
Summary Of The Achievement Of Desire By Richard Rodriguez

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Richard Rodriguez’s “the Achievement of Desire” is a reflective essay written to inform students about the woes of being a “scholarship boy” (338-355). As Rodriguez describes, the scholarship boy is a student who follows the educational game plan to the extreme. Rodriguez identifies as the scholarship boy who is determined to become like the teachers he has encountered. This need for education has unforeseen consequences. Rodriguez faces problems in his social life, academic life, and home life. In “The ‘Banking’ Concept of Education, Paulo Freire describes an education system built on ideals where a student must become like his teacher in order to be successful. Because of this fact, Rodriguez’s idea of the “scholarship boy” coincides with the ‘banking’ concept of education. …show more content…

Teachers restrict students from learning subjects that the teacher may not feel is trustworthy to them. Freire states, “The teacher presents himself to his students as their necessary opposite; by considering their ignorance absolute, he justifies his own existence” (217). In this statement, Paulo Freire shapes that in the ‘banking’ concept of education students are viewed as ignorant and incapable of critical thought; therefore, teachers believe it is their responsibility to impose their ideals upon students to help them become capable people. These people will be intelligent enough to complete the jobs placed before them but will not be able to think critically enough to stop any oppression the educational system will one day place on their

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