
Summary Of Sugar Free: Not So Fast

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Madison Konur 7th Period-Article 1

Article Name: "Sugar Free: Not So Fast"
Bibliography Entry:
Waldron, Patricia. “Sugar Free: Not So Fast.” Today's Science. Infobase Learning, Oct. 2014. Web. 8 Sept. 2015. .
Part I: Who, When, and Where: Eran Elinav, an immunologist, and Eran Segal, a computational biologist, were the the researchers in this experiment. The research was performed over an eleven week period at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, and the results were published in the September 17, 2014 issue of Nature.
Part II: Why? Artificial sweeteners are not digested in the human gut, which contains a group of bacteria unique to each person known as the gut microbiome. Although the sweeteners are not digested, they do come into contact with the gut microbiome. Elinav and Segal …show more content…

Part III: What and How? The researchers started the experiment by giving one group of mice water with artificial sweeteners and another group pure water or water that had glucose or table sugar. Each mouse was tested to see how well glucose was cleared from the bloodstream. It was found that those that had just water or water with sugar were able to clear glucose from the bloodstream; however, the mice that had the artificial sweetener in their water ended up with glucose intolerance. Later, they did the same experiment but put the artificial sweetener and sugar in the mice's food, and they obtained the same results. Then they gave the mice antibiotics to rid the bacteria in the gut, and the glucose intolerance disappeared. Next, Elinav and Segal wanted to look at the effect of

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