
Summary Of Let It Run By Fa Mu Lan

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Kingston’s mother uses the story of Fa Mu Lan in hopes that Kingston will accept her true identity as a woman. During training, Fa Mu Lan asked the old woman if she can stop menstruating and she said no. The author says, “‘No. You don’t stop shitting and pissing,’ she said. ‘It’s the same with the blood. Let it run.’” (31) When the old woman said, “Let it run”, it shows that even if Fa Mu Lan had the option to stop her menstrual days, she shouldn’t and just let it go. Menstruation is normal for women and if she would stop, she would be just like a boy. Being a boy would not be bad, it is just more significant because even if Fa Mu Lan was on her period, it didn’t stop her from fighting. Just like menstruating, being a woman is normal. Without menstruating, women wouldn’t give birth. …show more content…

So the mother is telling the story of Fa Mu Lan so that Kingston can accept the fact that she is a woman and that nothing should get in the way of that. Similarly, during Kingston’s childhood, she wasn’t allowed go shopping with her uncle. “When he heard girls’ voices, he turned on us and roared, ‘No girls!’ and left my sisters and me hanging our coats back up, not looking at one another (47). The uncle refused to go shopping with the woman. When Kingston said, “not looking at one another”, it symbolizes shame. They were ashamed of themselves because they weren’t allowed to go just because they were female. Usually when people can’t look at one another, they feel unworthy and embarrassed. They couldn’t look at each other because maybe it happens consistently and they were used to rejection. The mother told the story of Fa Mu Lan so that Kingston can accept her identity. All throughout Kingston’s childhood, Emigrant villagers and basically everyone treated her with hostility and called her cowbirds and

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