
Summary Of ' On Being An Atheist

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For many years theists and atheists have argued with one another over the existence of a creator, or God. H.J. McCloskey published his thoughts on the matter in a journal article in 1968 titled “On Being an Atheist”. In his article McCloskey aims to discredit cosmological and teleological arguments for a creator and he uses the existence of evil in the world as evidence that a divine creator cannot exist.
McCloskey routinely refers to the cosmological and teleological arguments as believers’ “proof” of God’s existence; however, this is not an accurate statement. (McCloskey, 1968) Foreman points out in his presentation; we cannot provide certain proof of many things and just because something cannot be proven does not mean that it is not a justified belief. Rather than seeking proof of God’s existence we should find the best explanation for things. Regularly the field of science and the legal system gather multiple points that support an argument to arrive at the best explanation. (Foreman, Approaching the Question of God 's Existence, 2014)
In his writing, McCloskey states that the general basis of the cosmological argument, “the existence of God from the existence of the cosmos…” Theists argue however that the contingency of all things in the universe support the cosmological argument; more simply stated there is no obvious answer as to why there is anything at all, therefore, something must have created it. (Evans & Manis) Additionally McCloskey claims that the

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