
Summary Of Peer Review Of Alana Mays

Decent Essays

Peer Review of Alana Mays
Cognition: The articles are explained well and form a synthesized argument. However, this feels more like an argumentative essay than a literature review to me. It seems as though the idea of differing gender roles is introduced and explained before the piece moves on to how Cleopatra did and did not align with that gender system. Perhaps more explanation of what the articles have in common (or do not have in common) would help make this piece more like a literature review. Score: 2
Invention: The proposition is not completely clear. I believe it is that Cleopatra's image has been influenced and changed by other cultures' idea of gender roles; however, I am not sure. I think this is due to the fact that this seems …show more content…

The reasons and evidence are integrated well, and the paragraphs follow a logical order. As I stated previously, the proposition is not entirely clear, but it doesn't seem to me as though there are clear introduction or conclusion paragraphs, and the addition of these could aid in stating the proposition in a straightforward manner.
Presentation: The diction and syntax is clear, and the information presented is easy to understand. I think that the main issue with presentation is making this seem more like a literature review than an argumentative essay. Score: 3
Overall: The main issues I saw throughout the essay was that it seemed to be an argumentative essay rather than a literature review and that the proposition is not entirely clear. However, I feel as though these could be easily fixed by focusing more on the articles and the field and by clearly stating the proposition at either the beginning or the end of the piece. In terms of grammar, the first sentence uses "restore her," but I think you actually mean "restore herself." Score: 3

Peer Review of Alyssa …show more content…

Evidence is worked into the literature review effectively. The evidence and reasons are organized chronologically, and this organization is extremely important since the proposition focuses on the chronological progression of the argumentation style. One element I think is missing is a conclusion paragraph. The literature review seems to end abruptly on evidence. Score: 3
Presentation: The diction and syntax is clear, and the information presented is easily accessible to the audience. The piece is presented as a literature review and works well within the genre. Score: 4
Overall: Overall, I think this literature review is good. I think the most important thing is adding a conclusion to end the literature review more effectively. On than that, I only have a few comments. The first sentence is slightly awkward; it could be fixed by reducing “such as the one argued by Aristotle” to “such as Aristotle.” You mention how the authors of the articles you cite mention other writers. It might be effective to introduce these individuals so that your audience is not confused. In terms of grammar, there should be a comma after “philosophers” in the first sentence. Score:

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