
Summary Of Speech By Sam Quinones

Decent Essays

Sam Quinones’s speech on the true nature of the opiate epidemic was a truly eye opening and intriguing. From how the epidemic started and where it is today, he provided great context and told us of it from his own research and experience. I was very interested in how this all started, seeing as my knowledge of what he was speaking of never extended past the news headlines. According to Quinones, the epidemic has its roots to the mass prescribing of light opiates in the early 80’s to pain patients. There was never a whole lot of risk involved because the drugs seemed to be working. Then Purdue Pharma came along in the year 1996 and mass marketed and sold their drug “OxyContin.” The reason why this had such a large impact on public health was …show more content…

On top of the high potency and dosage, this drug was relatively easy to get prescribed and many found themselves addicted. After a patient’s prescription ran out, many doctors cut them off because they started to see how the drug was making them act. In the street, Oxy is a very expensive drug, about a dollar a mg. Many addicts couldn’t afford this price because there addiction lead them to need upwards of 150mg a day. This led them to find the equally as potent and much cheaper alternative to prescription narcotics, Heroin. Heroin was a rather expensive drug and was not very potent in America prior to the 90’s because it was only produced in the east and it took a long time to reach the US. Then a shift took place which lead many South American countries to start producing the drug and shipping it north to the United States through Mexico. It seemed that all of this took place at a perfect time for many pain patients to be incredibly susceptible to addiction to both prescription narcotics and heroin. After Quinones talked about the root of the cause, he then stated some the ways that he believes America can overcome The Opiate

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