
Summary Of The Catcher In The Rye By Holden Caulfield

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Growing up has always had its struggles, especially to some in their teenage years. It’s a time in some lives where you start to see the world in a different way. In the highly acclaimed novel, The Catcher in the Rye, written by Jd Salinger, three days before he is supposed to be kicked out of yet another boarding school, Holden Caulfield takes a journey. He takes us with him as he looks at the human experience through the eyes of a seventeen year old boy. He takes us through the truth, the sadness and the insight to his pilgrimage. Holden Caulfield’s view of the world is pretty negative, but he does have many good reasons to be angry or upset. He had lost his brother Allie to leukemia; he had failed most of his classes, was getting kicked out of Pency and didn’t seem to get along with his class mates, just to name a few negatives on his life. Life was looking pretty sad for him. That’s why Holden decided not to waste his time at school and be on his own for a bit. On his journey in New York City, we see him stagnate from archiving happiness. Throughout the story, we can find Holden connecting to a few things in his life that are essential to his enlightenment. One is his red hunter’s hat. We can find Holden wearing or holding his hunting hat when he is feeling alone or feeling separated as an individual. Holden tells his neighboring roommate, Ackley, that it is not a hunter’s hat, but a “people shooting hat.” To Holden, this is like his security

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