
Summary Of Heart Of Darkness Chapter 1-11

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Chapter 1 Philip Marlowe, who is a private detective, goes to see General Sternwood. Who is a very rich man. Philip Marlowe has an appointment with him. Chapter 2 As Philip Marlowe is at the mansion, General Sternwood tells Philip that he is being blackmailed by a guy named Arthur Geiger, he sent in an envelope to General Sternwood with his daughter’s gambling debt, and wanted to see a few thousand dollars. General Sternwood once paid a man named Joe Brody 5000 dollars to leave his daughter be. His daughter being Carmen Sternwood, who might have a little crush on Philip. Chapter 3 The oldest daughter of General Sternwood, Vivian Regan, wants to talk to Philip as she thinks her father hired him to find her disappeared husband: Mr. Regan. But …show more content…

And as he opens the door, he sees a gun pointed right at his. Philip discovers that Joe actually has Geiger’s books, but he seems to know nothing about him though. Then Agnes enters the room. Philip accuses Joe to have murdered Geiger, which he said he didn’t, but he did actually have Carmen’s nudes. At that moment, the doorbell rings. Chapter 15 Joe opens and sees Carmen, who also gets a gun pointed at her. At that moment, Agnes and Philip start fighting to get a gun, and Philip wins. Joe tries to disarm Carmen but accidentally shoots his gun. Joe pretends to be hurt, falls, and pulls Carmen with him. Then, Philip gets back on his feet and manages to get everyone quiet. He grabs Joe’s gun, Carmen’s nudes, and brings her home. Chapter 16 Philip goes back to Joe’s apartment and after a long conversation about Owen Tayler who liked Carmen, and hated Geiger. Because Geiger did bad things to her, Taking nude pictures, for example. Owen seemed to be at Geiger’s house, saw him taking pictures of Carmen, and decided to shoot Geiger. Joe waited for Owen outside, and after it happened, followed Owen, pretending he was a cop. Then Joe succeeded to stop Owen, but got knocked out by him. At that moment, the doorbell rings and Joe opens the door and gets shot. Dead. Philip chases the murderer down and tells him, after he catches him, he shot the wrong guy. He brings the boy named Carol Lundgren to Geiger’s …show more content…

He decides not to escape, but he starts the car. Then Canino comes outside as well shooting his gun. Philip plays dead, and Canino falls for it. He goes back into the house and comes outside again with Mona. Mona sees Philip and pretends to think Philip is dead, but Canino doesn’t fall for it. As Canino grabs his gun, it is too late because Philip already has got his, and shoots Canino. Mona Frees Philip of his handcuffs. Chapter 30 Philip goes to the missing person office, and tells them that where Mona had been hiding. But they already knew and they were just playing along with the game of Eddie Mars. Philip goes to bed but he keeps thinking about the case. He has got a feeling that something isn’t right. Then suddenly Norris calls him saying that the General wants to see him immediately. In half an hour Philip is at the Generals place. He is mad because Philip continued the case about Regan without permission from the General himself. And they have a conversation. At the end, the General tells him that he need to find Regan. Chapter

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