactful events that occurred with animal researching lead to the development of vaccines, antibiotics, diabetes research and organ transplants which includes the heart valve and the kidney.
are not able to give consent for this as would be required of a human. Other
Do animals feel pain? Do they suffer when in distress? Almost all animal research is conducted for better understanding of human diseases and illnesses, rarely are animals used for the benefits of animals. Is the pain felt by animals worth the advances in human understandings? I will discuss what animals are used for, why they are used, the ethical dilemma of animal research, laws relevant to the study of animal experimentation and my personal stance on the matter.
When I first started to contemplate my position on this topic I hadn’t really realized the magnitude or the amount of controversy that surrounds animal research and testing. When I started to search for content to include in my paper I read many articles on the subject and I was amazed to find that being involved in this field can be a dangerous job. In an article titled Defending Animal Research I was shocked to read that some extremist groups are willing to harm property and human beings in order to get their point across. It was noted that since 1990-2012 that there have been 220 attacks on individual’s who participate in animal research studies. This number has increased from 9% to 46% over this time period. I understand and respect the
¨Should animals be used for experimentation¨ is a question that has been floating around since the 1960s. This is an argument that has been going on for 50 years because of moral beliefs, medical reasons, and personal experiences. All of these factor in deciding whether we are for or against animal testing. There are laboratories and biomedical research groups that promote animal testing, while organizations like P.E.T.A (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) discourage animal testing. In 2013, a poll was conducted about if animal research was morally wrong or right. The poll resulted in 56% Americans morally approving it and 39% saying it was wrong (Procon, 2017).
Other arguments against animal experimentation claim that animals use in research are tortured and suffer extreme cruelty. Stuart Baker is a neuroscience professor at Newcastle University and uses many primates for his research. He disputes any claim that animals used for research is mistreated or suffer prolonged pain. “The macaques I use for vital research are well looked after, by a lab full of dedicated people love working with animals”, said Stuart Baker (par. 2). The animal and they wellbeing is the professor and his team top priority.
The controversy behind animals as research subjects is mainly one of morals and the ethical treatment of said animals. Many people believe we should use them in this way, so we aren 't actually harming people in the pursuit for better things for humans. Though animal testing was a viable resource for many years, it has proven to be extremely controversial and unethical, therefor the use of animals as research subjects should be outlawed.