How Soccer Explains the World by Franklin Foer is more than a book about the beautiful game, though a book that explains modern day problems through the game of soccer. Franklin Foer unearths the problems that are found deep beneath the game’s surface to support his beliefs in that globalization can be portrayed through soccer. There are ten sections in How Soccer Explains the World, each one covering a different conflict in a different part of the world. Although each conflict that Foer explores is different from the last, they can all be traced back to soccer. It may not be the game itself, but the split in fans from two teams, fighting over who is better is a complication that derives from soccer. The first section, “How Soccer Explains the Gangster’s Paradise”, deals …show more content…
The hatred that fans of each team have towards is evident after Foer digs deep into the disputes between the two teams, the source being social problems. The third section, “How Soccer Explains the Jewish Question”, relates soccer to anti-Semitism. Foer reveals the intolerance of Jews that many soccer fans feel within certain teams, which was not previously evident. The fourth section, “How Soccer Explains the Sentimental Hooligan”, gets to the source of hooliganism in the London-based team Chelsea. Through communication with a diehard fan that resorts to violence towards other fans, the reason for violence is uncovered. The next section, “How Soccer Explains the Survival of Top Hats”, highlights the decline of the Brazilian soccer league. It elaborates the corruption and scandals that flood the league, and the lack of people that watch it. The sixth section, “How Soccer Explains the Black Carpathians”, travels to Ukraine to explore the problems of the post-communist nation and how those disputes leak into the Ukrainian
Although, the author has written this book in a very humorous way and used sarcasm in certain instances that makes a person smile while reading it, however many serious issues such as the acceptability of globalization, how it has caused what the author defines as an “American cultural cleavage” and why overall globalization failed are being discussed. The tone of the author has generally been subtle and like mentioned before, he has used humor to lighten up the mood. The strategy of using a friendly tone, using professional language and difficult vocabulary and combining it with sports to address a serious problem makes this writing very interesting and persuading but, soccer is perhaps a topic too narrow to represent
Being the world’s most popular sport, soccer; commonly known as football, is not only a portion of peoples’ culture, but a way of life. Meaning that it emotionally connects people together through games by creating a sense of community for all fans around the world, regardless of what teams they support. However, all of this would have been nonviable without the contribution of such players as ZinedinYazid Zidane and Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima. They are two of the most astounding soccer players of all time not only because of their championships, competitiveness or greatness, but also because of the fact that they responded to the responsibility of being global
In the initial two pages of How Soccer is Ruining America: A Jeremiad, Webb imitates the contentions of somebody that accepts the game of soccer is really truth be told demolishing America, yet he does as such with amazing measures of point of interest. Webb presents the greater part of the negative parts of soccer, some including: the way that the game confines you to utilize your feet, a body part that is religiously consecrated, the way that it was brought over by the Europeans, and that it doesn't oblige or show any sort of aptitude. Taking after these subtle elements, Webb uncovers reality and in spite of the fact that he made those past contentions, the greater part of his youngsters play the game, both aggressively and as a family movement,
Soccer, or football to most of the world, has been one of the oldest sports in the history of the world. It is by far the most viewed, played, and biggest attendance sport throughout the countries, with the exception of the USA. Being the biggest sport in the world means having the biggest fan base as well. This sport has become as close to many fans hearts just as the bible can change people who read it. In this paper, the reader will understand how soccer has changed throughout the years, what the ideals of a unified code are in this sport, as well as the differences and similarities between youth and professional.
Franklin Foer the author of How Soccer Explains the World: An Unlikely Theory of Globalization is an important contributor of the small topic of the how soccer is related to the world. Foer from the New Republic who writes from time to time in the well known newspaper of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal had traveled around the world especially the continent of Europe, Asia, North and South America. Going from the topic of why the Islam religion, Islamic law, and religious paramilitary militia prohibits the passionate, die-hard Islamic women fans; from attending and/or watching soccer games and then partying hard like the men after the game if their country or favorite club wins. To the topic of how America relates to soccer
Soccer and Football have long been high class sports with ample amount of respect and dignity, groomed through history. Regulations and guidelines have been set in stone and shifted throughout the course of competition. Safety is key in both recreational sports and has become essential for the protection of the people that participate. Stylistically the two sports contain a different overall goal, however the techniques vary. From a beginners point of view the sports seem derived from a primary source, however in the overall scheme they differentiate through many different loop holes. These differences will be depicted throughout the essay, allowing the reader to grasp a better understanding of the sports as a whole. In reality soccer and football are extremely similar, yet diverse in many ways.
This paper explores public reactions and their attitude towards people who are in power, especially those that are related to soccer and their controversies in media and literature. These are the member of high class society, are mainly focused in media. Controversies and scandals are usually linked with them. The controversy related to FIFA, the governing body of soccer is explored in this paper. The corrupted voting process and the blatant disregard for human life shown by high ranking officers is seen. Sep Blatter, most influential person in world of football was the main person behind this controversy. Blatter misused his power and build his empire on basis of corruption and lawlessness. Furthermore, substance abuse by one of the most influential
The idea of identity and its formation has always been a fundamental aspect of humanity. For centuries academics and philosophers have argued about what identity means, how it is constructed, and how it affects one’s life. While identity as a whole can be an extremely complex idea, this essay will discuss it as simply a method of defining oneself by a set of characteristics or ideologies. The growth and widespread impact of soccer over the last century has had an incredible impact on the world, and its popularity had diversity has allowed millions to develop their own identities surrounding their relationship with soccer. When one examines the qualities of soccer, it is understandable that it could be instrumental for identity formation. Soccer provides an uncomplicated path towards self-identity through supporting teams, serves as a persistent chain of events, and creates defined boundaries for collective groups to form.
Soccer is the most played sport worldwide, many people love it and I’m one of them, it is my favorite sport because you can improve your skills with your feet, and get a lot of exercise. By writing this essay, I hope that I can provide more information about the sport and maybe convert the people who dislike the sport into fans.
Thesis: Soccer is a sport like no other, and it has a very unique culture with in the game itself.
The culture of soccer is more than just articles written in sport pages, or rumors about players been transferred from one club to another. It includes a bigger picture that covers many different social, political and economic aspects of the game. In countries where the sport is not that relevant, people refer to it as soccer. In others where the sport is very popular and has been around for a long time, it is referred to as football. When it comes to the sport, there are two very different ideas relevant to how people view it. In said countries where soccer is the national sport, the game is viewed as if it can achieve anything; from having just fun with your friends to helping unite people from around the world. In other countries where the sport is not as much popular, the game is seen as boring and is looked down on. This paper will explore how soccer is growing at such a rapid pace despite the fact that it can be viewed as violent and boring.
There are a number of factors which contributed to the growth of football after its invention. It is safe to say that the process of globalization has contributed to this as well. This section of the report will not present how globalization has affected football, but rather how football has affected globalization. In other words, it will be examined till what extent football has affected the process of the international integration. Mainly, it will be analyzed that football has had on effect on three factors which contribute to globalization: migration, innovation of technology, and improvement of country relations.
Soccer (Football) is the most popular and fastest growing sport in the world. Over 240 million people play it regularly around the world. However, most people only get to view one side of soccer in their lifetime. They never get a glimpse of it in any other setting. For many people soccer is a very competitive organized sport. For others it is an everyday, fun activity. In some countries, soccer is their life, while in others it is just a sport. For those of you that don’t know, soccer is a sport where the objective is to score goals by kicking a ball into the other teams goal. It is a mix of offense and defense, with very fast paced action. You are allowed to use any body part except your hands and elbows. Soccers first appearance traces back to 3000 years ago in ancient China. But, the first modern version of soccer originates from Victorian England. Since then, soccer has spread around the world to the point where almost every country plays some form of it. I am going to address how it is different around the world and the reasons for this.
Soccer or football has become one of the most beloved past times of many countries in the world. There are very few sports that are as ubiquitous as football. Revered by many as the ultimate sport, football has evolved in a world of its own with its own set of rituals and spatial and temporal associations. Religion too has its own set of rituals and its own spatial and temporal associations. It is something used by the masses to form a collective bond with their fellow peers in a way that transcends the bounds of normal relationships. It bonds people with emotion and a common way of thinking. This paper argues that soccer can be defined within the context of religion. More specifically, football can be defined as a form of religion. With its
The passion around the world when it comes to the game of soccer is immeasurable. Known as football in all other nations except Canada and the United States, it is undoubtedly the most popular sport in the world. It is a game played by millions all across the world and in many countries, such as Brazil, soccer contributes to nationalism. Every four years it brings numerous nations together. This coming together, during what is known as the World Cup, is the most viewed sporting event across the globe. Soccer is a sport that has survived many