
Summary Of Paul Revere

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This is the tale of some of the greatest heroes of the American Revolution. The first hero is Paul Revere. On April 19, 1775, he heard the news of what the British had planned. General Gage of the British army was going to send troops to Lexington to capture Sam Adams and John Hancock. Paul Revere knew he had to do something. He got on his horse and went on a midnight ride threw the colonies. He yelled “The British Regulars are coming!” During his whole ride and told people “One if by land, two if by sea!” Meaning that they should look at the lighthouse to see how many lanterns are lit up. On the way to Lexington to save Sam Adams and John Hancock he was stopped by British soldiers on horses. They asked him where he was going and he told them he was going to warn the people of the regulars that were coming. They thought that their army was too powerful and that it didn’t matter if the colonists knew that they were coming. So, they let him go. When he got to Lexington the Regulars weren’t there yet. He found John Hancock and Sam Adams and knocked on their door. Someone came down and asked what he was doing there. He told them to pack their bags and get out of Lexington. After that he rode on. He soon realized that he should go back and check on them so he doubled back and knocked on the door. They answered and hadn’t done anything. He stayed there until they left. They rode on and soon realised that they forgot their smoked fish from the night before. After they had returned

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