While these authors are divided on the definition of “one nation” they all recognize the major issues that affect our nation today. Despite Brooks’ muddled representation of the socio-economic and political divide in the United States, the author made one important point – that despite the differences among the entire population, Americans share the “same love” for their nation (Brooks 541). The notion of loyalty to the country may be an idealistic one. However, it clearly represents what factor or element unites Americans as a people. Even outside the American context, people should no longer be categorized as part of Red or Blue America, but a part of a truly diverse country where differences are observed in “cohesive” communities (Brooks
In the 2001 article “One Nation, Slightly Divisible”, David Brooks argues that the United States is not a divided nation, but rather a “cafeteria nation”, composed of different cliques of people with similar views. Brooks acknowledges the various theories created to explain why America is divided. Although some, more-so liberals, may believe that vast financial differences between the different socioeconomic classes make way for this divide, others, especially conservatives, insinuate that America is divided between two “moral” systems. This second theory argues that Red America adheres to its traditional, religious, and self-disciplined views, while Blue America reflects more modern, secular, and self-expressive views. In more rural areas,
The United States is looked at by the rest of the world as a country of chances, a place where it doesn’t matter who you are or where you came from. In reality, however, it’s quite different. Many say that America the Great will always be divided. Despite being an improbable idea, it is possible for the U.S to succeed by seeing the problems with division and clash, and allowing the benefits of unity to outweigh its own prejudices.
Boom! POW! Seeing America on the interstate is not a good choice. The author of the passage "The Best Of America is on the Blue Highways" explains why traveling Route 66 is the real way to see America. On the two-lane highways you can take as long as you need, but on the interstate you have to be fast. The author was effective in proving that Route 66 represents America because on the interstate the roads are flat and straight and has nothing to look at, Americans drove by Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica in the 20, and was not being fast passed.
As Washington said, “The name of ‘American,’ which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism, more than any [name] derived from local discriminations.” Washington supported this appeal to national unity by noting that each geographic region of the United States benefits from the preservation of the “Union of the whole,” whether by expanded trade, by greater strength against foreign nations, or by the security that internal peace within the United States
From this paper, the reader will learn a lot about America, and the things that are often glossed over when trying to present the country a patriotic and free. It is important to take steps like these towards gaining a broader picture of our nation and perhaps also the human mind. Doing these things almost always have positive effects on people and their worldviews.
The United States, often referred to as a “melting pot,” is known for its extensive cultures. This paramount aspect of the Unites States makes it so unique yet it also happens to be the center of its many conflicts. America, although seemingly doubtful due to the vast amount of cultures and people, has been able to withstand conflicts and adversities because Americans have been able to learn from the country’s past and find a way to use their differences to come together.
The United States of America has seen great change throughout its history. While a considerable amount of time has matured the nation, the core spirit of the American people remains unaffected. In spite of all the wars fought and problems that arose, the
In “The Right Road to America?,” Amy Chua informs her audience about the possibility of America’s national identity becoming lost due to the influence of immigrants. Chua’s defines her thesis by stating “Around the world, nations face violence and instability as a result of their increasing pluralism and diversity,” (336). The key points of the text includes Chua explaining why America and other nations could lose their core identities, how the United States could become unglued from its true meaning, and how citizens can fix this imminent problem. The information in this text is significant, especially in today’s society. With all of the issues about immigration coinciding with our current president, this text relates to current subjects
Washington reminds the Americans the importance of remaining united. He addresses the citizens by proclaiming, “The name of American, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of Patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discriminations (21).” He continues by acknowledging the achievement of independence and liberty was due to working together as one. Therefore, Americans, as a unified nation should guard and preserve the union of the nation. He is talking about citizens of the United States, whether naturalized or by birth, should put America above all. And that the very name, American, should conjure up strong patriotism. This new nationalistic uprising in the United States has come with a price - a huge increase of hate crimes under the guise of nationalism and the “Make America Great Again” slogan from the current presidential administration.
Social workers fulfill a unique role in policy creation because that is a time for them to advocate for the oppressed or individuals who are attempting to cope with the stresses of everyday life. Most social workers have the opportunity to work hands on in the field with clients during some point in their career, and during that time they are able to get a clear understanding of the problem the client is experiencing. In The Other America, Harrington makes mention of the poor and how they lost their connections to the world; that clearly depicts the importance of the social workers’ involvement with the creation of policy (Harrington, 1962). Since those living in poverty have been referred to as “politically invisible,” social workers are
In his characterization, Thomas Paine was correct in envisioning a diverse American, one that he describes as “people from different nations, accustomed to different forms and habits of government, speaking different languages, and more different in their modes of worship.” People are constantly immigrating to America which contributes to the diverse environment. The immigrants bring their different backgrounds and qualities, however, those traits are not always welcomed resulting in issues like discrimination and social divides. Contrary to Paine’s beliefs, eliminating divides is not as simple as “constructing a government on the principles of society and the rights of man.” While the government does put effort into diminishing the divide among people, the difficulties still remain and there is very little “cordial union.” Today, over 225 years since Thomas Paine
Over the course of the first century and a quarter of the history of the United States of America, what it means to be an American has been defined by a number of different documents. The authors of those documents have come from varied backgrounds all searching to find their place in the growth and development of this country. At the beginning of the nation, those authors came from the English tradition of what government should look like and what those who were looking to change that government should do. When the country experienced some early growing pains, many of those same people came together again to try and develop a new system of laws for the country. As the nation grew up, it also grew apart and faced arguably the most
America is a country full of ideas that create opportunities and memorable moments people enjoy with the company of others. Within the United States of America, diversity is a huge aspect that allows numerous races, ethnicities, and genders, etc. to roam our flourishing nation. Our nation is exceptional by having a beautiful range of natural wonders, collection of first-rate cities, and a wide variety of art and pop culture.The values and beliefs that unite Americans and define our nation’s purpose are the ideas of our nation steps forward to perform actions for the betterment of society, the lack of and enforcement of equality, and the citizenships that people fought to achieve.
America is commonly characterized as the greatest country in the world, the glorious “land of the free and the home of the brave”, “indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. This idealization of the American identity conveniently focuses on what people want to hear and blurs out most everything else. In reality, Americans do not live up to the dreamscape created by our views, and we never really have. America is no longer characterized by its freedom and democracy, nearly every first world country can afford that luxury. Nor are we set apart by the great opportunities given to our people, for those are far from universal. We aren’t equal, we aren’t unified, we aren’t kinder or smarter or richer than any other country across the board. It’s easy to find the shortcomings of American culture, all the things we aren’t, but the things we are have proven to be more elusive. First, let’s examine the nots.
“The John Hopkins neurosurgeon may not be politically correct, but he’s closer to correct than we’ve heard in years,” stated The Wall Street Journal. In One Nation, Dr. Ben Carson states many reasons and explains many factors that will sharpen up America. The roots of all of his arguments come from the founders’ intent. Ben and Candy Carson are the clear authors of this book and as you know they are currently running for political spot. There isn’t really any setting of the book because there is no real story. Carson dedicated his book One Nation to the millions of Americans who fought, sacrificed, and died to provide freedom and prosperity for us and our progeny. This is book is separated into three parts and I will be summarizing