
Summary Of How Soccer Explains The World By David Foer

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How Soccer Explains the World by Franklin Foer is more than a book about the beautiful game, though a book that explains modern day problems through the game of soccer. Franklin Foer unearths the problems that are found deep beneath the game’s surface to support his beliefs in that globalization can be portrayed through soccer. There are ten sections in How Soccer Explains the World, each one covering a different conflict in a different part of the world. Although each conflict that Foer explores is different from the last, they can all be traced back to soccer. It may not be the game itself, but the split in fans from two teams, fighting over who is better is a complication that derives from soccer. The first section, “How Soccer Explains the Gangster’s Paradise”, deals …show more content…

The hatred that fans of each team have towards is evident after Foer digs deep into the disputes between the two teams, the source being social problems. The third section, “How Soccer Explains the Jewish Question”, relates soccer to anti-Semitism. Foer reveals the intolerance of Jews that many soccer fans feel within certain teams, which was not previously evident. The fourth section, “How Soccer Explains the Sentimental Hooligan”, gets to the source of hooliganism in the London-based team Chelsea. Through communication with a diehard fan that resorts to violence towards other fans, the reason for violence is uncovered. The next section, “How Soccer Explains the Survival of Top Hats”, highlights the decline of the Brazilian soccer league. It elaborates the corruption and scandals that flood the league, and the lack of people that watch it. The sixth section, “How Soccer Explains the Black Carpathians”, travels to Ukraine to explore the problems of the post-communist nation and how those disputes leak into the Ukrainian

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