
Summary Of ' It ' Middle Childhood Application Essay

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FSHS 110 A Child Called “It” Middle Childhood Application Dave Pelzer’s life started out as many children’s lives do. He was surrounded by a mother and father who loved him and would do anything for him. He recalls himself as well as his two brothers being blessed with perfect parents who filled the family with love and care (Pelzer 17). His father, Stephen, supported the family and worked as a fireman in San Francisco, while his mother, Catherine, was a woman who glowed with love for her children and family (Pelzer 18). In the summer, the family would go on a vacation often times to Portola or Memorial Park, where they would camp in a large tent for a week. One time, they even went to Johnson’s Beach, where the adventures were endless. In this time, Dave learned how to swim on his back and his mother was so proud of him for it. Every day was sprinkled with magic, especially as Dave’s mother came and gave him a hug from behind. In this time, he had never felt as safe and as warm as he had at that moment, not knowing that things were soon to change in the most drastic way (Pelzer 26). Catherine went from a loving mother to a nightmare while Stephen went from a protective father, to a coward. Dave became the subject of child abuse, which had an impact on his childhood development explained in by three well known theorists, Bronfenbrenner, Piaget, and Kohlberg. (Need citation from text book) (According to Bronfenbrenner, there are five levels of the environment that affect

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