peyton has this girl that he loves but not only is it a girl she has a penis witch makes it even better her names is bella machalk she has the biggest penis out of any of his friends, not only is her penis the size of chris she has a vagina that holds more meat then every single fuckin arbys in america. so one day peyton decided to go over to her house becuase he got the booty call as he told his groos faggot of a friend chris, peyton knew that right when he got that call he was gonna get some good dick in his nice tight sexy lubed ass hole. he got to her house and right when he walked into the house he knew that he was gonna get some hardcore fuck. he walked in on her and she was already naked but the best part was that both of her parents where in the room too, he didnt even get into the bed and get him own penis out to jizz, he jizzed right in his pants but thats no worry becuase he loved the feeling of jizzing and cumming on himself as he did it …show more content…
but he came up to bella and he started to suck her big fucking 18 inch cock he knew how much power it held so he was carful on how much he sucked becuase once he hears her say the words "here it comes" in her beaner accent or more as "Aquí viene" he knew that if he dosnt stop sucking it will have the power force of a 22 magnum. he sucked and he sucked until his little body coudlnt suck anymore and she finally said the words "Aquí viene Aquí viene" he pulled away and she shot her load all over the room peyton said that is was like watching the fire works on fourth of july and it was just a beautiful. peyton had to take a break for a little bit so he played a quick game of hearts of faggot 4 and then carried on to round 2 AKA the meaty vagina. so peyton knew that his dick was no match for hers but he had to use
Jeremey, Jolly’s son, also has major identity changes throughout the novel, especially since he is very young. In fact, debatable his identity might have changed the most out of all of the characters. Despite Jeremy's young age, we see in the book how well he is able to understand the situation his family is in. Since he is so mature for his age, he develops an identity very young. When LaVaughn first meets Jeremy we see a little bit of Jeremy's identity that is very different from the end of the novel:
One day a man with the name tony romo was taking Cam newton fan from him. Cam was going crazy at Tony Romo because he suck at everything. Even tying his cleat. Cam had to get to the
This Poem is about the similarities and differences between the life of a Caucasian person and an African American person. The author, Sharon olds, made this essay to compare and contrast both of them. Sharon olds uses a lot of poetic devices, imagery, and traditional racial stereotypes. Sharon uses a lot of imagery in this poem, she uses most of vividly dark and light as well as animal imagery to contrast her two characters. The whole skin of an animal taken and used shows that the boy represents the inside of an animal, and the speaker represents the outside. Sharon olds utilities a lot of racial stereotypes to show the distance between the characters that exists despite the close ties and connection that they share. In many movies the person
When Byron got home he knew he was going to get in trouble so he went through the back door instead of the front door. When his mom saw him she started to yell at him but she said “I let your dad deal with you when he
Take a minute to imagine “Men looking like they had been/attacked repeatedly by a succession /of wild animals,” “never/ ending blasted field of corpses,” and “throats half gone, /eyes bleeding, raw meat heaped/ in piles.” These are the vividly, grotesque images Edward Mayes describes to readers in his poem, “University of Iowa Hospital, 1976.” Before even reading the poem, the title gave me a preconceived idea of what the poem might be about. “University of Iowa Hospital, 1976” describes what an extreme version of what I expected the poem to be about. The images I
The following Battle from 5 to 10 Dec. 1835 finished in a Texan triumph that cleared Texas of the final Mexican troops on its dirt. The challenge for Bexar, however was not over as Santa Anna would soon come back to rebuff the renegades at the Battle of the Alamo in his push to recover the town.
Individuals have been brought to believe that the only way to end their griefs and sorrows is to end their lives. Though suicide has become a detriment and devastating issue, it has not been presumed to be an effortless or painless act. In society, people become their own threats as they tend to isolate themselves from others which often increases this devastating issue of unsubstantial pain and long-suffering. In the poem, Tuesday 9:00 am, by Denver Butson, individuals are unable to speak and move because of their own specific problems which are burdening them and their ability to help others. The poet is enforcing the idea that individuals need to open up their eyes and be aware of others relentless despair and their struggle to reach out.
Ted Kooser, the thirteenth Poet Laureate of the United States and Pulitzer Prize winner, is known for his honest and accessible writing. Kooser’s poem “A Spiral Notebook” was published in 2004, in the book Good Poems for Hard Times, depicting a spiral notebook as something that represents more than its appearance. Through the use of imagery, diction, and structure, Ted Kooser reveals the reality of a spiral notebook to be a canvas of possibilities and goes deeper to portray the increasing complexities in life as we age.
My first thought while reading “1943” was that this poem is about WWII. The first line confirms that the poem is centered around war. Hall began to compare training for the war to football practice in highschool, “They toughened us for war. In the high-school auditorium Ed Monahan knocked out Dominick Esposito in the first round.” I don’t believe they are used as central idea, but I believe the author uses them as a device for making the reader feel a connection to them poem by using characters full name. That humanizes them. He later mentions, “ Of the heavyweight finals, and ten months later Dom died in the third wave at Tarawa.”
Richard Blanco is a Cuban- American poet who was given the oppurunity to write an inaugaration poem for Barack Obama's second swearing-in. He wrote a poem titled "One Today" that praised the good and unique things about the United States and also the everyday people who's daily routines help to make America the proud country that it is.
that the she should have slept in a Motel and he asks her why she
The creation and execution of promotional and communications strategies are by definition today multichannel and multimedia in scope. Combining both online and offline forms of media, the best practices in integrated marketing communications includes digital media that is inherently more measurable than offline counterparts, with offline media that is more agile from a messaging standpoint (Finne, Strandvik, 2012). The accuracy and precision of measurement that online marketing channels and platforms provide, in addition to the more immediate response generated from programs, is leading to digital media being the majority of integrated marketing communications spending globally (Reinold, Tropp, 2012). This has significant implications on the ethicacy of advertising for healthcare products, as customers demand more authenticity and transparency through these online channels (Bernoff, Li, 2008). The pervasive use of social media is re-ordering the balance of power between customer and marketer roles in the marketplace (Finne, Strandvik, 2012). These are all factors healthcare marketers need to keep in mind when designing their strategic marketing plans.
“The Soldier” is a poem about a generic, yet ideal soldier, which is indicated by Rupert Brooke’s use of the word “The” instead of “A” when describing the soldier in the title. The usage of “I” and “me” in the poem suggests a first person point of view, which makes the poem more personal and realistic to the reader. This poem is a sonnet because the first stanza contains eight lines and the second stanza contains six. Throughout “The Soldier,” the repetition of “English” and “England” shows how important his homeland is to the soldier and his high level of patriotism. In line five, England is personified, and although England is not a living thing, the soldier sees his country as his creator and as a sort of mother figure. Brooke’s use of alliteration throughout the poem helps it flow; the use of caesura breaks up the lines. Perfect external rhyme scheme and iambic pentameter are used throughout the poem, which both give the poem flow and rhythm. The “dust” in lines four and five is a metaphor for the soldier’s life; England created him and he will become “dust concealed” when he dies and is buried. The first stanza of “The Soldier” uses various lines of imagery: “some corner of a foreign field… In that rich earth a richer dust concealed… flowers… Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.” These forms of imagery emphasize the soldier’s death and how his death will cleanse him of any wrongdoings he had done in his time on earth. The “rivers” and “suns” are personified as
Censorship is a highly controversial topic regarding the arts, controlling the freedom of expression of artists to convey what is deemed acceptable within society. Ai Weiwei falls victim under the power of the regime and the influence of censorship guidelines within China, limiting the display of his art due to the important messages he raises. Andres Serrano has experienced attempted censorship on his provocative image, Piss Christ, and has been attacked for producing offensive art. Censorship aims to conceal certain artworks which clash with the viewpoints of others; however, it should not be enforced as they are confrontational, challenging audiences and act in response to political, social and cultural contexts.
Beyond a doubt we urgently need to address the devastating global issue of population growth in the United States America before we destroy our planet. We are facing many devastating economic problems, such as pollution, global warming, education, but the most critical is overconsumption. Overpopulation is a huge problem in the United States of America, which is causing us to run out of natural resources. The human race is already too large and is destroying the natural systems that support us. There are many solutions to this problem, but the common factor is controlling the human race. What can we do as a society to help contribute to controlling the population growth? “The United States is the most overpopulated country in the world”. (Ehrlich)