In a recent Market Watch article, George Soros, a billionaire investor and major Democratic donor, discussed how Donald Trump’s and Ted Cruz’s reactions to recent terrorist activities may actually be playing right into the hands of terrorist organizations. According to Soros, both Trump and Cruz are purposely playing on people’s terrorism fears. These fears are leading to negative attitudes about Muslims and fears that allow for all Muslims to be treated like terrorists.
In December, Trump encouraged the government to stop allowing any and all Muslims from entering the United States. Other Republican presidential candidates, including Cruz, have criticized President Obama for not classifying the attacks in Paris and in San Bernardino, California,
Once again Soros who is the chairman and founder of Soros Fund Management, and Open Society Foundations respectively (George Soros) has made a comeback, in funding political campaigns more engaged and motivated than ever before. This was after the 2004 campaigns where he objected the election of George Bush. His influence in reconstructing the political
It was March 2, 1904 in Springfield, Massachusetts. A baby boy was born; a boy that one day changed the world for all children. That boy was Theodor Seuss Geisel, mostly known as Dr. Seuss. His mother and father, Henrietta and Theodore Geisel, called him Ted. Theodor became a writer, poet, and cartoonist. His work had a revolutionary impact on children’s literature and changed the way children learned to read.
On Trump’s rhetoric of this campaign season, particularly in calling for a ban of Muslims from entering this country, Rubio was asked if this has increased in Islamophobia. “No one should be discriminated in America against their religion or faith,” Rubio responded. “Bottom line is there are millions of patriotic Muslim Americans. Our issue is not with patriotic Muslim Americans, it is with radical Islam.”
Some Americans may argue that restrictions are placed to protect them from certain religious states which contain terrorist groups. Past terrorist attacks in this country has left deep impacts, one of the many resulted in approximently 3,000 people dead. It has been shown that the largest numbers of deaths within the United States are caused by violent extremism (Bracken). Recently, Donald J. Trump a former business man who just this year became the 45th president of the United States, has raised more awareness to this issue. In his attempts to keep America safe he proposed and passed a ban on foreign terrorist entry. Trump states "I therefore direct that the entry into the United States of nationals of those six countries be suspended for 90 days from the effective date of this order, subject to the limitations, waivers, and exceptions set forth in sections 3 and 12 of this order." This dilemma raised negative concerns and thoughts about many who once lived in the Islamic States that are being banned.
Donald Trump has suggested a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the U.S. While ISIS
I. Newly inaugurated President Donald Trump has recently approved a ban involving the restriction of travel into the United States of immigrants from seven Muslim countries. Since this ban is only for up to 90 days, this is just the beginning of a potentially longer or even permanent ban. This is not the first time he has demonstrated the lack of regard with social equality.
On January 27, 2017, President Trump issued an executive order that suspended entry of all refugees into the United States for one-hundred and twenty days. The order obstructed Syrian refugees for an unspecific time and blocked entry into the United States for ninety days for citizens of seven Muslim countries, such as: Sudan, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Yemen. This order also banned green card holder from these seven countries.
In a Politico website article titled, “Trump defends himself on response to Obama Muslim question” by Ali Breland, published on September 19, 2015, it talks about the recent Republican debate where controversial issues were brought up regarding faith and religion, leading Donald Trump to a loss in his polls for his presidential election. On the day of the debate, Donald Trump was encountered by a harsh statement, made by an audience member, who had called Obama a Muslim. At that time, Donald Trump did not react to his statement, but because of that he was being questioned by many of his voters, on his take of the controversial issue. Some people believed he was a supporter of Muslims and not having said anything lead him to a downfall in his
On Saturday, January 28th, Donald Trump enacted an immigrant ban on the countries of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. Trump believed that the Muslims in those states were terrorists and could possibly hurt the United States. When this ban came into effect, immigrants were stranded at airports and people, nation-wide, were livid and confused as to why the ban was enacted. Immigrants were frightened for their lives and wanted to go back to their home in America, but they were considered dangerous. After the ban, the United States chose sides on whether or not to support or despise the act. In, "Ask a Chicagoan, Mr. President, about 'dangerous' immigrants", the Chicago Sun-Times Editorial Board successfully persuades the Chicagoland
Also, racial profiling has become worse since the attack. Hagler says, “The Islam religion became a dirty word after 9/11.” There are anti-Muslim opinions and hate crimes that grew in the U.S. Places such as public events, and television have made it known what they now think of the Muslim Community. In America muslims began to be treated differently. They were watched more carefully, and arrested under suspicion only because of their race. In December 2002, up to 700 muslim men had been arrested. Costs of war website says that “Not a single one of these individuals were ever publicly charged with terrorism.” President Bush even said in January 2001, 8 months before the devastating attack, about racial profiling, “it’s wrong, and we will end it in America.”
Millions of people globally supported the ‘war on terror’ at one time, largely because the discourse around it was successful in divisively framing the identities involved and attributing a ‘truthful’ nature to that framing. Governments, with the Bush administration seemingly as the lead, created ‘the other’ to be ‘the terrorist’, and those ‘terrorists’ were probably Muslim or Arab. The fear was then created by the comparison of this ‘other’ to the self; or ‘them vs. us’.
However, all the terrorist group that were mentioned also operate in multiple non banned countries, also like was stated earlier the majority of terrorist attacks in the U.S are carried out by american citizens many of which aren't even muslim jihadist. Once again this clearly display how the Trump Administration is not considering easily accessible fact before sign orders that affect thousands of Americans and millions of others. Instead of banning people from muslim country President Trump should be using resources to shut down jihadist websites that radicalize U.S citizens terrorist who cause the most damage and and trying to stop terror attacks by non muslims before they happen once again supporting the point that Trump’s immigration plan is inadequate to protect Americans from terror
Imagine being a parent at an airport waiting to go see your kids but then all of the sudden you can't pass through the gates, why? Well, because the current president Donald Trump banned 7 nations from entering the United States. What do you do now? That's how frustrated and disappointed people were at the airports when the ban took action on Friday, January 27th. It was unaccounted so people were not aware of it although, it was expected to occur anytime soon. He believes the United States would be a better place without those nations so, therefore, he felt the need to ban refugees from entering the United States. It all might sound scary but as he was running for candidacy many people were aware of how everything could be changed
In the case of Anglia Television Ltd. V. Reed, the defendant Robert Reed contracted to star in a play that the plaintiff Anglia was producing. According to Law Nix, the defendant agreed to make himself available for the dates that they would be filming the play, in exchange for 1,050 pounds, a 100 pounds a week living expense, and first class air fare between England and the United States. The defendant repudiated the contract and informed the plaintiff that he was set to do another play and would not be able to commit to their production (Law Nix). Being that the defendant was already committed to doing the plaintiff’s play they sued him for wasted expenditures but not for lost profits.
Since the creation of Jaws, the fear of sharks has increased rapidly. Because of this fear, the amount of sharks being killed per year has greatly increased. Since 1975, the U.S shark catch has risen from 148 tons to over 8,765 tons. More than one hundred million sharks are killed per year. Sharks attack about nineteen times per year and only kill about one person every two years (Preston, 1995). Saving the sharks is not an easy task. Unlike dolphins and turtles, who are also endangered, sharks are not cuddly cute creatures and are not generally appealing. It is hard to get a population behind a cause that they don’t understand. Sharks, to society, are the mean, mindless, vicious creatures portrayed by the media and old-wives tales and because of this, people don’t care whether or not they get killed.