
Summary Of The Danger Of A Single Story By Adichie

Decent Essays

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TedTalk “The Danger of a Single Story” is an effective monologue which highlights our perceived notions as to not always being accurate. When one narrates another’s background with bias information, we paint an unfair picture. The speaker approached the subject with a lighthearted, humorous, and most importantly relatable choice of words. Adichie began her monologue with showcasing a bit of her childhood, and how the books she had read caused a case of “a Single Story”. She begins to describe how those books had started to shape her young impressionable mind. The author then moved on to sharing a personal experience regarding a houseboy who came to work for them. “His name was Fide. The only thing my mother told us about him was his family was very poor.” (Adichie) As she went on to describe this phenomenon, Adichie …show more content…

The speaker never once pointed her finger at the audience, rather Adichie addressed it as a problem which we all contribute to it. Typically, when one is addressing a similar situation it is very easy to try and pass the blame, this takes away from the overall message due to it being accusatory. This was effective due to each individual in the audience being able to realize that it is instinct to judge, however, letting it cloud the entire perception of another is wrong. Reflecting upon her own ignorance regarding how she reacted to the realization of Fide, the houseboys’ family, Adichie would soon experience a similar case of “a Single Story”. The author moved on to share how stereotyping personally affected her in college.” when I left Nigeria to go to university in the United States... My American roommate was shocked by me. She asked where I had learned to speak English so well” This statement was only the tip of the iceberg, however, it is something we are all guilty of. As a society we believe if someone is foreign that we are almost superior in a

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