Nesterenko 1
Polina Nesterenko
Language Arts 1A Honors
12 July 2015
AP One Sheet
1. Title of Work: Of Mice and Men
2. Author and Date Written: John Steinbeck, 1937
3. Historical Context: The novel “Of Mice and Men” was written during the Great Depression. The book was written in 1937, which was when the growing economy reached a decline worse than the one before. “Brightening economic prospects were dashed in 1937 by a deep recession…The new downturn rolled back gains in industrial production and employment, prolonged the Depression…” (Taylor, The Great Depression: A Short History of the Great Depression). The Depression left many people broke, unemployed, and homeless. “By 1932 the unemployment rate soared past 20 percent… businesses had failed. Millions were homeless.” (Taylor, The Great Depression: A Short History of the Great Depression). It was due to the increased industrial productions, for the war effort, that finally ended the Depression. “… it was the humming factories that supplied the American war effort that finally brought the Depression to a close.” (Taylor, The Great Depression: A Short History of the Great Depression).
4. Major Characters
A. George: George is a small, smart man who dreams of owning his own farm. He cares and protects Lennie in all situations
Lennie starts having a conversation to Crooks, but he keeps babbling about the promises to keep their farm a secret. George is basically the brain of Lennie, without him he'll be in trouble.
This theme of of Mice and Men is that things don't always work out the way you plan, its developed through the characters dialogue and actions the throughout the book. The two main characters ,George and Lennie, despite their differences, form a family like friendship to face the loneliness that comes with being a Ranch workers. Lennie and George both cling to the hope that they can one day buy a small house throughout the course of the book. Their idea is first mentioned in the beginning, but it's clear the this idea was thought of before the book's plot line. "O.K. Someday- we're gonna get the jack together and we're gonna get the jack together and we're gonna have a little house and couple of acres an' a cow and some pig and--" This shows
In chapter five of Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, there is an intense and uneasy mood throughout the entirety of the chapter. This scene starts in the stable with Lennie lamenting over his puppy’s death, which the readers later learn was his fault. Eventually, Curley’s wife strolls in and pushes Lennie to talk to her. After Lennie finally gives in, she goes on about her miserable life and what she could have been instead of a farm wife. This leads to her allowing Lennie to touch her hair, which results in Lennie holding her so tight that he breaks her neck and kills her.
The character in Of Mice and Men that is most similar to Tom Buchanan in The Great Gatsby is Curley. Curley and Tom Buchanan have many similarities throughout both books. These shared characteristics stem from one thing both men have an abundance of: privilege. Curley and Tom are easily two characters with the least amount of struggle in The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men.
The sound of the gavel arose in the courtroom. It was surrounded by windows with wooden frame beautiful land around can be seen through it.. Ranch hands of Tyler barn were sitting behind Candy, who was wearing a red shirt. Everyone was listening to the Chinese bearded Judge. "Murdering is a huge crime because you murder a human, according to Penal Code 189 you are fined for 1000 dollars." ordered the Judge.
Urbanization in the 20th century had drastic changes on both the economy and society. New technological advances charged the rules of economy. In order to survive, southern agrarian societies were forced to changed. Steinbeck uses symbolism, analogy, and antithesis to compare and contrast corporate farming and traditional farming. Chapter 11 is about a land that was once for humans, almost dead except for the miniscule amounts of plant and animal life.
In 1929, tears swept the nation and gloom bestowed itself upon a once happy place. The Great Depression had started. People lost everything ,so many became migrant workers. Of Mice and Men, a classic novel written by John Steinbeck, emphasizes many sad themes, but gives us a good insight on what life was like in the 1940’s for many people. Although there are other themes, rootlessness, loneliness, and poverty are extremely prominent throughout the novel in many characters.
get Curley but his eyes slipped on past and saw Lennie, Curley got into a fight with
Curley first met Lennie in the barn he did not like him, and later on
Of Mice and Men is a novel set on a ranch in the Salinas Valley in California during the Great Depression of the 1930s. The title of the book is a reference to Robert Burns's poem To a Mouse. (1759 - 96):
While Of Mice and Men may be an incredibly crappy novel, there is one thing that isn´t so bad, being that the reader can somewhat relate to the characters, or at least understand them. In the story, two friends, Lennie and George, decide to work on a ranch for some quick money. However, Lennie, being slow on the draw, accidently kills one of the people on the ranch. George decides to kill his friend before the others do. Lennie, George, and Crooks are the three characters come to mind in terms of affinity.
The story Of Mice and Men took place during the 1930’s. That time period was very different from today. Race and gender were very important characteristics that determined whether a person had the opportunity to make money. The 1930’s were also a time where people started questioning life and the American culture. Many people like John Steinbeck thought that life was very unfair and questioned whether if life was even worth living. In Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck demonstrates that mans dream is destined to be destroyed by a cruel reality.
In life we are part of many roles that create dangers we face that may lie beyond our understanding. Even though these roles are hard to understand, they can give meaning to our life. In John 's Steinbeck "Of Mice and Men," we see these men 's day to day lives, the main character; George takes care of his friend Lennie who has difficulties understanding the rules of the world we live in. Through the story there are many ups and downs mostly involving Lennie, who is trying to see through the eyes of George and to do and be as George is. For this reason George is constantly trying to think of what is best for Lennie. Through all of this they face even more dangers and still try to find a way to raise money for a farm to
Deep down inside, each person has a strong desire for a companion. Someone you can trust, who you can learn from and teach, but most importantly, one who can always be there for you no matter what happens. The relationship between the intelligent and feeble George Milton and the imbecile, but vigorous Lennie Small is displayed as the main objective in Steinbeck 's novel, Of Mice and Men. The description among these two characters is a form of juxtaposition because the two characters vary in several ways. The author’s intention of using this technique points out the differences between characters and how their personalities counteract each other significantly.
Friendship and companionship play a big role in people 's life and how they interact with others, and the world in general. How people build relationships is something that will stick with them for the rest of their lives. The less relationships that people build, the more lonely, and self-kept they become. Throughout the book Of Mice and Men, George, and Lennie are examples of the positive effects on building relationships, and Crooks is an example of the negative effects on not building relationships. Crooks represents loneliness, and not building relationships. George and Lennie represent dependence on one another, and an example of how to build a strong bond/relationship. Throughout the book Of Mice and