
Summary Of Hamlet And The Lovely Bones

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Norman Cousins once said, “The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live”. The way people cope determines how one will live their life and what will come of it.The way one copes is how they effectively deal with something difficult. The quote applies to people throughout their lives that may have faced several tragedies and shows that what happens to them after is dependent on how they choose to deal afterwards. One could either let hope and joy die out or try to move on. The choice a person makes foreshadows how they will continue their life and what will come of it. In the play, Hamlet by William Shakespeare and the novel, The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, both involve horrific tragedies and had many characters left to decide how they would handle what happened.. All of the characters were affected by one time commonly overlooked causes that led to a lot of grief and heartache. Each character coped with the tragedy in their own way and each character has their own outcome.The actions the characters of Hamlet and The Lovely Bones took when coping determined the overall outcome of their life.

In the play Hamlet, all of the characters are affected by the murder of King Hamlet,.King Hamlet was murdered by his brother Claudius leaving behind a son, a wife, and a kingdom. After his murder, Gertrude, his late wife, found love in his brother and his son Hamlet grieved for an extensive time. Instead of dealing with his feelings effectively, Hamlet went in a disastrous path. His hurt and anger led him to lose his temper on multiple occasions and do reckless things. Although it is understandable that he was upset when he found out his father had been murdered, if one was to have that type of behavior and thinking for a prolonged amount of time, it could lead to a self destructive path and cause problems in life and make it harder to recover, which is what happened to Hamlet. After building up resentment and hatred towards is uncle, Hamlet decides that he wants to kill his uncle and goes to speak to his mother. While speaking to his mother, he saw a movement behind the curtain and without thinking stabbed Polonius to death. (3.4.23-25). Hamlet used the coping mechanism

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