
Summary Of The Danger Of Silence

Decent Essays

In the video, “The Danger of Silence,” teacher and poet, Clint Smith delivers an iambic dialogue about the importance of communication and speaking up against injustice. Smith begins his delivery with a Martin Luther King, Jr. quote: “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends” (Smith, 2014). Martin Luther King, Jr’s quote consummately outlines the damage that is caused by silence. In an effort to remain impartial, we inadvertently reinforce our suppressive systems. The speaker, being of the catholic faith, recollects and shares a memory where he chose to sacrifice his voice (speaking) in observance of lent. It is during this sacrament, that Smith has an epiphany and is made cognizant of …show more content…

It also provides a clear, moral, and strategic outlook on how we can be a substantial voice for injustice. The textbook suggests that “the most important question to ask yourself is: will you do something about it, or do you think that it is someone else’s problem” (Gardner, Barefoot, p. 265)? In the fight between cruelty and justice, being inactive is equivalent to advocating wrong. The textbook encourages students to “unite, form action committees and make it clear that hate crimes will not be ignored or tolerated” (Gardner, Barefoot, p. 265). While taking a stand for justice may be a daunting and challenging task, it is very essential to dismantling injustice. Smith encourages his students to exercise the liberty to communicate openly and unapologetically with the following covenant: read critically, write consciously, speak clearly, and tell your truth. He concludes his monologue by asserting “who has to have a soapbox when all you’ve ever needed is your voice” (Smith, 2014)? Our voice holds an unimaginable value and should never be sacrificed at the risk of expanding the reach of

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