
Summary Of Maybe One Day

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Analysis of Maybe One Day Maybe One Day by Melissa Kantor, is about how two best friends, Olivia and Zoe, are inseparable because they have spent most of their lives doing what best friends do including dancing together, but a life tragedy makes them become closer. They got cut from the dance team and didn’t know what to do with all their spare time. Later that year Olivia was diagnosed with leukemia, a type of cancer that doesn’t have a good survival rate. Through all that happened while Olivia tried to fight cancer it not only made her and Zoe closer but made them more like family. Unfortunately, Olivia did not make it and Zoe had a very tough time with her loss, she thought about joining dance again to keep Olivia alive within herself. …show more content…

In those four parts there are chapters, the chapters range from 5-19 pages each. The book expands over a year in time. The author uses a chronological order for the book by telling the story from the beginning of a special friendship between two girls to the tragic ending. Although she used chronological order, she used flashbacks to tell us some stories that happened in the past. An example of a flashback in this book is when Olivia and Zoe were watching the dress rehearsal for “The Nutcracker” and Zoe describes how they used to hold hands; “damp, sweaty palm against damp, sweaty palm” backstage before they went on to dance (Kantor 236). The plot is about Olivia Jaeger 2 getting cancer and how it can change everything she ever dreamed of with Zoe and how it made the bond between them stronger than ever. This life changing event will have an affect on not only Zoe but also on the people closest to her, such as her family. In Maybe One Day the tone changes between solemn and hopeful. The day Olivia said, “I have leukemia, Zoe” was the day Zoe thought nothing made sense and saw the world differently. Zoe couldn’t grasp the idea that people could still be living their lives joyously while her

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