
Summary Of One Child By Torey Hayden

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One Child, is a beautifully compelling story about a teacher who was given a student that was misled and overlooked for far too long. This student was Sheila and before Torey Hayden had Sheila, she had moved home to home between different relatives. The school where Torey Hayden taught wasn’t too sure that they would be able to find Sheila a home and she would soon be sent to a state hospital. During the time that Torey and Sheila had together, Sheila began developing into a pleasant and prosperous child that loved to learn and was very intelligent. Also, at this time Sheila grew closer to her classmates and began to have bonded with others. Torey Hayden stated, “I taught what was affectionately referred to in our school district as the ‘garbage class.” She was given little to work with but was expected to do her job just like every teacher in school. This doubt and negative attitude towards her passion could be discouraging, yet she knew what her end goal was. The end goal being; to be strong and show passion for teaching these forgotten children. Not only did she guide …show more content…

On the first day of school, Sheila refused to sit with anyone in the classroom, so Torey Hayden thought this was an ideal starting point to reach out to her. Slowly but surely, Torey Hayden convinced the little girl to sit with the group. This showed the girl that, she was in a safe spot with other children just like her and made her feel more welcome to this new environment. Once Torey Hayden was able to achieve this step she moved towards exposing more academic skills to Sheila. The teacher soon discovered that this little girl was exceptionally intelligent and was past all of her other students academically. Even though she was only six-years-old, Sheila could perform academically at the fifth grade level. Gradually introducing Sheila to new concepts, the more she was

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