An onsite health care facility can function many ways. An onsite healthcare facility will provide services to all current full time and part time employees. Operational hours for the onsite healthcare facility will be during the weekdays and during the company working hours. Staffing will be provided by obtaining one (1) onsite physician and one (1) registered nurse. According to Journal of Healthcare Management (2009), the patient is able to get continuously healthcare by one (1) physician who can provide all healthcare from the beginning to the end of the case. The onsite healthcare facility will also be able to prescribe and provide generic brand prescriptions. Onsite prescriptions can range from common antibiotics to non-narcotic medications.
The Web Portal could also be expanded to provide outside vendor services such as, Just in Time pharmaceutical replenishment and inventory updates. Just in Time pharmaceutical replenishment will allow the hospital to automatically replenish stock and optimize inventory. The hospital will have to grant access to its database to companies similar to Just in Time, but the rewards for the hospital will be phenomenal. The hospital can cross references the prescription company’s database to ensure that no other medication the patient is taking will have complications for the patients or adverse effects. The system could also recommend alternatives to the prescribe medications to even further
DIRECTIONS: Follow the links and answer the questions. Make sure to use complete sentences and make sure everything is in your own words.
A marketing plan can be viewed as a roadmap in which an organization navigates through a sequence of steps in order to promote a service, goods, or program (Thomas, 2015) (May, Apr 12, 2012). Therefore, in order to initiate the occurrence of any marketing activity, it is vital to have a marketing plan to follow in the event to create awareness, attract customers, and to gain business (Thomas, 2015). In having a marketing plan, the organization must delineate their marketing initiative through a sequence of designated steps by strategically organizing, marketing activities while defining who will be their targeted potential customers (Buttell, Jan/Feb 2009). In meeting the strategic objectives of a marketing plan, it should
Non care setting - Medications are often stored and administered in a variety of non-health care settings. These settings include: primary and secondary schools, Child day care centres, Board and care homes, Jails and prisons. In all these settings, employees frequently are responsible for handling and administering prescription and over-the-counter medications to clients or residents. Some organizations may employ licensed health professionals to directly manage the medication administration process. However, many of these settings have no licensed health professionals involved. Where medications are stored and administered to individuals, written policies and procedures should address the following: Acquisition of medications (e.g., from parents, caregivers, pharmacies), Specification of which personnel are allowed access to medications and allowed to administer medications to students, clients or residents, Labelling and packaging of medications managed for students, clients
The health care industry is a very powerful industry that most people rely heavily on throughout their lives. Chapter thirty in our text book covers both income and poverty along with healthcare. Healthcare is related to both income and poverty because sometimes people become poor due to not having adequate health insurance and use much of their income on medical bills. Some people will also apply for jobs just because of the employer’s heath care package for their employees. Health care/insurance is important part of life.
The debate over whether or not universal health care is an achievable reality in the United States has been a longstanding one. Most of us have heard people from both sides of the political spectrum duke out the logistics of the Affordable Care Act, but what’s really the deal? Despite us being the only major country on earth that doesn’t guarantee health care, there are still a lot of conservatives and insurance companies who argue that universal care is an unnecessary burden on taxpayers. Why exactly are Republicans in such vehement opposition? Let’s find out:
The purpose of this paper is to explain what the website Hospital Compare is about. The paper will reveal the agencies that are behind the website and it will also give a little insight about how the information is chosen that is available to the public. Also, you will learn about Ohio Valley Medical Centers (OVMC) ratings and some areas of the medical center that could use a bit of improvement. This paper will also include some strategies that OVMC could use to help improve their ratings.
Managed care organizations should have arrangement with both the medical insurers and providers to provide treatment for a contracted rate. Hospital should advertise the services they offer to members of healthcare plans through their healthcare provider by emphasizing on the technology, staff, and other quality of care they provide. Worker compensation plans are similar to commercial plans but treats injured employees. Hospital must contract with all workers compensation plans and must also negotiate coordination of benefits with other insurance carriers of the injured person to full compensate services. For Self pay patients hospital can reach out to them by having pre negotiate rates for treatment when payments are made in advance for certain procedures. Hospital should have system to accept payments when made in any
Today, many Americans are affected by health care decisions made without their prior knowledge. More than likely most Americans are unsure how those decisions are decided and who is responsible for making those decisions that ultimately affect how health care is administered. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the United States government’s principle agency for protecting the health of all Americans and for providing essential human services, especially to those who are unable to help themselves. HHS administrators over two hundred programs and it accounts for almost forty percent of all United States federal government spending. HHS mission is to keep Americans safe and healthy through effective health and human service programs. The department has five strategic goals: strengthen health care, advance scientific knowledge and innovation, advance the health, safety, and well-being of the American people, increase efficacy, transparency, and accountability of HHS programs and strengthen the Nation’s health and human service infrastructure and workforce (Department of Health and Human Services, (n.d.).
In recent years, health care has been a huge topic in public debates, legislations, and even in deciding who will become the next president. There have been many acts, legislations, and debates on what the country has to do in regards to health care. According to University of Phoenix Read Me First HCS/235 (n.d.), “How health care is financed influences access to health care, how health care is delivered, the quality of health care provided, and its cost”.
The purpose of this paper is to inform you of a proposal that the Governor of Texas has proposed to the state, on how he feel about the health care reform. I will be talking about how the governor thinks by” issuing top-down mandates on a break-neck timetable is a surefire way to make things worse”. The health care reform legislation currently being considered not only poses a serious threat to patients and providers, but will also cost Texas taxpayers tens of billions of dollars. I will be explaining how the governor feels that President Obama’s plan will cause harm to the health care system,” by increasing
A health care provider is any individual, institution, or agency that provides health services to health care consumers otherwise known as patients ( Health care providers are vital because they are trained to provide health services to patients which help treat illnesses, diseases, broken bones, or any injuries or health issues in which they are trained to treat.
There are great health care benefit programs for employees in most organizations. However, the age limitations are causing serious concerns when it comes to mental care for dependent adults over the age of 26. This needs to change, as mentally ill patients over the age of 26 are left without healthcare insurance; which is never a good thing. Mentally challenged individuals deserve to be protected and covered as dependents under their caregiver’s insurance plans as long as they live. The term dependent should not be restricted to an age, but rather be a term that defines the individual who is unable to provide for themselves due to some mental disorder. Therefore, if organizations change their policies and include the mentally ill as a dependent regardless of age, then, it is likely for economies to see declining crime rates, less cost to taxpayers for essential services, and better overall rehab facilities.
In this paper there will be a brief discussion of three forces that have affected the development of the U.S healthcare system. It will observe whether or not these forces will continue to have an effect on the U.S healthcare system over the next decade. This paper will also include an additional force, which may be lead to believe to have an impact on the health care system of the nation. And lastly this paper will evaluate the importance of technology in healthcare.
Given the fact that the United states of America and Canada are linked together sharing a border which is open basically to and from both sides, their health care systems are highly different from each other and how the services are financed, organized and given to the citizens.