Steve Stack’s disreputable depiction draws a realization of our beliefs of the past to the modern day world, an unveiling topic that portrays officers that we were taught to idolize and respect are now the ones that are feared. In Stack’s cartoon, he shows the media documenting the abuse of the police, who is pointing a gun at civilians also noting the gear he is wearing, a SWAT like outfit but more geared up almost like a soldier, showing the excessive force police are showing , while the civilians,ones who are African American and unarmed raise their hands in the air; with the words “DON’T SHOOT!” can be interpreted as commanding voice of the officer who is being shot on camera while he holds hence a gun towards the civilians and the
All across the world, in many different locations, traditions, ways, and views, ethics are being expressed and supported as well as being tested. In a specific circumstance covered in the reading, “Loot or Find: Fact or Frame?” written by Cheryl I. Harris and Devon W. Carbado, ethics were tested, and serious matters such as framing and color blindness were discussed and elaborated on.
Reports of police brutality against black people are plastered all over the news. Laws such as the “stand your ground” law have been passed to protect police officers; this law makes it so that if a person reasonably perceives someone to be threatening, he or she can attack that threat in self-defense. However, this then leads to racialized perceptions of threats. In her article “The ‘Ground’ in ‘Stand Your Ground’ Means Any Place a White Person Is Nervous,” Patricia J. Williams writes, “Police officers are charged with a duty to serve and protect public, collective geographies, not just ‘their’ ground.” In the 1951 article, Sasser takes on this duty through his determination to stop the KKK; he is protecting the general public and not his own ground. The Horry County deputies risked their own freedom and safety to protect the public from the Klan. In present-day America, the protection of police and of whiteness is valued over the protection of public lives, regardless of race. This is valuing one person or one group of people over millions of minorities. According to Williams, the job of the police is to protect the public—regardless of race, location, dress, etc.—and not their own ground. The Horry County police in 1951 understood this well by taking action against the KKK to protect their citizens. Conversely, the protection modern-day police is valued over the protection of minorities
Police institutions depend on being considered legitimate by the public in order to continue working for the public. However, with recent cases such as the streetcar killing of Sammy Yatim, the legitimacy of police has begun to be questioned. For the purpose of this essay, I will focus on how this case has brought forth conversations regarding police culture—including use of force and the visibility of police in the age of technology—and ultimately how this has shaped public perception of police.
Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson all had many great accomplishments over the years that they served. Lincoln ended slavery, Washington signed many peace treaties and Jefferson was apart of many differnet offices. However Washington used his previous knowledge and negotionating abilities to solve issues with out war.
Paula Austin, addresses police brutality and their relationship with guns. She opens up her discussion by providing us with images of newspaper articles that demonstrate the image of police brutality. She then goes further in depth and illustrates the increase in gun kills demonstrated by the police force. She provides us with statistical data on the increase in deaths caused by police through guns. Moreover, she then draws the connection between police and race. She addresses to us on how African Americans are way more targeted against by police than any other race. She provides us with the most recent example of “ Stephon Clark” an unarmed black man who was killed by police on the notion that he was “armed”. She then examines this event and illustrates the further connection towards guns and
If you grew up in an average middle-class town in the United States you were probably raised on the premise that the police were there to protect and fight crime, however, in many of today’s urban centers throughout the country, the tension between the police and the citizens has a very different relationship. The term ‘police’ brings many images to mind, while the objective of the police is to prevent and detect crime, this is far from the way so many Americans feel. Far from the original purpose of the police, the use of brutal and sometimes lethal force has evoked questions regarding the skewed system and the relationship between both in the communities. Ta-Nehisi Coates explores the issue in the article, The Paranoid Style of American Policing, often bringing up complex issues, and effectively brings the issues to life through anecdotes. Coates presents a logical, thought out and well-executed argument surrounding the cracked police system in America. Due to the well-supported thesis, the structure of the argument, and lack of fallacies, Coates position is adequately supported through the use
Police violence is a reoccurring issue in today’s world especially in America. It seems as though we live in a society where Police officers target minorities practically young African American men. On October 20, 2014, Laquan McDonald was roaming around a neighborhood in Chicago who happened to be “holding a knife” (Good). Jason Van Dyke as well as a few other officers responded to the calls and spotted McDonald wandering in the middle of the street. After a few seconds of the police officers ordering McDonald to release the knife and surrender himself to them, Van Dyke stepped out of his vehicle and released 16 shots into McDonald within thirteen seconds.
The Nebraska legislature is different from other state legislatures. What makes Nebraska different to begin with, is the fact that it is a non-partisan unicameral. Although, the unicameral only has one house it operates in basically the same manners as all others and faces problems like those bicameral legislatures in other states. However, Nebraska takes pride in the fact that its state legislature is non-partisan and that it works across party lines to make it a better state. Yet, some inside the legislature do not believe this to be the case.
In the previous year, the amount of people killed by the police department has increased, and even worse African Americans are three times more likely than Caucasians to be killed by the hands of a police. In 2015, the percent of unarmed African Americans killed was 30 percent compared to 19 percent of Caucasians. Although, 2016 is not over yet already 793 people have been killed by policemen. Mike Luckovich drew this cartoon representing the fear of African Americans, and to point out that recently the shootings are reoccurring. The number has made it so difficult for African Americans to live peacefully, they are in constant fear that their life could be taken away by the police. The cartoonist drew a black man in the car conversing with
Featherstone states his father, “But by the time he retired, in 1998, he had witnessed firsthand the seismic shift in policing that gave rise to the warrior cop” (Featherstone). It helps top understand this is just a recent change but a long coming change to the mind set of police officers because, they had already started to develop this mind set back in the late nineties. His father also said, “You were just an ordinary person that happened to be a cop” (Featherstone). Police officers used to think like this because, they were not trained to think like warriors in that time, but the need arose with all the police getting shootings to train them to not be afraid to use justified lethal force when necessary. Police officer shootings most likely to be justified: “Between 2004 and 2011, according to an analysis by The Wall Street Journal, officers were cleared of wrongdoing in more than 99 percent of fatal shootings” (Featherstone).
The brutality of the police force has been a long worldwide problem, but especially between the years of 2012-2016. Black people are being unjustly beaten and shot in plain sight for doing nothing while being unarmed. Journal of African American Studies “Blacks are viewed as deserving of harsh treatment in the criminal justice system” (482). “Black males with more “Afrocentric” features may receive longer sentences than blacks with less Afrocentric features like lighter skin and straighter hair”(482). Nowadays it is important to know about the police force. It’s important to know our rights as citizens and be careful around cops. Not everybody is good, but not everybody is bad also. In The New York Amsterdam News 21 people were killed by Chicago police in 2008. Entire families were being attacked. They believe it’s because of their skin color and how they are different. The year of racism started off with the world seeing the police murder of Oscar Grant. “The media have pushed people away from hearing the issue of police brutality, and it has fallen off of the radar screen.”(2) “You can’t give in. They will try to make an example out of you, try to break your spirit!”(2) African Americans say do not trust the cops with anything. “They will ruin you.”(2)
On the “then” side, the caption of the image reads 1958: “The Runaway.” After reading this I noticed a small red sack placed under the boy next to the cop. This informs that the boy being spoken to by the police officer, may in fact be a runaway. Still, the situation does not seem to raise much concern to the author, or even the police officer in that matter. The focus seems to be on the boy, being that he is most likely the runaway, and the police officer means to calmly convince him of changing his mind. On the “now” side of the cartoon, the caption reads 2014 “The Militarization Of Officer Joe.” Even the title of this image is violent. Dressed as though going into military combat, this caption suits the image very well. The police officer poses a much greater threat to the boy next to him on the “now” side, compared to the “then” side. The captions under each image help to provide a much greater understanding of the message in this cartoon. While one caption seems to focus on the boy and his well being, the other caption focuses on the cop, and the violence associated with
During 2013 the police force attempted to fight through the hatred of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ group. While not every person in this movement hated police and the ‘oppressive white man’, just as not all whites hated blacks during Reconstruction, many of them sought after their right to ‘peacefully’ protest against police forces around the US by physically assaulting police of all colors and acting out against the safety laws, put in place for everyone’s protection, by walking around with solid black BB guns and pointing them at the men and women who are trying to uphold the law and safety of all citizens. This event lead to many deaths on both the polices and black persons’ sides and an uproar of fights within families and friendships over ‘who’s side is right.’ In the end, this movement fell to the back burner of national news as the talk of president Trump’s immigration policies and ‘wall’ came to focus and has been the ‘race talk’ to recent days.
At the onset of the Christian faith, its followers faced a difficult period in which they had to deal with many internal and external forces of confusion about their new faith. With Christianity being a rather close subdivision of Judaism, the followers of Christianity are faced with the task of supporting their beliefs and practices deeming why they are justifiable. In this apologetic period, these Jewish Christians embark on the task of defending their church and the religion itself in order to establish its credibility and existence.
These days, police are often stereotyped as aggressive, corrupt beings. The growing hatred for police officers widens the divide between citizens and law enforcement, causing tension and intensely aggressive feelings on both ends. The recent shootings of young African-American men have also added to the societal hatred of law enforcement. Through media exposure, these shootings have been portrayed as cruel, often times revealing the victim to be an unarmed man.