Our group decided to do the final project on Maus I: A Survivor’s Tale by Art Spiegelman. This book has two main characters, Art and Vladek, that interact together throughout the entire story. The group decided a Twitter page would be a great way to show the progression of the story as well as character interactions. The concept, components, and culture of Twitter fulfilled our purpose of showing the moments and thoughts of the main characters effectively, by creating a profile representative of the character and chronologically organize their progressions. The group wanted to somehow effectively visualize the main characters’ progression through the story. Creating a Twitter page was selected since Twitter allows the user to post short statements and thoughts. Posts on Twitter are kept to a 140 character limit, keeping posts brief, but straight to the point. Through these short blips of information, the group wanted to capture certain thoughts or moments as the story progressed. This could reveal some character development. Twitter also allows people to “subtweet” or reply to other tweets. By using the concept of Twitter, we can introduce other minor …show more content…
These seemed like an easy way to cite where we got each tweet from. The number of retweets were the chapter the tweet came originated. Then to narrow it down more the number of likes was the page it was from. Twitter also puts the newest post on the top of the page. This easily solved the issue of how we should organize the posts. By putting the newest post on top and the oldest on the bottom, we created a chronological line for moments in the book to happen. To get an idea where these tweets originated, the “retweets” tell the chapter they’re from and the “likes” give an exact page. The order of the tweets are “posted” from bottom from top, because we wanted to keep the moments as chronological in the book as
Luck seems to influence many parts of people’s lives. However, without making smart choices at the right time, luck does not happen just by chance. A graphic novel written by Art Spiegelman, Maus II: A Survivor’s Tale, is about the author’s father as a Holocaust survivor in the twentieth century. Throughout the whole story of Maus II, the role of resourcefulness in survival is presented repeatedly. When the author’s father, Vladek, was in Auschwitz, there were several moments where he was about to be killed. In such circumstances, resourcefulness played much larger role than luck, and it helped him to stay alive. Specifically, Vladek’s ability to save for future, to find work and to trade kept him alive in Holocaust. Therefore, people who survived were mostly the resourceful ones, not the ones who were randomly chosen.
The main reasons for the use of twitter are that you able to “follow” interesting people, follow trends, good for promoting brands/companies, plenty of celebrity access, and “to the point tweets” as you are limited to type less than 140 characters and finally, a good source for breaking
Retweet Rank is a simple influence measurement tool on Twitter, which allows users to track their ranks and retweets. By October 6, 2013, Wegmans’ retweet rank is 111, 812, with an approximate of 98.05 percentile. Percentile score indicates how users score relative to other twitter users, which ranges from 1 to 100. Wegmans got 98.05, which shows that it is quite interactive with its followers on Twitter.
Moral courage is persevering and withstanding fear through difficult times by doing the right thing even at the risk of danger, punishment, inconvenience, or ridicule. Edmund Burke states, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” In many circumstances in Art Spiegelman’s Maus II, characters need to display moral courage in order to survive. Vladek makes connections and builds trust with those around him which is eventually what causes him to survive the Holocaust, but he would not be able to accomplish this without having moral courage. Vladek offers to teach a supervisor English which causes them to form a relationship and trust.
I wanted the tweets to be a look at The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne from a outsiders view. Naturally as social media available to the public the tweets would most never contain things calling people out personally. Ultimately taking out some of the drawn out and partly boring internal conflict. The tweets are a modern interpretation of The Scarlet letter and how the characters internal conflict is bottled up and only shown indirectly.
Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) is a phenomenon that occurs within the criminal justice system. DMC is exhibited through the high percentages of minority contact statistically when compared to predictions that are based on the minority populations within certain communities. DMC is even prevalent in the juvenile justice system that has been created here in America. Disproportionate minority contact is a national, state and local issue that has been discussed for years. The government has made many futile attempts to combat DMC through the creation of amendments, policies and programs. However, the numbers of minority youth in the criminal justice and juvenile justice system remain to be quite staggering.
Twitter is undoubtedly one of the world's most popular and influential social media platforms. With so many accounts to follow and so much to keep up with, how do we view and absorb this information. Well, it certainly depends on whom you follow. Twitter now has a feature that automatically follows accounts specified to the interests you provide when you first create your own account. Since I recently made an account for school, I was prompted to choose a few interests. I chose your generic topics at first (music, news, comedy, ect.). However, I also followed some of my own unique interests such as costuming, anime, languages, and of course, Panic! At the Disco. What does Twitter do with this information? What types of things are people Tweeting about? I'd say there are about three generic categories you can sort a tweet into. A large majority of the content on Twitter is generic news and information, witty or comedic tweets, or tweets that are just plain...bizarre.
It is difficult to imagine Maus in another format than this one, in another medium than comics, which allows resources such as those shown here. How to get in any other narrative form that delicate balance between detachment and involvement? Maus is a fascinating exploration of a tragedy, the story of survival with all that that means for those who did not survive, chronic small acts of kindness that are saving lives, whose cruelties record coldness still shakes us. It is a comic book masterpiece.
Proclaimed as the hottest company since Google and Facebook, Twitter introduced a revolutionary micro-blogging service in 2006 that allowed users to spread and share short messages of 140 characters (“tweets”) with friends and strangers subscribing to follow their communication flow (as so called “followers”) in order to find out what is happening right now from any point of the globe.
The more one of your posts is retweeted, the better. If you are noticing a particular type of post or certain content themes that get retweeted more, adjust your strategy to increase those types of tweets. Netflix often does this to its local Facebook/twitter page to respond and increase engagement over more curated and local content. Brand mentions: Keep track of how often your business or product is mentioned on Twitter. Netflix uses this to improve its service and respond quickly to customer issues and
How are Twitter, blogs, and social media networks taking over our culture? In Bloggerati, Twitterati: How Blogs and Twitter are Transforming Popular Culture, Marry Cross attempts to figure out how cyberspace is changing our behavior along with our culture. She uses a multitude of different sources to back up her claims, which makes the book highly interesting and makes the reader desire to learn to a greater extent about what she's trying to figure out. Her fascination with this subject leads on to explore all of the possible reasons why people are extremely fascinated with the internet, mainly Twitter and blogging, and how much it has affected our daily lives. Additionally, she also discusses how traditional printed material like newspapers, books, and magazines are at risk thanks to the internet along with music CDs and DVDs due to people downloading movies and music off of websites.
I completely understand, I'm not a huge Twitter fan myself after having one for a period of time it just became uninteresting I had even deleted it about two weeks before the actual assignment. So to learn that I had to create another one I felt like here we go again. But overall like yourself I also thought it was a great way to adapt the Frankenstein novel, however it lost some of the novel's depth in the process.
I would like to introduce you to Twitter Inc., a modern and popular form of self-expression on the Internet. It provides users with a plethora of services including Twitter, an application that allows the user to share and distribute content to their followers. The company also owns Vine, a mobile application where users can create and share short looping videos, and #Music, another mobile application that
We will both originate and join conversations around current events and trending topics (ex. #IceBucketChallenge). When possible, we will insert eFanswer into the conversation with a custom graphic. Twitter will be used to propel conversations with bite-sized content.
Twitter is a service for people to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent messages. It's an online social networking and micro blogging service that enables users to send and read short 140 character text messages, called "tweets". Twitter is a social website where people are allowed to make posts about different things. Twitter has 645,750,000 registered users as of January 1, 2014. Twitter is now stepping up to global television. Micro blogging is the posting of very short entries or updates on a blog or social networking site, typically via a cellular phone. Twitter allows its users to keep their friends and family informed of their current status. Twitter first began in 2008 as a small project; but now