I chose the book Lone Survivor By Marcus Luttrell because I heard a few good reviews on the book and I was really interested in the story of Marcus Luttrell. The book was 389 pages. The authors objective was to write a story about what happened in his time a lone surviving in Afghanistan. He wanted to pay respects and remember his fallen brothers. He did do this by telling the reader their lasts moments as a team and as brothers in arms. It put the reader right where he was in every moment. When I first started the book it was slow and I didn't like it very much. When Marcus started talking about the training it really pulled me in. He told me every detail about the training he when through to become a Navy SEAL. He took me through every
In I Survived: “The Shark Attacks of 1916” by Lauren Tarshis, the story of the shark attacks in New Jersey in 1916 is talked about. It is about a boy named Chet who lives with his Uncle and goes to a creek with some of his friends. He and his friends pulled pranks on each other all the time. He told his friends there was a shark in the water and no one believed him. That’s when he got injured. There was also 4 shark attacks reported around the same time also.
The book I read is called Silent Warrior. It's a biography about the famous marine sniper, Carlos Hathcock. The book takes you from his death bed to the death field in Vietnam, where he earner his title as the best of the best. His 93 confirmed kills and hundreds more unaccounted made him the number one sniper in our history. The book brought out the best of the man that everyone knew as Gunny Hathcock.
The book I chose to read is Bull Rider it is written by Suzanne williams. The book Bull Rider has 128 pages it took me about 1 day to read the entire book. I learned that when times are tough and it is hard to get out of bed in the morning you have to grit your teeth put your feet on the floor and keep stepping forward or the world is going to pass you by.
I picked in the combat zone by Leslie Marmon because I had my own story to tell with it. I had just turned 21.I was invited to a party. My car was in the shop so I had someone come pick me up. After about four to five hours the party become too much and I was ready to go home. I couldn’t get anyone to take me home and I was a little embarrassed to call someone. My house was only about four miles away so I decide to walk home. I don’t know what I was thinking because the first thing I did was put on my headphones. This is a big no no. I didn’t realize I was being followed until about a mile away from the house. By that time it was 12:30
The book I picked is “A long way gone”. It relates the experience of a child soldier from Sierra Leone, which is a country located in Southern Africa, between Guinea and Liberia, next to the North Atlantic Ocean. This former British colony has currently six million inhabitants, and gained independence in 1961. The official language of Sierra Leone is English, but only 30% of its citizens are educated. Besides that the average life expectancy is 40 years and AIDS / HIV affects 7% of the population; and the economic and social infrastructure of Sierra Leone are not well developed. In addition, nearly two-thirds of the population survives on subsistence agriculture, although the extraction of alluvial diamonds represents almost half the country's exports and the most important source of foreign exchange earnings. The first diamonds from Sierra Leone were discovered in 1930. In addition to diamonds, the country has many natural resources of titanium ore, bauxite, iron ore, gold and iron chromite. Today, Sierra Leone is in peace, and exports approximately $142 million worth of diamonds annually.
This book was atrocious and wasted a good majority of my life. The body of the book was tedious, but got better as I read. The information presented became more interesting. I started to somewhat like to read it. It was still boring, but was something that I might like to read. As I liked to read it more and more. In the end I still didn’t like to read but it was a bit more standable.
A close review of the literature reveals that your state of mind during a matter of life or death situation will influence the outcome of your survival. In the argument Is Survival Selfish by Lane Wallace, I woman that had been in an airliner that crashed on landing,“(realized) that the people around her were too paralyzed to react (in the situation), (so) she took direct action...(Wallace 318). This example showed that your state of mind in a life or death situation will influence your outcome because the woman had to understand the situation that she was in and acknowledge that she had to get out of the plane. Through her observations, there was nothing that she could do to help the other passengers out of the plane because they were too paralyzed to react. This influenced her outcome because if she hadn’t looked out for herself than she would have had the same fate as most of the passengers in the crashed plane.
I felt wired and connected throughout this entire book. I'm always looking for new and interesting novels to add into my library Rolodex. This was definitely a great addition and I'm anticipating more from this author. Out of the gate, the beginning of the book draws you in and keep you there for a while. This book provokes you to read more with an in-your-face style delivery method other authors seem to lack. I was a little skeptical at first about reading this book because the previous novels in this series that has somewhat of the same theme; good guy save the day, political obstruction, and patriotism. This book has all of that and more in just the right amounts. And the unique thing about the author is that he makes these subjects mesh together well. This book has lots of action that jumps out the pages to you at high rates of speed. The fast pace delivery method of Brad Thor's writing style is what makes him a great author who's entertaining to read. Scot Harvath's superhero-like mentality is contagious and puts you in a good mood whenever he accomplishes his missions. He is the primary focus of the book and the main person who saves the day. Brad Thor uses great tactics in executing his points to keep the reader's interest in Scot Harvath. This book demonstrates how practical Scot Harvath's skills can be. It shows how deep his intellect goes in solving problems and getting past obstacles. One thing I love about this book is that you can see how vividly the main character is developing along the way with others on his team as
The book I read is called ¨The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors: The Extraordinary World War II Story of the U.S. Navy's Finest Hour¨, written by James D. Hornfischer. This is a story about a very important battle during WW2, the battle itself lasted for two and a half hours. It was fought on october 25, 1944. This book was very suspenseful to read and kept me wanting more. It was very well written and described that i could almost imagine myself on the ship with the men during this long battle.
I am a survivor. My parents were told that I had cancer when I was only months old. The doctors believed that I would not be able to walk or talk after an operation to remove a tumor in the stem of my brain. I had to have therapy which meant seeing therapists every day to learn basic skills like crawling, eating and even communication. I started preschool like everyone else but I always felt different. I felt more comfortable with my doctors who helped me heal than the students in my class. They never seemed to accept me for being different than them. I struggled to hold a pencil or even to walk and play at recess but that didn’t stop me from trying to fit in. I saw the joy in people’s faces and did everything to make others happy. When middle
I loved this book so much. There is so much action and is so much better and exciting with so much amazing detail and description. This is one of my favorite books ever. When you read it, you don’t want to put it down and it makes you feel like you are with the characters in the book and you know them so well. I recommend this book to anyone who can read at this level.
This question is honestly the most difficult to answer. The entire book was intriguing from start to finish. I would say that what I liked the most about this book is all the pictures he placed on there. He captured every image with so much meaning. It is as it’s said, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” I got to see the faces of the fellow heroes in Fallujah.
“Adrift-76 days lost at sea”, written by Steve Callahan, was both inspirational and kept me on the edge on my seat throughout the book. Personally, I have a fear of being lost at sea so when steve encountered several issues I was sure he was a goner. For example, in one part of the book Steve had resulted in eating his own vomit which pousined him. This was really gross and it really showed how desperate Steve was. Thankfully, Steve didn't die of the pousining, but this really showed me showed how hard he was fighting to stay alive. As well as very suspenseful the book was very motivational. Through all the trouble that Steve faced he didn’t give up, whereas I think I would of if I was in his shoes. The book really stuck with me because at the time I was going though a rough patch and was feeling really down; but the book opened my eyes and helped me realize I could have it worse. In conclusion, the book was great suspenseful and motivational
Only a quick glance at my high school resume is necessary to know I am proficient in many things; navigation, however, is not one of those things. I always keep two GPSs in my car and memorize directions hours before I go somewhere new. When my parents announced our summer vacation would include a stay at a Furnace Creek Ranch in Death Valley, I was apprehensive.
Every soldier in the ARMY of the United States of America knows the following phrase from the Soldier’s Creed: “I will always place the mission first” (ARMY.mil). The aforementioned is arguably the most powerful line in the Soldier’s Creed and exists in different variants across the branches of the military. The life of a soldier is not an easy one, so it is to be expected that there will be times that a soldier will have to make difficult decisions. Sometimes these decisions will dictate between life and death. However, the Soldier’s Creed and other oaths alike, are promises not only to one’s country and those serving beside you, but also an agreement with oneself to carry the weight of what it takes to fulfill his/her country. In the movie, Lone Survivor, four Navy Seals made the decision to spare the lives of three men which ultimately resulted in the death of three of the four Seals and 16 rescuers. I believe that the decision they made contradicted the idea of “mission first” and a more aggressive decision should have been elected.