
Summary Of Khrushchev's Secret Speech

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On the 25th of February 1956, the twentieth congress of the Communist Party, Nikita Khrushchev gained 1,500 delegates and many invited visitors to assembled in Moscow in the Great Hall of Kremlin as to deliver a speech on the recently – deceased Joseph Stalin. In the next 4 hours, Khrushchev went on criticizing on every aspect of Stalin’s method of rule. The well-known speech entitled “On The Cult of Individual and its Consequences” become simply known as Khrushchev’s “Secret Speech”. Primary sources are used to allow the historian to have an insight on the context and the intention it’s trying to present. While it does give the historian an insight on the context, the response will consider the problems that pose as a primary source to historians.

The background knowledge to the speech, in the early morning hours of 5 March 1953, Joseph Stalin has died at the age of 74. Stalin ruled Soviet Union for the best part of three …show more content…

Fast track in the late 1955, Nikita Khrushchev had a fond idea on “investigating Stalin’s activities”. Khrushchev’s colleagues were antagonistic towards his suggestion. Most of these colleagues once served in superior positions under Stalin. These following men were Kliment Voroshilov and Stalin’s foreign minister, Vyacheslav Molotov. These men had blood on their hands as they were organised to liquidate thousands of their own working class workers. Khrushchev himself also had blood on his hands, as being the regional boss in the Ukraine during the mid-1930s, a time of mass terror and liquidations “Khrushchev committed many mistakes and misjudgements during the time of his political leadership. Nor was he innocent of violations of the law in Stalin’s time.” (Medvedev, Zhores, Medvedev, Roy A,

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